Monday: The Falling Away
Read 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12. What does Paul predict about the last days? What identifying marks does he give for the beast, the antichrist power?
The apostle Paul warns the Christian community of a “falling away” from the truth of God’s Word. He is concerned about the seeds of apostasy already present in the New Testament church, which would flourish in the coming centuries before the second coming of Christ. A counterfeit gospel would come into the church, distorting the Word of God.
Satan is the one who is behind this apostasy. He is the true “man of sin” who desires to exalt “himself above all that is called God” and sits in the “temple of God” (2 Thessalonians 2:4). But the “great deceiver” works through human agencies to accomplish his purposes. The identifying characteristics in Daniel and Revelation reveal that the little horn of Daniel 7:1-28, the beast of Revelation chapters 13 and 14, and the “lawless one” of 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17 represent the same entity.
The SDA Bible Commentary states it this way: “A comparison with Daniel’s prophecy of the blasphemous power that succeeds that of pagan Rome … , and with John’s word picture of the leopardlike beast. … reveals many similarities between the three descriptions [the little horn, the beast power, and the lawless one]. This leads us to the conclusion that Daniel, Paul, and John are speaking of the same power, … the papacy.” — Volume 7, p. 271.
It is extremely important to remember that Bible prophecy is describing a system of religion that has compromised God’s Word, substituted human traditions for the gospel, and one that drifted away from biblical truth. These prophecies are given by a God of incredible love to prepare a people for the coming of Jesus. They are a rebuke of apostate religious organizations that have departed from God’s Word, though not necessarily the people in them (see Revelation 18:4). Our message is about a system that has deceived millions. Though deceived, these people are much loved by Christ. Hence, we must treat them accordingly.
“Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 7:12, NKJV). How must we apply this principle in dealing with the theme of the beast powers in Revelation chapters 13 and 14? |

The notion that church organisation is important is a good one. It can provide a bigger picture and direction than individuals working independently. An individual may not have enough money to make a trip overseas to spread the Gospel, but collectively we can all contribute to that person going as a missionary. But, organisation requires leadership and structure. And that leads to administration, control and discipline. And somewhere along the line, the organisation develops a life of its own and becomes the church and the individual becomes a pawn in the establishment.
In that environment, politics flourishes firstly in the form that "I know what's best for the church". And from there, the slippery slope gets steeper and the church either disintegrates or becomes a faceless monolith concerned with its own existence.
We can go over the history of the papacy and see that happening. It actually started long before the papacy began. But we don't need to study history to see where Christianity has been perverted by power, greed and injustice.
In today's news there is an article about the downfall of a rather famous church here in Australia that was so popular even prime ministers were numbered in their congregation. There is an enormous fall from grace reported in the article as it details the manipulation and control of its congregation. It essentially depicts the upper hierarchy of the church as running a pyramid selling scheme under the guise of spiritual growth and renewal. For the leaders, it was all about the image of the church in the eye of the public, and ultimately the veneer cracked and it revealed the sordid details of its financial affairs and moral behaviour.
Atheists are not stupid, they see this hypocrisy both historical and current and dismiss Christianity as a sham. And for those of us who claim to rise above the greed and power thing in our effort to gain eternal life, they have this message, "You are just as greedy - you want to get it all for eternity!"
Rather than pointing the finger at apostate Christianity and enumerating their faults and mistakes, it is time to ask ourselves where our own Christianity is heading. We like to quote Paul and his message about "falling away" in terms of doctrinal purity. But in our concern for doctrinal correctness is it possible that we have lost sight of the biggest message of all: Our love for God is expressed in our love for one another.
Maurice, atheists (and I know several whom I call genuine friends) are not stupid, but they are gravely deceived and in need of salvation (e.g., Psalm 14:1; 53:1). But unfortunately, most of the atheists that I have encountered are not convinced that they are in need of salvation, irrespective of how Christians behave. Most atheists don't have an intellectual problem with Christianity; they have a "heart" problem that is ultimately fueled by the fact that they want to be their own god. This reflects the general depravity of mankind.
With respect to the atheist view that Christianity is a sham due to hypocrisy, this is an unfortunate reality of human nature because no one is free from pretense, Christian or atheist, and for this reason we need to point people to Christ, not Christianity. We can't control what other Christians do or how Christianity is perceived by the masses; however, we can individually do our part to change the narrative, which involves both love AND "doctrinal correctness." It doesn't have to be an either-or proposition 🙂
I would like to address the question posted on Monday's lesson:
This is in line with what Maurice wrote in his last paragraph. Let not our own opinions about SDA's doctrinal teaching be enforced upon others. Instead, let the spirit and the love of Christ reign upon them first. Then, we can let the Word of God do the rebuking.
The presentation of the prophecies, especially when shared with people of other faiths, must be done in love. I am not the one who is going to convince anybody of anything. Who does that is the Holy Spirit. I do my part, and God does His. The important thing is that all must have the chance to have at least heard from this LOVE.
