Monday: Jesus and the Law
Read Matthew 5:17-20; Matthew 22:29; and Matthew 23:2-3. What is Jesus saying in these contexts?
Jesus taught His disciples obedience to the Word of God and the law. There is never a hint of Him doubting the authority or relevance of Scripture. On the contrary, He constantly referred to it as the source of divine authority. And to the Sadducees He said, “You are wrong, because you know neither the scriptures nor the power of God” (Matt. 22:29, RSV).
Jesus taught that a mere intellectual knowledge of the Bible and its teachings was insufficient for knowing truth and, more importantly, for knowing the Lord, who is that truth.
What does Matthew 22:37-40 tell us about Jesus’ view of the law of Moses?
In this statement to the lawyer, Jesus summarizes the Ten Commandments, given to Moses nearly 1,500 years earlier. It should be recognized how Jesus focuses on the Old Testament law and elevates it to the highest level. Many Christians have incorrectly concluded that here a new commandment is given, and thus somehow the Old Testament law is now replaced by the New Testament gospel. But the fact is that what Jesus is teaching is based on the Old Testament law. Christ had unveiled and revealed the law more fully so that “on these two commandments” (summarizing the Ten Commandments, the first four of which focus on the human-divine relationship, and the second six of which focus on human interpersonal relationships) “depend all the law and the prophets” (Matt. 22:40, RSV). In this way, Jesus also uplifts the entire Old Testament when He says, “the law and the prophets”, for this is a shortened way of referring to the law, prophets, and writings, or all three divisions of the Old Testament.
“He [Christ] pointed to the Scriptures as of unquestionable authority, and we should do the same. The Bible is to be presented as the word of the infinite God, as the end of all controversy and the foundation of all faith”. — Ellen G. White, Christ’s Object Lessons, pages 39, 40.
What (if any) competitive sources of authority (family, philosophy, culture) might be pitted against your submission to the Word of God? |

Do not think
Don’t even let this thought enter your mind because mind is the seed where imaginations run wild without control. We build our castle on 10% truth 90% imagination. Christ is being firm don’t even entertain the thought of Me is abolishing the law.
Because of my action don’t think I am setting aside the law of God. My action is not against the law of God. It is against the traditions which is now impeding the true keeping of the law of God. Yes, I want to abolish the human traditions which has marred the character of God.
The principle of the law will be obeyed in its entirety in My life declares Jesus.
How do we know Jesus obeyed the law perfectly?
John 14:29-31
29And now I have told you before it happens, so that when it does happen, you will believe. 30I will not speak with you much longer, for the prince of this world is coming, and he has no claim on Me. 31But I do exactly what the Father has commanded Me, so that the world may know that I love the Father.
Satan himself could not find any foothold in Christ to hold him at the grave.
Aren’t you glad for a perfect savior?
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets"
What has the world done with this phrase?
We have done the very opposite of What Jesus had said and to make matters worse we quote Him to abolish the law.
5 For your iniquity instructs your mouth, and you choose the language of the crafty. 6 Your own mouth condemns you, not mine; your own lips testify against you. John 15:5-6
Hi, Devaraj. I believe you meant Job 15:5-6
Now we come to a topic where we will see people's true opinion as to whether they really believe the Word of the LORD.
When Jesus relied on the Law and the Prophets as His authority He was referring to what we call the Old Testament. He explained what He really meant when He gave them to the children of Israel. He demonstrated what it means to love God and your neighbour. He fulfilled in reality all the lessons He was teaching them in the Tabernacle.
I believe that it was the pre-incarnate Jesus Christ who spoke to Moses and others, so it was Him who outlined the social Principles needed to live in harmony in a group.
He repeated the instruction given through Moses - Deut 6:4-6 the LORD is the only God, love Him with all your heart, soul, and strength, and these words given to you will be in your heart.
So I believe I should consider the Law and Prophets in the same way as Jesus does.
However, Jesus did not have inherited or cultivated tendencies to sin like we humans do. So therefore, no matter how close we come to obeying "The Law" and even with God's help to do this, we come short of "flawless and sinless obedience to it" and only Jesus' sinless and flawless obedience in my behalf is required for God to then accept me as being "Flawless and sinless," in obedience to "His 10 commandment law."
Peter, have you read in the Revelation how the remnant will follow the Lamb "withersoever He goeth"? What does this mean?
See also Zephaniah 3:12,13 where the prophet describes the remnant of God.
Is Jesus then to be some sort of white-wash for His people, or is Jesus able to "keep you from falling, and present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy"? In other words, does the apostle speak the truth when he wrote that we may become "partakers of the divine nature" as we "add to your faith, virtue, and to virtue, knowledge...." etc(2 Pe 1:3-10)?
It is true that while we are sinful when we come to Jesus, and as our life will be a continual work of overcoming, that His righteousness will cover our imperfections, but does this mean that we cannot gain that victory over sin in this life? What then is the meaning of God's "exceeding great and precious promises"? How did Enoch walk with God? Lastly, what will the redeemed do after probation closes if they are not overcomers?
No one will feel perfect, yet there are promises to "him that overcomes". Paul describes the church as becoming "without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing", having been washed by "the Word". Rev 7:14 supports this idea as well.
