Inside Story: Terrified in Russia ~ Part 1
Terrified in Russia: Part 1
By Andrew McChesney
Unusual events began occurring at home after 16-year-old Almira signed up for courses on the supernatural in the Russian republic of Bashkortostan.
The year of 1992. The Soviet Union had collapsed the previous year, and public interest was high in once-banned religion. Two Russians from Moscow showed up at Almira’s school in the city of Sibay and offered extracurricular courses on extrasensory perception.
Almira’s parents forbade Almira from going to the courses.
The Russian teachers, however, promised to reveal amazing secrets, including how to heal illnesses. Mother had suffered headaches for some time, and Almira wanted to help her. So, she secretly attended the courses. She was taught that she was surrounded by invisible good and evil forces and, if she mastered them, could perform wonders.
Alone at home, she attempted to put into practice what she was learning. She carried out a one-sided conversation with unseen forces in her home, saying that she wanted to control them.
That night, when she turned off the light to go to bed, she sensed a presence in the room.
After a while, the presence manifested itself during the day when she was at home alone. Sometimes she noticed a shadow running past a window.
She was not afraid. She thought that she was strong and was on her way to controlling an invisible force.
As time passed, she realized to her chagrin that the force was stronger than her.
She could not control it.
Frightened, she stopped turning off the lights when she went to bed at night. She was afraid to sleep. When she finally slept, she had terrifying nightmares.
In desperation, Almira asked Mother to sleep with her. But Mother refused after a few days. She said she was having nightmares.
Over the next six months, Almira’s life turned upside down. Her grades suffered, and she seemed to be in constant conflict with teachers, friends, and her parents. She grew terrified. She didn’t know where to turn.
Read more about Almira next week. Thank you for your mission offerings that help spread the gospel in Russia and around the world.
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission. Find more mission stories at adventistmission[dot]org

This is really scary. Best to stay away from dabbling with spirits. Only the Holy Spirit is our safe Presence.