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Love – Much More Than A Feeling — 5 Comments

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed this article. I could tell it was written by someone who had witnessed to people for a living, because he is very open and direct in the way he relates. Plus he is very confident in his explanations of a tabu holiday. I liked how he was open about his feelings about his wife. Very well written and full of good advice. Thank you.

  2. Very insightful article, thank you for the gift. To the question, "Do Christians need a day to express love", the answer was given as a commandment long before Mt. Sinai when Yahweh set aside the seventh day and made it Holy. He gave us that day, "The sabbath was made for man", Mark 2:27, to spend all day loving Him. When we honor His wishes for that day, our love naturally extends throughout the week to all those we encounter. This day of love is an unimaginable blessing if we focus on the reason for the Sabbath. I think he knew us so well that He created exactly what we need to become the light to the nations he desires of us. So, let us hold on to the privilege of Sabbath-keeping, and if we do it for the right reason He will fill us with His love, a love this world is dying for lack of.

    • Thank you for reading and responding to my article. I initially considered going with the concept of the Sabbath being a "day of love" to God, and our fellow man, however I didn't want to limit it. I agree that Sabbath is a day to worship God and do good for humanity. We want to be "seven day Adventists," not just on the Sabbath, but all the week. Seven days Adventists, that's what we need to be.


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