Inside Story: Light in the Jungle, part 2
Juan had found Christ and discovered the Sabbath while reading the Bible in his jungle home in southeastern Ecuador.
God led him on a quest to a city several days’ journey away, where he met Adventists and asked to be baptized. But when the pastor asked him to stay in the city, Juan refused.
“I must return home and tell my family and fellow villagers,” he said. The pastor gave him bus fare to return home.
“We have a God who loves us and wants us to meet with Him on His Sabbath,” he told his family and friends. “He has many things to teach us.” At first few people listened to Juan’s message. But little by little some began to accept what Juan said.
Juan realized that he needed help to teach his people. He made the long journey back to the city of Ambato to invite the pastor to visit his village and help teach the people. The pastor agreed to go, and the two men flew to an airport in the rain forest. From there they met villagers who helped carry their equipment through the mosquito-infested jungles and across several rivers in oppressive heat.
The pastor taught them Bible truths and led seminars in health, marriage, and family life. Juan had prepared the people well, and by the end of the week 15 people were ready to be baptized.
After the pastor returned to Ambato, Juan continued sharing God’s word in surrounding villages. Five months later the pastor returned for another week of seminars and baptized 18 more people.
The villagers had built a large church of thatch and wood that was filled with worshippers on Sabbath. ADRA sponsored a literacy program to teach the people to read so they could read the Bible for themselves. Members of the Adventist church in Ambato conducted a large health ministry and Vacation Bible School program. And more people were baptized.
Four years later more than 135 people in Juan’s jungle home have given their lives to God and been baptized into the Adventist Church. Some of the new believers help Juan spread God’s message to those in other villages who are waiting to hear. Today simple chapels stand in several of these villages.
Juan thanks God for leading him to the Adventist Church and helping him share the gospel message with others. Your mission offerings help support Juan as he works among the indigenous people of southeastern Ecuador. A recent Thirteenth Sabbath Offering helped expand the Adventist radio network in Ecuador, making God’s message available to thousands who might not otherwise hear it.
Juan Saant shares his faith in the jungles of southeastern Ecuador.
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission.
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Go ye therefore is being carried out against all odds
I believe God can do wonders in our lives ,only if we as humans christians can open our hearts and listen to his instructions to us .my prayer is for God to help us listen and understand what he wants us to do to be saved.
yes we are to open up ourselves to His bidding. We are to let the Holy Spirit lead us into all truth.
God is the creator, maker and sustainer of our lives.
I do so look forward to His coming back to earth.
It is very urgent to publish the glad tidings of Jesus' soon return.
Very soon He will burst those clouds and welcome all those are faithful to Him.
let us keep faithful to Him and live day by day in His arms.