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Inside Story: The Disobedient Daughter — 1 Comment

  1. If different parts of the body have different structures it is a strength to the body. As it is, we have many structures in our church. In China there are several, none of which are like what we have in America. In the Netherlands the structure for voting policy is very different than what we have here. Just as a foot needs a different structure for the environment it is in and the job it needs to do so different parts of the church need to be different. As hands need gloves and feet need shoes so different fields need different support. And though both hands need gloves for protection in difficult jobs the glove for a left hand if forced onto a right hand will majorly hamper its ability to function. Just because a unit of the church is doing something different, it does not mean they are "going their own way" . Just as God allowed major differences in Acts 15 so we can too. Just as some of the early leaders' opposition to varying practices cut short Paul's ministry so we may in our insistence on a single structure cut short those God meant to help us finish the work He gave us to do.


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