Thank God for Jesus. Because none of us are able to fully keep the Law. We may try, and we should. But our nature goes against what is holy. Our blood is dirty and we are doomed to failure. That's when Christ enters. He can help us to be faithful to the Word by a change of heart. And we are really having this opportunity now. Without a true change of heart we cannot praise Him. It does not matter how faithful we can be to the Law! Because we are normally worried about appearance! Jesus came to show us that the Word is true but the Way is Him! Jesus is the solution for the distance between the Word and humanity! Jesus is the Word!
Search me O Lord and know my heart today.
Jesus and the Law
Matt 23:2-3. Do what they say but not what they do.
These are powerful words even today. Many tell us what to do, or we tell others what to do, but are they and us doing what we say to others.
Many times we say, repeat, study the Ten Commandments but are we doing them. Jesus was hated by others because his life was too clean for them.
Jesus was misunderstood by His brothers because He was not like them. . . . The example of Jesus was to them a continual irritation. He hated but one thing in the world, and that was sin. He could not witness a wrong act without pain which it was impossible to disguise. . . . Because the life of Jesus condemned evil, He was opposed, both at home and abroad. His unselfishness and integrity were commented on with a sneer. His forbearance and kindness were termed cowardice. DA 88
Do people hate us because we are keeping all ten of the commandments?
What exactly is “divine authority”? Is it an authoritarian authority that is being referred to or an authoritative authority?
What is it about scripture that makes it “the source of divine authority”?
The Author of scripture is Divine. Doesn't that make the scriptures "the (only) source of Divine Authority"?
Doesn't Jesus present the Word of God as such when He answered the temptations of the devil in the wilderness?
To your questions, Phil -
It is the ultimate authoritative authority. I speak about the relieve and sense of 'homecoming' I experienced after my life's search for the unmovable, unchanging, unshakable Truth lead me to the revealed JESUS and to understanding His mission!
When mankind desperately searches for meaning, purpose and the infallible Truth, we are 'found' by God and united with His Spirit, the Source of Creation of all that is and then can 'understand' life's meaning and purpose and Truth. We have become again united with the Spirit of God.
God has provided mankind with the message of redemption, letting us know that there is a new life waiting for us to live for a while here on earth in preparation for the life forever in His new kingdom. How else would we know this Truth/Fact but by revelation from the source - the Creator of all things that are?
I believe that kernels of the Truth are found to be embedded in many different sources and can be unearthed by the ones that seek truth.
And 'if you seek truth with all your heart and soul and do not lean unto your own understanding', you will be found by the Savior and Redeemer of mankind at the journey's end; waiting for you - Jesus - to welcome you back into the family of God!
Christ is not found in any other writings described as the Savior of mankind, risen from the dead and living now awaiting the time of His return to bring about the new life and Kingdom her on earth.
Without the Scripture - His Holy Word of Life - , we would not 'know' Him or know that we are 'known' by Him.
In the Scripture, God describes the history and the future of the world. He chose Abraham, started to raise and multiply a chosen people, brought them back from Egypt to settled them in the Holy Land to make the way for the Savior of mankind to spread the Gospel of the New Kingdom to all mankind. How exciting is this Truth!!!
Psalm 119 is one of my favorite texts. We usually quote verse 105 - 'Your word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path' - but all the verses give the reader the heavenly light to direct us in all things.
2nd Timothy Ch.1:7 - 'For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and love and of a sound mind!!!
BELIEVE it - LIVE it - and rejoice that you are are known by our Father in Heaven as His child.
"...the ultimate authoritative authority..."
Well described. And as you have further mentioned, it is that because it is "infallible Truth" - the Truth of how life is to be lived if you want abundant life and of how every other way of 'living' can only lead to perishing/death.
Thanks for your response...
In response to the Bible study question:
What (if any) competitive sources of authority (family, philosophy, culture) might be pitted against your 'submission' to the Word of God?
The word 'submission' raises my hackles and turns on the 'alert' light.
There are multitudes of competing sources to vie for our agreement with them.
But, in our search for the Ultimate Truth, and, once we are found, we are able to understand that Truth and would be foolish to not 'submit' our 'wisdom and understanding' to this Holy Truth.
We are wise to make sure that the 'submission' is done in full agreement with the Truth, though be it by faith, about the revealed work/mission of our Savior Jesus Christ.
If one does/can not submit then fully and wholeheartedly and joyfully lives that what he/she believes, than one could conclude that that person is still sitting on the fence.
Peter, your comment made me think of Zecharia 3, where Satan is making accusations against Zecharia. Jesus rebuked Satan and then removed Zecharias filthy garments and covered him with a clean garment. For me, the key thing is that the filthy garments were removed before the clean garment was put on. Zecharia did not take off the filthy garments, but he had placed himself in the presence of the one who could remove them, which is what we must do daily. Jesus was faced with much bigger temptations than we can imagine. He was God, he had the power of heaven and earth at his disposal, but he chose to never use that on his own behalf. He submitted to Gods will, just as we can, showing us the way we should live.
Just a minor correction. It was Joshuah, the high priest, depicted in Zechariah 3, and not Zechariah himself. Your point remains, that his garments were first removed.
Rick, you’re right, I don’t know why I said Zecharia. My fingers work faster than my brain sometimes.