Monday: The Fall and Its Aftermath
The Bible does not say how long a period of time existed between the finished Creation and the Fall. Days, weeks, years, we just don’t know.
What we do know, however, was that there was a Fall, and the consequences were immediate and apparent.
The first mentioned result of Adam and Eve eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was their sudden realization of their nakedness (Gen. 3:7). They sought to cover themselves from the presence of God. Their robes of light now disappeared. (See Ellen G. White, Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 57.) Their intimacy with God was disrupted because of their newly discovered intimacy with the self-centeredness of evil. God then sought to educate the first couple in regard to the consequences that their sin had created for them.
Read the following texts and identify the immediate consequences of Adam’s and Eve’s sin as seen in each passage. Also, how are these same consequences manifested today?
No question, the Fall was real, the Fall was hard, and the Fall was terribly consequential for the race. The long, sad story of human history, right up to current events, reveals the tragic consequences of sin.
How thankful we can be, then, for the promise that one day the tragedy of sin is going to be over and done and never repeated.
What are ways that we, every day, live with the consequences of our own sins? |

There will be no more tragedy and sins .So we have to keep God's commandments and Jesus is the only way to heaven and we have to believe in him and we will be saved..
Wisdom is before him that hath understanding ,but the eyes of a fool are in the ends of the earth ..
Its not we keeping the Commandments its the righteuoesness of Christ who will that will keep the commandments for us.
As long as we stay connected we shall not fall.
Where did you learn this concept? What bible verses support this idea?
What about these?
"For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous." Rom 2:13
"Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous."
1 JN 3:7
"that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit." ROM 8:4
"Here is the patience of the saints; here are those[a] who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus." Rev 14:12
Jim bob the Bible is full of texts to support one thought or another. A few of the ones that come to my mind are Romans 3:23,Romans 5:8, Ephesians 2:8,and 2Peter 3:9. What ever determinations have been made, there will be sufficient questions enough to go around.
Those 4 verses do not support. Mike's position.
Please refer to Neh 8:8.
This verse is very significant.
"If anyone's will is to do God's will, he will know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority." JN 7:17
Thank you, Jim bob. May our minds be open to truth as spoken in the word of God.
Receiving the grace by choice...
Forgiving the results of weaknesses
Keep goin by learned lessons after the great mistakes
Be of great factors to live life and happiness to other by passion of Divine love
When we live for God… We will bless mankind and minister to man.
However, when we live for man and man is our god, then we will become a curse to mankind. That is what has happened to our culture.
Man worships man, and the result is corruption. Let's get this thing back on course with God’s way. The Bible way!
We're still experiencing the consequences of sin that we found in Genesis 3. We're good in covering our sins, blaming each other, fathers not providing the necessity to their family for it's hard labor, making mother work and providing the family instead of father, difficulty in giving birth and many more.
When one hears about the fall (I take it as the second fall), automatically one should focus his or her mind is Judgement on the second coming of Jesus Christ as king of the universe. I tremble at that thought. where will I be standing, let's ask ourselves!!!
We have a cancer of dodging about responsibility of wrong-doing, and always assuming someone else is accountable or that someone is being critical unto our every deed! BUT UNTIL WE CAN TAKE RESPONSIBILITY AND DETERMINE TO KILL THE SELF THAT SHADOWS US FROM REALIZING WE WENT WRONG BECAUSE OF PRIDE, THE CONSEQUENCES OF SIN WILL CONTINUE TO EAT US AWAY INTO AGONY AND FURTHER SUFFERING. When we say we have no sin, then we deceive ourselves 1 John 1:8 read also 1 John 1:7-9.
We have to acknowledge like David in Psalm 51:3,4 and then remember by ourselves we can do nothing John 15:5. But God can give us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ: 1 Corinthians 15:57. He can make us anew: 2 Corinthians 5:17.
Very true, I do agree with you there. There is a serious element of care free attitude which needs to be corrected or changed in us
There will be persecution and tragedies,but if we remain steadfast in the Lord Jesus Christ we will be saved
I thank the true and living God The Father of all who I s able to keep us from falling and if we fall Gilles us the strength to seek restoration in order to rise again
Gen 3:16 is a verse that many/most pastors and bible teachers do not understand the significance of.
The English word "desire" in the verse is misleading and usually misinterpreted.
The NLT gives the best sense...
Then he said to the woman,
“I will sharpen the pain of your pregnancy,
and in pain you will give birth.
And you will desire to control your husband,
but he will rule over you"
This version makes the most sense as to why God said, "He will RULE over you."
Desire is also in Gen 4:7, where it gives a clue as to its real meaning. The Hebrew word is teshuqah
"You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.” Gen 4:7
Gen 3:16 is the result of...
About Eve....
"And now, having herself transgressed, she became the AGENT of Satan in working the ruin of her husband."...
"In answer she URGED him to eat, repeating the words of the serpent, that they should not surely die." PP 56
That was God aware that Surely man was going to sin? If yes, then could we blame God for mans pain and sufferings?
Praise be to God for His awesome love that the fall and its consequences is not permanent!
Interesting thought Jim Bob.are you inferring that it is the entrance of sin that gives man the desire(teshuqah,tesuqa) to rule over or to control?
The fall must have been an incident that painfully broke the Heart of God to the last nerve. I can imagine all that He had in mind for humanity,how He envisioned us in eternal happiness. But because we were created as free moral agents, the choice Adam and Eve made led to what we are now living with-SIN. A dreadful aftermath. This is a lesson for us all. Our choices matter so much. They bring about consequences. So to be safe, we must make choices that are God-Inspired. By all means, as we live, let us be careful of each and every decision we make. Moreover, every decision inspired by God plays a part in the work of restoration.