Jesus Won Their Confidence – Discussion Starters
- Winning Confidence. [Lesson 10 for September 3]
What type of confidence winning do you see most? (1) a Spirit-led first step to making friends for Jesus; (2) A Satan-driven attempt to feel good following his ways. Wait a minute. Can winning someone’s confidence be bad as well as good? Explain. Can churches and belief systems exist from winning the confidence of believers–without following God? Can we inspire the trust and belief of others without giving into selfish methods taking over? How? - A Careful Balance. Let’s select a large Adventist congregation–the Loma Linda University church. Should the leaders at that church inspire a strong and valiant congregation? Or should they be satisfied if people just come to church and contribute financially? Then there’s the little church in the countryside. Should the goal of that small church be to double or triple their membership? Or should they look for ways to witness even though they’re weak in numbers? Why?
Image © Lars Justinen
- A Good Name. Does the church you attend have a good reputation in your community? How would you know? What is the “social capital” at your church? Have representatives of your church ever sought to learn how community leaders would like to have your church help meet their local needs? Some Adventists think it’s wrong to vote or participate in government in any way. What do you think? Will God’s work benefit from a church that withdraws from the city and its members in every way?
- Artaxerxes and his country. “God moved upon pagan hearts.” Is there a need in your community that your church can’t afford to meet? Does your church have such good standing, that you can solicit–and receive–financial or other types of support to meet that need? Should we look for ways we can help our local communities beyond inviting them to evangelistic meetings? How? Why?
- Favor with All People. People who learn about our healthy life style, longevity, and mission work around the world are often amazed and, yes, bewildered. How can we help to turn that amazement into acceptance? Is your church even a little bit like the one described in Thursday’s lesson–the community wouldn’t miss you if you closed down. To turn that concept around, what could your church do? Who would benefit?

"...Wait a minute. Can winning someone’s confidence be bad as well as good? Explain."
In the world before the flood, I suggest that Noah was presented as an alarmist and a fanatic. "Wise men" assured the people that a flood of water was simply not possible. Among the people of that day were those with huge mental and scientific capability. These spoke with authority, and they held the confidence of the people. They carried a popular message - which amounted to "peace and safety."
Science today still holds the confidence of a lot of people. It assures them that God was invented by human-beings to comfort their fears, and to explain the unexplainable. It expresses contempt (sometimes openly, sometimes subtly,) for the idea that "intelligent design" is evident in nature. A great mass of so-called evidence backs up the scientific "No God" assertions.
How many young people today aspire to be "scientists"! because that field carries a certain awe and appeal. Even popular fiction cultivates the notion that science is worthy of our utmost confidence...
But when the veils are drawn aside, and things are seen for what they really are, I think that even we will wonder that we ever had so much confidence in the "prattle" of worldly wise-men.
Stewart, I believe you are referring to misplaced confidence in non-believers, rather than to believers winning the confidence of non-believers.
Believers winning the confidence of non-believers can, however, be less than good when the believers misrepresent God in their lives and have too much confidence in themselves.
While none of us perfectly represent Christ, it should always be our goal, and when we in sincerity seek to imitate His example, He graciously holds His hand over our failings and allows others to see Jesus in us. We should seek to win people's confidence so that we can direct them to place their confidence in Jesus. When, on the other hand, we hold on to people's confidence and fail to direct them to Jesus, I believe we are on a dangerous path.