Lesson 9: End-Time Deceptions – Singing with Inspiration
Welcome to another week of Singing with Inspiration.
The Sabbath afternoon introduction to our studies instructs us to “cling to Jesus and to His Word”:
Hymn 272, “Give Me the Bible”, and then immediately tells us how to in Deut 4:4:
Hymn 600, “Hold Fast Till I Come”:
Monday once again brings us Hymn 272, “Give Me the Bible”, followed by:
Hymn 518, “Standing on the Promises”.
The end of Tuesday’s lesson asks why we must “stick to the Word of God” – once again giving us:
Hymn 272, “Give Me the Bible”.
To counter the Theory of Evolution (Wednesday), please don’t forget the Sabbath in:
Hymn 388, “Don’t Forget the Sabbath”.
The real Trinity is revealed to us in the Bible and sung about in
Hymn 73, “Holy, Holy, Holy”.
May you be richly blessed in your study of The Word of God.
Matthew 24:27 – “For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be”.
Hymn 633, “When We All Get to Heaven”