Inside Story: Way of Salvation
I’m a young single young adult, and I live with my parents.
Recently some Adventists held meetings in my neighborhood in Nairobi, Kenya. I heard some young people talking about the meetings. They said that I could hear some good preaching and see movies about Jesus. I decided to go.
The pastor’s message touched my heart. I decided to go again the next day, and again I was blessed. I wanted to talk to the pastor who had spoken, but he and a group of others were on their way to a meeting with the youth. So I went with them. What a blessing I received!
I told my parents that I was attending the Adventist meetings, and they weren’t happy about it. They told me that I shouldn’t have gone there. I explained that I felt God’s presence there and had to listen to the message so I could decide for myself the way to salvation.
The next day I told the pastor that my parents weren’t happy that I was attending the meetings; he prayed for me. I continued attending the meetings. I decided to stay with an Adventist family for a few days so that I could learn more about what Adventists believe.
Then one night I saw my parents attending the meeting. I greeted them, and they seemed happy to see me. I told them that I wanted to join the Adventist Church because I had been studying the Bible and realized that these Christians taught the truth. They agreed, and I returned home with them. Not only did they allow me to continue attending the meetings, but they attended with me.
I thank God that I am now a believer. Praise God that my parents allowed me to go to the meetings. I have been baptized, and my precious parents are preparing for baptism. I know that it was the prayers I prayed as well as those who prayed with me that touched my parents’ hearts.
I thank God for the people who sacrifice their time and give their offerings so that others, such as my parents and me, can know the truth. I urge young people to keep on praying, for He will do something powerful in their lives.
Brenda Mwende shares her faith in central Kenya.
Produced by the General Conference Office of Adventist Mission.
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We praise the LORD for his, love, mercies and protection for our young sister, her parents and all ADVENTIST IN THE WORLD! AMEN!
God is waiting for us to join him in the mission work of expanding his kingdom, the only trouble is that we often think that we cannot make it. We need to recognize that our role is to preach the gospel whichever way we can participate in doing so, then God through the Holy Spirit convicts the hearts of men and draws them to himself. Matt 24
Stand for the LORD for his love. We need to recognize that our role is to preach the gospel whichever way we can participate in doing so, through the Holy Spirit.
Word of ecouragement to ma sisther,please stand firm in prayers cause satan is alive and need a newly christian like you.welcome and let our father in heaven glorifyed Amen