Monday: Characteristics of the Kingdom of God: Part 2
What do the following texts teach us about what citizenship in the kingdom of God is about?
Luke 18:16-30; Luke 12:31-33; Luke 9:59-62
Entry into the kingdom of God is not dependent on one’s status or position, or one’s riches or the lack thereof.
Luke, along with other Gospel writers, points out that one must come to Jesus with an attitude of uncompromised surrender, absolute dependency, and childlike trust; these are traits of those who have entered the kingdom of God. They must be willing to give up everything, if need be; for whatever they would not want to give up would be something that, in a sense, not only competes with Jesus but, in fact, wins. Jesus, and His claim on our life, on every aspect of our life, takes top priority. This makes sense, because, after all, it’s only through Him that we exist to begin with. Thus, of course, He should have our complete allegiance.
Read again Luke 18:29-30. What is Jesus saying to us, and what is He promising? To have to leave parents, spouse, even children for the kingdom of God? That’s a demanding commitment, is it not? Jesus is not saying that these actions are required of all believers but that if one were called to leave these things for the sake of the kingdom of God, the kingdom of God would be worth it.
Dwell on Jesus’ words about letting the dead bury the dead. What important truth is He expressing here about not making excuses to keep from following Him when the call comes, no matter how valid those excuses might seem?

Perhaps because of the prevalence of abuse among sinful humans some may feel that the concept of submission is repulsive and best avoided or left in the past. However it is an indispensable characteristic of subjects in the Kingdom of God. When as God the Son of God was sent to earth He submitted to the Father’s will and thereby set an example for His creation (1 John 4:14).
One of the dangers the Christian needs to especially guard against is a sense of overestimated spiritual maturity. That one has sufficient knowledge and experience of faith and love to always do what is right is a pitfall to avoid. Acknowledging poverty of spirit is a blessing to those who would enter the kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 5:3).
Jesus declared the only way to enter the Kingdom of God is as a child (Luke 18:16, 17). Like disciplined growing children the faithful honor their obligations when their imperfect love does not naturally move them to. They get some encouragement through positive incentives (rewards) and negative incentives (punishment) until they become mature in love and incentives fade from their mind (Luke 18:29, 30).
They claim no real ownership of anything loaned to them by God, but are content to depend on their Keeper and give up stuff (Luke 18:22). They accept that they get to make choices, but not do as they please.
They use their free will to do as their Father pleases until they are one with the Father and what pleases the Father also pleases them (John 8:28, 29). Like necessary food they understand the importance of submission and practice it early and often, and eventually always (John 4:34).
Having been involved in education for most of my life I have always been aware of the human ability to learn and develop understanding. Little children have an enormous capacity to learn, and I think that this is one of the reasons (not the only) Jesus said what he said in Luke 18:16-17.
When I graduated with my first degree from university, I thought I had arrived, wearing my academic regalia and testamur in my hand One week later facing the real world I realized how much I still had to learn. 50 years later I am still on that journey.
A person who is willing to learn is willing to listen to others. People who think they know it all already are very difficult to teach. The willingness to listen to others is something that lies at the heart of learning, developing relationships, and growing in Christian experience. It does not mean that we absorb what others say without question. But we need to recognize that there is no point where we can say that we have arrived.
Life, marriage, education, salvation are all journeys, not destinations. In this sense we do need to be like little children, willing to grow and develop.
I too have experienced the elation of graduation and receiving awards for different projects. At the time I thought I knew a lot, but like Maurice Ashton, I realized that I knew very little as I traveled along life's highway, in fact we humans know only a tiny insignificant particle of the total knowledge of the universe, yet strut in arrogant pride spitefully in the face the Almighty.
As to whether we are the latter day pharisees, no doubt some of us are, because while we think we know it all and walk in spiritual pride, we close the only door through witch the Saviour our Lord can enter change our stony hearts to ones in His likeness.
So the kingdom of God is like a little child, before he is influenced and molded by bigotry, hatred, prejudice and satanic practices of the world. Little children learn by observation and hearing, but this is also true of adults. Mahatma Ghandi ounce said "show me a Christian and I shall become one".
Are we practicing what we preach? Jesus said "not all who say Lord Lord, shall enter the kingdom of God, but the who do the will of My Father"
God bless you all to be humble and learn of Him who came to serve.
y Father
Apologies for the typos and spelling in the above blog, but that what comes when you are too much of hurry!
Keep up the commentary and don't be shy, we all have something to say. John K.
In my room,I put the bible on top of other books and I thought that was the right way to put away my bible.When I visited my friend,he kept his bible at the bottom of the pile of books lying on his table.What! I thought this was a big mistake and I inquired why he did this.The answer I received was life changing."The bible is the foundation of my reading," he said."that is why I put it at the bottom of all my books." Sometimes we might think we know it all only to realise that pride lurks in our hearts.James 4:11
I too recognise my inability to 'become as a little child' so that the Spirit of Christ can teach and guide me to a life of peace, humility and meekness. Yes, a child is dependent on the parent (Christ) for guidance, sustenance and shelter, and without that dependence we will never make it to the kingdom. Reliance on self is the main reason we stumble and fall repeatedly. It has been said that the best time to expose someone to a new language is when they are very young. As an adult I know how difficult it is to relinquish control of my own life and become as a little child so that I can be taught the language of God's love. Pride goes before that really hard fall and I am grateful for the reminder in today's lesson.