Monday: A Knowledge of God
Pride arises in those who don’t know the Lord in a personal way. In contrast, the person who lives in communion with God will be humble, for he or she is constantly in touch with the One who is infinitely greater than any of us. When we think about the size of the universe and realize that we are worshiping the One who created that universe, and that this same God suffered in the person of Jesus on the cross for us — it’s hard to imagine how we could struggle with pride while keeping these thoughts before us.
Read Proverbs 30:3–6. What do these verses tell us about the power, majesty, and mystery of God?
The expression knowledge of God
is to be understood as meaning knowledge about God.
Five rhetorical questions are then asked, which force us to recognize just how much about God we really don’t understand.
Read those questions in Proverbs 30:4. What challenge do they present to us?
Because God is the Creator (the first four questions), He remains far beyond our understanding (the fifth question). In the book of Job, God challenges Job with similar questions so that Job would realize that he could not comprehend God or His ways (Job 38–40:2).
The fact that God is the Creator, and that we cannot fully understand Him, gives us a crucial lesson regarding how we should receive His written revelation, which scholars are always questioning. Who are we — whose understanding of even the simplest things in nature is clouded and full of mystery — to challenge the Word of God, even the parts that baffle or disturb us?
Dwell on the grandeur and mystery of the creation itself. What should these tell us about the grandeur and mystery of the Creator? Why should this grandeur and mystery give us comfort and hope?

The things of nature that we now behold give us but a faint conception of Eden's glory. Sin has marred earth's beauty; on all things may be seen traces of the work of evil. Yet much that is beautiful remains. Nature testifies that One infinite in power, great in goodness, mercy, and love, created the earth, and filled it with life and gladness. Even in their blighted state, all things reveal the handiwork of the great Master Artist. Wherever we turn, we may hear the voice of God, and see evidences of His goodness....This make s me humble fully in Him who makes n holds my future..The Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.' I Sam 2:2. Glorious things are spoken of God; he transcends our thoughts, and the praises of angels. God's glory lies chiefly in his attributes, which are the several beams by which the divine nature shines forth. Among other of his orient excellencies, this is not the least, The Lord is a God of knowledge; or as the Hebrew word is, A God of knowledges.' Through the bright mirror of his own essence, he has a full idea and cognisance of all things; the world is to him a transparent body. He makes a heartanatomy. Rev 2:23.
True indeed. In order for us to be humbled, we need only look at God's creation which is greatly wonderful and is filled with mysteries known only by our Creator. At the Cross of Calvary we behold the Lamb of God - Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, who willingly gave His life as a ransom to save us from eternal death. Indeed this Sacrifice dissolves all the pride haboured in the human heart. It is the presence of Christ in our hearts that vanquishes pride, and makes us truly humble.
"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross." - Philippians2vs 5- 8
Let us embrace Christ's humility.
How big is God?
The view some people hold of the Creator in relation to themselves inform how they react when bad things happen to them, especially if they classify themselves as ‘good.’ They may blame God or question His goodness when they think they have been cheated of due protection or favors they are entitled to (Job 40:2). Notwithstanding the evil which befalls others some may delude themselves into the notion that they deserve better than the terrible lot they end up with in this life.
It is easy to forget or discount all the past goodness of the Lord when fortunes turn south. The thought that the Creator is indebted to His creation arises from a small view of the God of Heaven. Job apparently made that mistake (Job 32:2; 35:16) and had to be set straight.
Some may suggest that God is bound to do certain things for mankind, because He is love, as if He had no choice, while holding that humans have to do nothing, just make choices out of love. It is not the Creator who is bound by obligations, but the creation.
That the human race gets away with so much is evidence of unmerited favor and abundant mercy, not entitlement. It is the great privilege of fallen finite mortals to be considered by One who is infinite, eternal and beyond investigation (Job 11:1). If Jehovah never did another good thing for us He has already done more than enough.
Irrespective of how sure we are to get there, if the Supreme judge decided we were not fit for Heaven He would still be the God, who is love. Regardless of our eternal destination we will confess this; if not now, then later (Romans 14:10, 11).
So how big is God? Too big to tell. Just go ahead and praise Him!
Amen for this wonderful lesson reminding us of how great the God we serve is. He is "mighty than the mightiest, He reigns from above." I tremble thinking that when we in our human tendencies dare to blame or question His Word. We are back in Eden playing the blame game when our sin is exposed. We do the same by pointing to others and sometimes to God. We should be humble in trying times and know that God has overcome sin on that Cross. Like Job in Job 2:10, may we be thankful BOTH in trials and in blessings for they come from God.
