Inside Story: Making a Difference
When I was a child, my family lived near the Adventist church in our town in northern Namibia. Mother took us to church, though we weren’t Adventists. I liked church. On Sabbath afternoon, we’d go to Himba villages to sing and talk to them about God. Then when I was 8 years old, we moved away, and I couldn’t go to church anymore.

Willem Hifikepunye
Courtesy of CG Adventist Mission
As I grew up I began bullying other kids at school. I knew it was wrong, but I enjoyed the power. My parents kept me busy selling things in the market so I would stay out of trouble. One Saturday I slipped away from work to play soccer. I saw the Adventist church near the field and watched the children walking to church. They were dressed nicely and seemed so happy. I wished I could be more like those kids.
I left the soccer field and walked to the church. I recognized a few of the kids who went to my school. I expected these kids to treat me badly, but they didn’t. They welcomed me into their group. When church started, they invited me to join them. I was embarrassed. My clothes were old, and I didn’t have shoes. But no one cared.
During church one of the leaders announced that the new Pathfinder Club needed more members. I didn’t know what Pathfinders was, but it sounded like fun, so I asked to join. The leader invited me to the meeting that same afternoon.
I told my mother that I had attended church and wanted to go back. She nodded. In time I took my younger sisters with me. Then I invited my cousin. She started attending Pathfinders and eventually came to church.
I gave my life to God. Mother sees how God is changing me, and she’s glad. Others have noticed too. I’m done bullying people. God has showed me how the kids I had bullied felt when I treated them badly. Now I try to be kind to others, and encourage other kids.
God has given me a great job! I help record and edit Bible stories for the Himba people, most of whom can’t read. I’m happy that God is letting me help make a difference other people’s lives. My mother is Himba, and I want to help teach the Himba that Jesus loves them and wants them to live with Him forever.
A recent Thirteenth Sabbath Offering is helping us record more stories reach the Himba in a way they can understand and respond to. Thank you!
Willem Hifikepunye is a student serving God in Opuwo in northern Namibia.

That's vry impressive story of this. Young boy, I really enjoyed that he joined pathfinders club & he is able to teach his friends and relatives about the gospel of. God. Amen
Your story is impressive and educative, the moment you met Christ well all bad things were stop, glory be to God for giveing you a talent in his vineyard to take resposibility.
I thank God am going to narate your story in my district church in Ghana - Kumasi @ South Suntreso SDA Church.
The Church has more work to do in Northern Namibia, particularly reaching out to the OvaHimba community including those that may not have heard about the word of The Living God. Hifikepunye story is touching, but that the only way we can reach out to many.
Hifikepunye, your story is not only impressive but touching! If all Adventist could do just like you, I am sure we could hasten "the soon coming of our Lord". Unfortunately, most people still behave like the teachers and Pharisees "who preach what they themselves can't do"...Mathew 23: 4 on down..
glory be to GOD that story is really impressive and it is educating to both young and old may our good GOD bless u in Holy name of JESUS CHRIST.
That's wonderful! I admire the humble respond the boy initiated when the call came. His attitude and lifestyle is like that of Saul who became Paul. It's my prayer that God will use him as vessel to win more souls.