Lesson 6: The “Change” of the Law – Singing with Inspiration
The introduction to this week’s lesson points out:
“Don’t Forget the Sabbath”, Hymn 388 because:
“We Love Thy Sabbath, Lord”, Hymn 390.
Sunday’s lesson gives us:
Hymn 518, “Standing on the Promises” with Monday ending in:
Hymn 517, “My Faith Looks Up to Thee” and therefore:
Hymn 214, “We Have This Hope”.
We are reminded again on Tuesday:
“Don’t Forget the Sabbath”, Hymn 388
The study for the rest of the week revolves around the Sabbath Day, for which there are a number of hymns:
Hymn 381, “Holy Sabbath Day of Rest”,
Hymn 387, “Come, O Sabbath Day”
Hymn 393, “Lord of the Sabbath”,
Hymn 384, “Safely Through Another Week”, and
Hymn 385, “Crowning Jewel of Creation”.
May the Lord our God, bless you on the Sabbath Day – and always.
Matthew 24:27 – “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be”.
Hymn 633, “When We All Get to Heaven”