Amen and Amen to this statement of Ellen G. White. But even here, what are the reasons for "Our Faith in regard to Sabbath and Sunday?" What good is keeping the Sabbath of the Fourth Commandment if we do not show in our own lives "Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Meekness, Goodness, Temperance, Faith, Honesty, Purity, Loyalty, etc. and etc. of God's and Jesus' and The Holy Spirit's sinless and flawless Characteristics?"
What good? By continuing to honor the Sabbath there is a higher probability of listening to the Holy Spirit, fellow Sabbath School attendees, and the Pastor's sermons, then choose to follow the teaching. Maybe there has been a baptism, but no full conviction. I see that as hope for the Sabbath keeper. He and/or she finally sees the love of Christ clearly enough, and finally takes action, with the power of God to make a change, keep the Sabbath, plus begin being a transparent medium (love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, meekness, goodness, temperance, faith, honesty, purity, loyalty, etc., and etc), Christ's glory to display. We finally answer the call of the Holy Spirit to let Christ live out His life within us. Hope for our Sabbath peers can pay off.
Yes, John Herscher, there is. However, even Ellen G. White said that we could never equal "The Pattern." So then, what? It is not until God gives us "Glorified Bodies," that we then can say that we are "Saved and Sinless." And that does not happen until after Jesus comes and gives these to us.
2Thess.2:10 states that - ”some will perish because they did not receive the love of the Truth, that they might be saved. The market place of ideas is full of shoppers, anyone holding any form of believe or leaning can find something that meets his/her expectation and imagination of that which they will/can consider as truth - but there is only one Truth; the Word of God.
Being a believer fully immersed in the life of the kingdom of God is life-changing! Those who are lukewarm in their application of the Faith of Jesus Christ are the ones who will become caught up in the ‘great falling away’; they did not come to the full knowledge of the Truth of God’s Word – 1Tim.2:3-4; 2Tim.3:7.
They did not receive the love of the truth” through the Holy Spirit because they loved the wares of this world more. Their shallow believe in the Word of God will not be strong enough to satisfy them, and so they continue to 'shop around' for the latest version of truth offered in the marketplace of ideas. The merchant offering a ‘better’ fit in which they can incorporate their ‘pleasure in unrighteousness’ is waiting already – 2Thes.2:12.“
I am certain that as many as may leave the organized, traditional church, they do not abandon to follow the 'core' aspect of the organized churches doctrin of 'doing good works', helping those who fall on hard times. What seems to happen in the western world, though, is that more and more people fall on hard times, and religiosity is being governed by certain groups which decide and mandate how to help and who is a ‘good’ citizen of man's kingdom – 2 Tim.3:5.
As long as man thinks of himself as the source of what is ‘good’, he eventually will choose a representative to be placed on the 'throne of man's righteousness' to be admired and worshiped. But there is no transfer of life-giving power through those ‘good’ works done by man. The life-changing effect when ‘doing good works’, only comes as the author of ‘good works’ is revealed. ‘Doing good’ without telling where ‘good’ comes from, gives God's scheming counterfeit the admiration due to God – 2Thes.2:3-4.
Loving the Truth - let us not forget the Creator and Author of all that is good - ”For we are God’s masterpiece, created in the Messiah Jesus to perform good actions that God prepared long ago to be our way of life.” Eph.2:10 ISV; and again - "For we are His Creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them.” - Eph.2:10 HCSB
I love reading your comments Brigitte. I agree with everything you say here.
I have noticed a difference between our good works and doing the good works of God. The Bible tells us, as you wrote, that God has prepared good works for us to do. So I have what I want to do for good works but I know that the Holy Spirit can also lead me to do his good work that he had planned for me to do. If I listen to myself, then I find myself becoming overburdened with doing good works. But when I listen to God through Jesus Christ, my father guides me in the good works He has for me, and my burden is lightened (Matthew 11:28-30)
Those who are God's sheep can know the difference between His voice and theirs (John 10:27). He pays attention to even the smallest things. For example, yesterday I had an appointment with my physical therapist. I was involved in some work in my house and suddenly I heard Jesus' voice and he told me to stop because it was time to leave. To my surprise, He was right; and I was so grateful to Jesus for helping me be on time for my appointment.
Dear Celeste – thank you for sharing your thoughts. Doing ‘good’ presents the opportunity to understand one’s own sinfulness in light of God’s Goodness. Even though we live in a body of sinful flesh, God’s Grace causes us to be born again, able to live the way of our original design.
Rom.7 records Paul’s comments about sin, law, and his struggle to separate the new life from the old, referring to himself as a ‘wretched man’. It is difficult for the mind to understand that the good we do is not generated by our flesh and blood, that our new nature's ability to engage our Creator's goodness is what produces the good works.
For man to express His Goodness was our original design, but sin destroyed this relationship-based ability.
Though, through His Grace we are now able to be born again and live this way as we live in Christ Jesus, as He is in the Father and we are in Him through Jesus His Son. This relationship restores the ability to do ‘good actions prepared long ago to be our way of life’ - Eph.2:10.
This old body, this living soul, by itself, is void of the ability to contribute anything toward doing good works. It is all because of the Grace of God that we are able and desire to express His Nature of Goodness and Righteousness and not our own sinful nature - John 15:4-6.
