Inside Story: It’s Fun Sharing Jesus
Recently Joshua’s family moved from their country home into a new home in town.

Image © Janet Hyun from
Joshua wondered how he could tell the children in his new neighborhood about his friend Jesus. When he heard that some children would be going from house to house collecting treats to celebrate Halloween, he wondered what he could do to turn this holiday that didn’t honor God into a chance to share God’s Love. Then he had an idea.
“My brother, Stephen, and I decided that we could make cookies and put a Bible verse with each cookie,” said Joshua. The boys knew that Halloween can be scary with its emphasis on witches and ghosts. So the boys chose Bible verses that talked about peace. They printed the Bible verses on the family computer and tied one to each cookie bag.
As darkness fell on October 31, children began arriving at the family’s door dressed as princesses, witches, dinosaurs, and super heroes. Joshua and Stephen greeted each child and dropped a bagged cookie into the waiting sacks. “There’s something special for you with your cookie,” they told each child. The children seemed happy to receive the home-baked cookies.
Joshua and Stephen decided to expand their cookie-giving to other times of the year. As Valentine’s Day approached, the boys baked more cookies and gave them to people in a nursing home and to shut-ins and neighbors who lived alone. “It was great to see the smiles on people’s faces when we stopped to visit them,” Joshua said.
But Joshua doesn’t limit his sharing God’s love to cookie-making. He helps people with their yard work, picks up trash, and rakes leaves. “We go to the nursing home to visit people who don’t get visitors,” he says. “That can be very lonely.”
Joshua has found many ways to tell others about Jesus. Sharing God’s love is more than quoting Bible verses to people,” he says. “Others should see Jesus in our kind acts and words. I want to be sure that others see Jesus in me.”
Sharing God’s love and supporting world mission with our offerings are important ways to spread God’s message to a love-starved world.
Joshua Wade lives in the United States. He loves to share God’s love with others and has found many ways to do it.
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission. email: in**@ad**************.org website:

Sharing the message is not really hard. It can be thru actions or thru words. Simple ways of doing it is even more effective than making it complicated. Let's continue sharing the gospel even in our own little way.
By our acts and words we can easly point the sinners to the Lamb of God who taken away the sins of the world.
Amen praise God! What a heart warming mission story! God bless Joshua for sharing and may we all follow the good example set.
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I live in Kenya-Africa and i am totally challenged by this missionary report. I feel like i haven't done enough for God... Pray for us. I live in a very marginal area, Pokot, where illiteracy is highest in Kenya and I don't know the local language but am grateful, i find a few local youth whom i teach and they in turn teach the Word in their native language.
Pray for and with us.
God bless you
Out of the mouths of babes......What a lesson for all of us to do our part in the world where we are right now. It's a wonderful idea, baking cookies and delivering them with verses to the nursing home and neighbors.