Inside Story ~ Portugal
Gift of 4,000 Euros
By Viriato Ferreira
A serious dilemma unexpectedly emerged on a Friday morning.
The architect of our VitaSalus Wellness Center announced that we urgently needed to put up railings around several buildings.
“If someone falls, you’ll be in trouble”, he warned.
We knew that he was right. VitaSalus – an Ellen White-inspired “center of influence” that works in harmony with the ethical, professional and spiritual values upheld by the Seventh-day Adventist Church – is located atop a mountain near the town of Penela, about 115 miles (185 kilometers) north of Portugal’s capital, Lisbon.
The architect put the cost of the railings at 4,000 euroes (U.S.$4,900).
I turned to our chief financial officer.
“Do we have the money?” I asked.
“Absolutely not”, he said. “There is no money”.
Worried thoughts filled my mind. Suddenly, a conviction struck me.
“Whose project is this?” I thought. “It’s not mine. It’s God’s project!”
I shared this conviction with chief financial officer and other people present at the meeting.
“God will supply the means for these railings”, I said. “Are you comfortable in going ahead and ordering the railings?”
They nodded their heads in agreement, and I prayed, “Lord, we are going to order these railings because they are really needed”.
We ordered the railings.
Five days later, on a Wednesday, I received an e-mail from someone whom I had never met.
“Doctor”, he wrote. “I just want to tell you that I have deposited 4,000 euros into the VitaSalus bank account”.
“Praise the Lord!” I exclaimed out loud.
I wrote him an e-mail describing the events of the previous Friday morning.
He replied immediately.
“Doctor, this confirms that the money is for this project”, he wrote.
“On Friday morning, I woke up with a desire to help VitaSalus. I have never been there, but I just had that feeling. Still, I wasn’t sure whether my wife would agree with me, so I prayed a short prayer, ‘Lord, if this is Your will, put the same desire in my wife’s heart’”.
“As soon as I finished praying, my wife came into my office and said, ‘Honey, you know that project in Penela? I think we should help them’”.
“I couldn’t believe my ears, and I asked her, ‘How much do you think we should give?’”
“’I think 4,000 euros would be good’, she said”.
What a lesson for me! Had we stopped our work at VitaSalus because we lacked the funds, we would have lost out on a big blessing brought about by trusting in God. It was not about the railings. It was about God showing us how His work can be fulfilled when we trust in Him.
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission. Find more mission stories at adventistmission[dot]org
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All Silver and gold belong to God. No one will be poor because they gave to God.