Inside Story: Twin Surprises in Finland
Twin Surprises in Finland
By Andrew McChesney
Simo Vehkavuori, a young literature evangelist in Finland, got a surprise as he went house to house in Lapland. When he rang the doorbell at one house, a woman opened the door and, seeing him outside, exclaimed, “I want to order that set of 10 Bible stories from you!” Simo didn’t even have time to tell her that he was selling books, much less mention that he had Arthur Maxwell’s set of 10 Bible Story books for children.
“You might be surprised why I’m ordering the books so quickly from you,” the woman said. “During the night, God gave me a dream, and in the dream He showed your face and said, ‘This man will come to your house. Order from him a 10-volume set of Bible Story books.’ That’s why I was ready to order right away.”
Another time, Simo stopped by a local business and offered the owner a copy of Ellen White’s The Great Controversy. “We don’t understand anything about this book,” the owner said. “But our daughter is the principal of a religious school. She will be here tomorrow. Can you come back?”
Simo told his twin brother, who was selling books with him in the town, about the appointment. “Please pray,” he said.
When Simo returned to the business, the owner introduced him to his daughter. The woman exploded in anger when she learned that Simo was a Seventh-day Adventist, and she harshly criticized the Adventist Church.
When she finished, he asked for permission to speak. “Dear principal,” he said, “You cannot imagine what a great God we serve in the Adventist Church! I want to follow the God whom we can serve wherever He leads. “
The woman looked surprised. “Young man, if God means so much to you,” she paused and turned to her mother, “Mother, can you give me some money? I want to buy all the books that this young man has.”
Simo prayed with the woman and her parents. Returning to the room where he was staying with his brother, he found his brother on his knees. He excitedly told his brother about God’s miraculous intervention.
Simo, now retired, smiled joyfully as he told Adventist Mission about witnessing God’s presence as he worked to fulfill the church’s mission. “It was an inspiring thing for me to see that God is behind His work,” he said.
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission. Find more mission stories at adventistmission[dot]org

Praise the Lord, for all; including the great God we serve!