Inside Story: Twice a Fisherman
Fabrice knew nothing of God or Jesus.
As a fisherman, he spent weeks at a time on board a ship. One day one of the sailors gave him a book about God. He read it with great interest. Following the book’s instructions, Fabrice prayed his first prayer.
Fabrice wondered which Christian faith was the true path to God. He really didn’t know who God was or where to find answers to his questions, but he continued praying in the only way he knew.
Then while visiting a friend, he met a young woman who was staying in his friend’s family. Fabrice realized that she was somehow different, and he learned that she was a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. He told her of his search for God, and she invited him to church.
The couple was married, but Fabrice’s job kept him away from home and slowed his search for God. He and his wife prayed for work that would allow him more time at home, and God answered.
With more time together, Fabrice’s wife gently guided her husband to a total commitment to Christ. Fabrice wanted to share his new faith with others, but he didn’t know how. The local mission sent him to a lay training seminar, and his faith grew as he shared what he had learned.
Fabrice and his family were called to work as Global Mission pioneers in a remote region of northern Madagascar. He worked with the villagers in their fields to gain the people’s trust, and on Sundays the couple held literacy training programs. In time 33 people were baptized.
When the family’s two-year contract was up, the family returned to their home. Fabrice worked as a lay pastor. He had a passion to work for God and wanted to become a minister. But with a family to support, his dream seemed impossible. Then the local mission offered Fabrice a scholarship to study for the ministry. He was thrilled, but it meant huge sacrifices for his family.
Fabrice had to leave his family behind while he prepares for the ministry at Zurcher Adventist University in central Madagascar. He works hard to provide for his family’s needs and pay his remaining school fees. “God stretches the little bit I can earn to provide for us all,” he says. “It’s worth it to become a fisherman for God.”
Part of your Thirteenth Sabbath Offering last quarter will help provide classrooms for Zurcher Adventist University, so that it can continue to train leaders for service to God in Madagascar. Thank you.
Fabrice Jaovoavy is studying theology at Zurcher Adventist University.
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission.
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