True knowledge of God comes only through knowing Him intimately, like the relatiionship between husband and wife - friendship and intimacy, sharing secrets and exposing the soul. True knowledge of God makes us humble, always putting God first because there is no way I can be like Him - ALL POWERFUL; He goes everywhere with me because Jesus left Heaven to live with man and He went back to intercede for us; God controls everything, nature, the universe; He never breaks His word; He is our protector. No wonder eternity will be never-ending. That's how long we shall need to get to know God and to explore His creations "out there" - but especially to become truly intimate with God - our Creator, King, Lover and Friend.
You are on point, Maureen. I look forward to that day where we can spend time with Him with no interruptions. Just the King and I.
I appreciate all of the post made on this subject. I am experiencing difficult times right now. But knowing and trusting in God's promises is providing me with the strength, hope, encouragement, faith, and will power that I need to surrender to His will and direction every moment of the day. I press on because I know that God has complete control of everything that concerns me. He loves me and will provide for my needs.
Indeed, Regina, the best thing you can do in difficult circumstances is just to trust God. In fact this trust will actually help you in your physical circumstances.
What God said to Israel in Isa 30:14 is true for us too: "In quietness and confidence shall be your strength." A quiet trust in God will give us strength of mind and emotion to deal with difficult circumstance, and God cand bless us in these circumstances if we trust Him.
"Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows."
Matt 10:29-31 (KJV)
Back in 2013 AP wrote a story based on data from NASA demonstrating that in our galaxy alone there are 8.8 Billion stars (like our sun) with planets in the "Goldilocks Zone," an orbit not to hot , not too cold, to sustain life. That's in OUR GALAXY ALONE! The Milky Way. (AP 11/04/2013 // Journal: Proceeding or the National Academy of Science)
NASA has further identified at least 200 Billion (and suspect up to 500 billion) other galaxies in the universe. That's 8.8 Billion X 200 Billion planets that could possibly sustain life! You do the math! And we thing we're alone? Not hardly!
The Creator has such broad plans for us. Isaiah 55:7-10 tells is that his thoughts are higher than our thoughts as the Heavens are higher than the earth.
[Editor's Note: This was also reported on in the NY Times as "Far-Off Planets Like the Earth Dot the Galaxy" and on PBS as "NASA finds billions of Earth-like planets, but we won’t live there anytime soon."]
Dan, as far as I can tell all of those figures that you are excited about are greatly exaggerated wishful thinking by people who dearly want to prove that we are not a unique happening in the universe. As atheistic materialists they don't like the big G problem and will do anything to get rid of it so to them we just happen by chance. That is why astrophysics are so wound up about multi-universes because the theory essentially nullifies the fine tuning problem and does away with a special creation and therefore the necessity for God.
Here is a link to an article that is one in a series that you should read and understand.
Haven't had the opportunity to read the link you provided yet.
I see it as an affirmation of the Creator-ship of God in any event whether exaggerated or diminished. My plans for Eternity include traveling to the Goldilocks Zones an a discovery mission and tell any inhabitants therein of the marvels of God's Grace which they have undoubtedly heard of, but have never experienced!
Dan, don't get me wrong on this, I honestly believe there are other inhabited worlds out there. It is just the for us to find life outside earth would be supporting the materialistic arguments against God so I don't see God allowing that to happen. Even with that I think we should be prepared for the unthinkable since it wasn't too long ago that the SDA church said that God wouldn't allow people to venture into outer space and yet we are there.
Indeed! We have made some rather bold statements, have we not?
An interesting commentary. I never cease to be amazed at the expansion of Astronomy since I took it in College. The glossary has expanded considerably!
The observation I found interesting was this quotation: "None of these announcements of planets in or near the habitable zone should be big news by themselves. They are in a way meaningless, because we presently can't follow up on the initial act of discovery."
In other words they can neither confirm nor deny NASA hypothesis because at this point it has not been replicated.
I would expect that to be an honest approach.
I also note that the author suggest the uniqueness of our solar system stands basically unchallenged.
All interesting in view of Job 1 etc.
Here i understand that nothing we possess, everything belongs to God
so let us focus onto Jesus Christ.
The text in proverbs 30:3,4 is not talking about planets. It is about God and His Son (verse 4). Yes, the universe makes us feel small (David did) Psalms 8:3,4. This Agur in prov. 30 sums up this wisdom in verse 5 and 6 that the Knowledge of God is in His Word.
"Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.
Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar."
Prov 30:5-6 (KJV).
The Knowledge of God is in the Plan of Salvation- "What is His name or what is the name of His Son?" The Plan of Salvation tells us that "His name and His Sons name is LOVE"
That is the Knowledge of God.
If i don't have this knowledge- Prov 30:32 says,
"If thou hast done foolishly in lifting up thyself, or if thou hast thought evil, lay thine hand upon thy mouth."
Its not about how big the universe is- its about this:
"What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
Psalms 8:4 (KJV)
It is about the sacrifice the Father and Son made on our behalf. Without this knowledge- everything else is nothing.
Paul said, "For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. 1 Cor 2:2 (KJV)
This is the knowledge of God- Praise the Lord