The much debated 666
Revelation defines it as the number of man --
Yes, Satan is the one who is behind this apostasy. He is the true “man of sin” who desires to exalt “himself above all that is called God”.
So what does he tempt mankind to do?
We see right from the beginning in Gen. 3, he fills human minds with desire to "be like God", to exalt self and one's own thoughts above the commands of God. All earthly humans and earthly powers that take the things of God and exalt themselves above all that is called God, are following his program.
The papacy has been well documented to do just that, and the number applies to her. However, the number appears to include more than that, and is applied to all who follow in that path of substituting human wisdom and power in the place of God. Thus exalting self above God.
The number six is the worlds number; a world that stands in defiance of God's commandments. But 666 repeats the number in ever increasing strength. It occurs in units, tens, and hundreds. Rising in supposed value, but never reaching God's sacred number -seven.
But six is severed from seven by an impassable gulf. Notice how the apostle John stops his accounts of the seven seals, trumpets and plagues after the sixth. He stops and gives additional information, then in the seventh God takes over! Six is the number of the world in the time of probation, they have a choice but most disregard the warnings not realizing they are heading for the final judgment; hence there is a pause between the sixth and seventh seals, and the sixth and seventh trumpets and the seventh plague. In which thoughts are expressed that the world is gathering into one of two camps to face judgment.
In the seventh we see Christ claiming his people and the earth as His.
As A.Fausett writes in his commentary:
In spite of having three versions of seven heads (dragon Rev. 12:3, sea beast Rev. 13:1, scarlet beast Rev. 17:3) all three with seven heads will never reach seven, only 666. One of the heads was mortally wounded, to make up for it the scarlet beast tries to bring up an eighth. But it doesn't work.
I see a lot of symbolism pointing to the 7th day Sabbath in this. God gave us His Sabbath as a sign that He is our God, our Creator and it is He that sanctifies us. Only He can lift us out of the 666 realm, into the realm of perfect signified by the #7. He asks us to "remember". (Ex. 20:8-11, Ezekiel 20:12,20)
And yes, there has been, and is, a falling away on this point, and once one important command of God is dismissed, it's easy to dismiss many other commands of God and replace them with mankind's ideas of what is good. Once a person exalts self above God, God's will becomes optional to them.
But in the face of evil, which making God's law optional brings, these same people will try to re-instate the Sabbath commandment, but will legislate Sunday in its place.
Interestingly, it is called the eighth day and given many nice reasons for offering it to the Lord. But the LORD said, remember the seventh day which I have bless and sanctified
Hi, Ulrike. I had heard an idea along these lines, but never quite so clearly spelled out. Your analysis of the symbolic meaning of the number 666 appears sound.
This seems to me to be another both/and situation. Seeing that John clearly calls upon us to "calculate the number of the beast," which is "the number of his name," (Revelation 13:16-18 NKJV) I have no doubt as to the validity of adding up the Roman numerals in "VICARIVS FILII DEI," which is objectively a blasphemous name. This might be valuable in startling someone who is slow in recognizing the many other identifying characteristics of the sea beast.
Don't the symbols in the Book of Revelation generally have a precedent elsewhere in Scripture? If I am looking for the number 666, it comes to mind that Solomon acquired 666 talents of gold every year (2 Chronicles 9:13-14) in direct violation of God's command that the kings of Israel were not to multiply wives for themselves, nor greatly multiply silver and gold. (Deuteronomy 17:14-17)
So, I agree that this prophecy should be a caution to all of us, not to become self-sufficient and independent of God, nor to do things our way, according to our own human wisdom.
Some years ago, someone came up with the idea that the name of Ellen Gould White, equalled the number of 666 in Roman Numerals. But I never went on to research this at all because EGW never claimed that she was God at all. EGW and her writings all and ever uplift Jesus all the time. The Papacy and Roman Catholicism with their Catechism go on to say that Jesus is God but also go on to claim that His Mother Mary is also because she was His Mother. Then they go on to claim that The Pope is His Representative of God here on earth.
"Don't the symbols in the Book of Revelation generally have a precedent elsewhere in Scripture?"
Yes, go to Daniel 3.
King Nebuchadnezzar just had a dream of an image, symbolic of the earthly powers arising after Babylon.
Daniel had explained that he, Nebuchadnezzar, representing the Babylonian empire, was the head of gold. But after him would come kingdoms of lesser value, silver, bronze, iron....
Nebuchadnezzar liked the first part, but the rest was troubling him. So he built a replica of that image, but not of the different metals shown in his dream, his image was all of gold, to symbolize his kingdom would last and not fall to other kingdoms.
What were the dimensions of that revised image?
Sixty cubits high and Six cubits wide, six cubits deep.
And look in Revelation -- the name Babylon is still here in the end of time and it still represents a counterfeit and again we see 6,6,6.
Hi Ulrike, I love this reference to Daniel and the image Nebuchadnezzar made! Only thing is that I only see 2 dimensions of the statue listed in the narrative of chapter 3 (height x breadth ). Can you refer me to the verse showing the 3rd one? Thanks!