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Sunday: Lo Tov — 29 Comments

  1. As God made the animals prior to Adam on the 6th day of creation (and then Eve on the 6th day too?) Adam was not alone for too long was he? Yet he sensed that he was a singular entity, unlike the rest of creation - that's a fast realization - has anyone got any thoughts on this point?
    God always amazes me!

    • It is very clear that Genesis introduces the creation very summarized. The creation during six days. Then, in chapter 2 there is detail of it;; if you read carefully, you will fill like the timing was not by day. But, it indeed was. Beacause when the same book of Genesis explains abouth the seventh day, the capter 2 says: " the day God created the heavens and earth. In order not to create any confussion regarding the timing, the Bible is very clear regarding it, "... and it was the evening and morning one day..."

      You probably think, thou, that the hours of one day was not 24 hours, probably more, because the sun got light on the third day, not before. The book of Daniel clearly reveals the velocity in which an angel may fly from heaven to earth; so what speed the earth had at that moment that is not implied there? That speed gave Adan the opportunity of doing everything in one day, and the Lord, then, created Eve.

      GOD bless you and gives you wisdom. AMEN

  2. Marriage is God's gift to man. I gather that God intended for Adam to experience that need for companionship before He gave him that gift. When you recieve somthing that you truly desire you will appreciate it more. Even though sin has affected marriages, it is still honourable by God and total surrender to the one who instituted marriage can make it successful.

  3. Does the fact that God identified a feature of creation that was "not good" suggest that he made an error which he then corrected by creating Eve? Does this then give credence to critics who may doubt God's perfection and also His authority? Or was this part of his plan to demonstrate to us the importance of relationships in particular marriage?

    • I don't believe that it shows that God made an error because that is out of His character. This was meant to stand out to us. We are to understand the importance of the union that God created for Adam and Eve. He shares with us during the course of creation how Eve was apart of Adam. It wasn't good for man to be alone, and remember creation was not completed yet when he made that statement.

    • I believe God does not err, A gift can only be very much appreciated when its needed most, so Adam really appreciates the gift of Eve from God

  4. It is gratifying to note that God gave Adam(us men) a wife to meet an inner need and erase "not good". Men then have greater responsibility to retain this important gift from God himself. How then can marriage be so threatened by evil in the present times and men seem helpless? Lets turn to the giver for divine protection.

  5. I find this lesson, so inspiring, it really makes me think, especially on the John's declaration that God is LOVE. For Love to be true, it demands there must be at least one other, and it seems further to suggest, that 'other' must be of the same 'kind' ... hence the ability to reflect love as exemplified in the Godhead.

    For God to be love he cannot just be a singleton, but indeed (like a single family, one Unit, many members) he must have at least one other member [of the same kind] to share mutual consideration and cooperation.

    God is indeed LOVE! 🙂

    • Pearl, realize also that men are created to help women. The word "help meet", means a creature that is fitting, suitable, compatible, someone like you that can truly help you and whom you can help as well. In other words, a dog or horse could not be a suitable companion for man or woman, though we might find a certain companionship with them. I would also imagine that there might be someone you would gladly wish to be a helper to, and someone who would give themselves fully to help you.

      It's an equal provision, and neither man or woman was meant to be the sole servant of the other. Adam could have helped Eve had she not wandered away alone.

      • Robert Alter, a Hebrew scholar of great talent translates "helpmeet" as "sustainer beside him." He elaborates "'Help' is too weak because it suggests a merely auxiliary function, whereas 'ezer elsewhere connotes active intervention on behalf of someone, especially in military contexts, as often in the Psalms." "The Books of Moses," A Translation With Commentary.

        Actually the dual male/female nature of humankind in Genesis 1 and 2 is a reflection of "the image of God." For He is One, yet refers to himself as "Us." In the same way, they are one. I go into this in some detail in this video:

  6. Marriage is heavenly and holy. It's God's plan to have man and woman come together, and the sequence after the creation of Adam and Eve. May we pray so that our marriages reflect the will of God

  7. As long as we are together in mind, in body, in prayers, in bible doctrine readings, our marriage will be well and in love through with involvement of God.

  8. No! The land animals were created, then Adam, then all the animals were brought to Adam to be named, during which Adam noticed that they were in pairs, then Adam realized that he was lonely, THEN, a companion was made for Adam; AND God gave away the 1st bride; all this before sunset of the 6th day, for both Gen l:28 noted that God made male and female in God's image and Patriarchs and Prophets noted that the woman and the man kept the 1st Sabbath with God in order to celebrate the creation of everything that God has made.

    • Hi leydi, according to the lesson Lo tov means "not good". This is referring to when God said it is not good for a man to live alone

  9. Marriage is good as long as both persons commit their lives and everything to the Lord. They will have a sucessful marriage.

  10. I would like to remind us that it is not every question that we will get an answer to it, anything that the Bible did not provide an answer for, we should be careful and take it in good faith, and remember the answer that God gave Job. There are somethings that are beyond Man's understanding. Just believe with the Bible.

    • I agree David. Adam was never "alone" since God was with him. I seriously doubt that while walking with God, Adam became lonely for a partner. Or that he thought "it's nice walking right next to the Creator of the universe but it would be even better to have a partner..." There are many things we will just have to accept for now without attmpting to explain God's creation with our very limited minds.

  11. Is this thought possible? That if Adam had appreciated God's creations, which God Himself had deemed GOOD, then God may not have created Eve... Why did Adam feel alone?

  12. Marriage is a delicate gift from God looking at man's mindset after seeing the animals in pairs. i believe thats when Adam felt loneliness and God provided
    him with a helper not a slave or punch bag. Since marriage is a gift it means you dont look for it but God bless you with a suitable partner hence when He sees that you are capable for a marriage


  13. I think, this weeks' lesson of the study guide will help most couple to understand marriage very well. It is an institution that God himself created,blessed and particular about its sanctity. If marriage couples would understand this, their marriage homes would be a small heaven on earth.

  14. When god said helper that does not mean the help that is going on in the house doing laundry or any thing else, but can be considered but what God mean is that when man is working for God he needs helper who can support him evangelize his words.

    • If a man is not working for God why does he need helper, he can live the way he likes. Gods intention for Man is to work for him and when a man works for God he needs to be free of every thing so his mind and body is clear. When He works for God he needs some one to support him in his life.


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