Inside Story: Jonathan’s Wish
Jonathan is a quiet boy with a shy smile. He lives in a small village in southern Mexico.
One day his neighbor, Tia Maria, invited Jonathan to go to Sabbath School with her. Jonathan had never been to church before. His mother said he could go, so he agreed.
On Sabbath Jonathan and Tia Maria walked to church. He liked Sabbath School, especially the mission story about children from faraway lands.
When he returned home, Jonathan told his mother what he had learned. He told her the Bible stories and recited the Bible text. Mother listened with interest. But when Jonathan asked her to go to church with him, she said no. She said she had to work or take care of Jonathan’s baby brother. Jonathan kept inviting her, but she kept saying no.
“Mama, Jesus wants you to come to church, and I want you to come,” Jonathan pleaded. “All the other children sit with their parents, but I must sit alone.” Still Mother refused to go.
When the pastor announced evangelistic meetings, Jonathan hurried home to invite his mother to go with him. To his surprise, Mother agreed to go. Every night Jonathan and his mother walked to the meetings together. And when the pastor asked those who wanted to follow God in baptism to stand, Jonathan stood. The pastor visited Jonathan’s mother and explained that Jonathan wanted to be baptized. But Mother said that he could not be baptized since she was not a member of the church.
Jonathan was disappointed, but he was determined to follow Jesus. He often talked to his mother about Jesus, pleading with her to give her heart to God.
Mother thought about how happy Jonathan was since he started attending church. And he loved to read his Bible lesson and sing. Mother wanted the same joy and decided to attend church with her son.
On Sabbath Jonathan was surprised when Mother said she was going to church with him. They walked to the little church together. Jonathan showed his mother to her class. And during church Jonathan was glad that he didn’t have to sit alone.
When the pastor announced an upcoming baptism, Jonathan again asked his mother to let him be baptized. This time she said yes. Then she told the pastor that she wanted to be baptized too. Jonathan and his mother were baptized together.
Our mission offerings help introduce people such as Jonathan and his mother to Jesus. Thank you for sharing God’s love through your mission offerings.
Jonathan lives in Mexico.

Are there places were people still haven't heard the word of God? Because in my region, everyone seems to be an expert in the word of God. Talking to them about certain truth becomes a challenge.
David A.
There still so many places where people do not know God.
We read that he was the word changed into human body and I believe he was already full of the word as he is also Lord of Lords who is God. . he may have learned from parents but let us remember he is the word
Childrens ministry is so powerful! God help us to minister to the little children. And He said, "And a little child shall lead them."