Monday: Learning from Jesus
There is no better and more inspiring example to follow than Jesus Christ. He was familiar with the Scriptures, and was willing to follow the written Word of God and abide by it.
Read Luke 4:4, Luke 4:8, Luke 4:10-12. How does Jesus use Scripture to counter Satan’s temptations? What does this tell us about how central the Scriptures must be to our faith, especially in times of temptation?
Jesus knew the Scriptures well. He was so intimately familiar with the Word of God that He could quote it by heart. This familiarity with God’s written Word must have resulted from precious quality time with God in studying the Scriptures.
If He had not known the exact words of Scripture and the context in which they appear, He could easily have been deceived by the devil. Even the devil quoted Scripture and used it for his own deceptive purposes. Thus, just being able to quote Scripture, as the devil did, is not enough. One also needs to know what else Scripture has to say on a subject and know its correct meaning. Only such familiarity with God’s Word will help us, like Jesus, not to be fooled by God’s adversary, but to be able to resist the attacks of Satan. Time and again we read about Jesus opening the minds of His followers to understand Scripture by referring them to what “is written” (Luke 24:45-46; Matt. 11:10; John 6:45; etc.). He assumed that those who read the Scriptures can come to a correct understanding of its meaning: “What is written in the law? What is your reading of it?” (Luke 10:26, NKJV). For Jesus, what was written in Scripture is the norm that we should live by.
In John 7:38, Jesus — the Word of God made flesh — referred His followers back to what Scripture said. It is only through the Bible that we know that Jesus is the promised Messiah. It is the Scriptures that testify about Him (John 5:39). Jesus Himself was willing to abide by the Scriptures, the Word of God committed to writing. If He was willing to do that, what does this tell us about what we should do, as well?
What has been your own experience with using the Scriptures in your battle with temptation? That is, when tempted, did you start reading the Bible or quote Scripture? What happened as a result, and what have you learned from that experience? |

I like the conversation between Jesus and a Lawyer:
Jesus used the lawyer's knowledge of Scripture and the lawyer's own answer from Scripture to get his point across. This of course was followed by the parable of the Good Samaritan. It's not knowledge but application that is important.
Maurice -
Yes, the lawyer was given an answer by Jesus to direct his thoughts, but Jesus also brought out a point beyond that he should 'love his neighbour'.
Luke 10:37 - showes that the lawyer had given the right answer as well as understood that this kindness expressed - Mercy. ..'Then said Jesus unto him, go and do you likewise'. To do likewise, meant *to show Mercy*.
The lawyer knew of Mercy, but was He able to express this Mercy from his heart? Inspired understanding/interpretation as well as inspired application are both indispensable to our walk by faith.
If we do acts of kindness out of any other motivation than allow God's Mercy to be known, if we have just the slightes feeling of pride in the work we do and accept praise whithin ourselves for it, it would not be the act of kindness Jesus was referring to.
It is always God's Mercy working through us and He deserves all the praise for it all the time.
Luke 10:25-26 the lawyer asked what shall I do to inherit eternal life
Jesus asked the lawyer two different questions:
1) what is written in the law
2) how do you interpret it
Isn't the second question what we have been studying even debating all quarter?
It seems to me that we agree the answer to (1) is "Love the LORD", but unlike the lawyer for some the next question is -what is the character of the LORD? Is it written in the Law? Is it Love? Does He forgive sins or sinners?
Is your answer straight forward or do you need a long debate?
My answer would be - God demonstrated His own love for me, in that while I was still a sinner Christ died for me Rom 5:8. For God made Jesus who knew no sin to be sin for me, that I might become the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ 2Cor 5:21
What is your answer?
This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, ......but their heart is far from me. Matt 15:8
Knowing the scriptures my memory does or doesn't mean anything if my heart is not into it.
-A woman once told me about her brother who is of the faith. Their mother died and he decided to take all of her lands and change it over to his name leaving out all the other children. She said he will quote different passages for every pain in your body. When he prays, you will think you are in heaven.
-A another told me about her uncle. He had the most time on hand so the family asked him to manage their mother finance. Before she died without the others knowing, he change all her stuff into his name. They are seeking legal help.
-These are the stories we hear about everyday. Sometimes it is so shocking when we hear them about our beloved church members. What about us? Is such mentioned about and among us? The bible admonished us not to let such be mentioned among us.
Presently I have a sibling who is taking care of our mother finance. She gave no report, she said no one has anything to do with that finance. When I speak about he wrong doing, she will send me scriptures in chat and text. She will tell me what text to read in the bible. She goes to church. I am praying about the matter and asking the Lord for guidance.
'What has been your own experience with using the Scriptures in your battle with temptation?'
Knowing the scriptures to me is good, but using then in the right way and for the right reason is another thing. Some people use the scriptures to curse others or to put a spell on others.
I had a controversy with someone in the past. A gentleman who supposed to know the scriptures told me to read a certain passage of scripture for so many days, at a certain time of the day, looking in a certain direction. I knew that was not the right thing to do. Instead, I went to God in prayer.
It says never fight fire with fire. Let God fight for us. But have we being praying for years about a certain problem and it seems like God is not coming through for us?
It says to learn from Jesus. How did Jesus had the power or got the power to overcome Satan? Answer, it was a daily communion with his father.
1.He got up very early in the morning, went out into a solitary place and prayed.
2. Angels were sent to minister to him. Matt 4:11
Jesus was more concerned about humans salvation than his own life. His purpose was fixed, he healed all manner of sickness, he was a master servant, a leader servant. Who are we in all of this, are we concern about humans? Have we a heart like Jesus? Are we concerned about those who go hungry everyday, the poor, the down trodden among us, the ones who cant speak for themselves? Do we speak up when we see wrong is being done to others who cant represent themselves?
How do we explain love? It is a feeling? a quoting of the scriptures?
Jesus knew the scriptures because the testified of him. Jesus was the scriptures, he gave them from his mouth.
Dear Lyn Lew, I definitely understand how it feels when you have been praying about a difficult situation, and God is delaying His answer.
What we all must remember, understand, or already know, that God see and care about everything we do. However, what we must understand that what seems like a long time to us, is exactly a very short time to God. Also, while you are praying and asking God to work out your situation, He is working the situation out for all the people involved; Yes, even those people that we feel has wronged us. We must understand that when the Bible says "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28, it doesn't actually mean that the situation is going to work out the way we want them to, or that God will use Our solution to resolve the problem. God knows best; and He knows when our solution would not be the best option. That's why the text says it "work together for good", or in other words- God's way. God takes every situation and work it out "for the good" of everyone involved; so that in the end, even those, which have done you wrong, will realize that God's hand was involved ("'vengeance is mine' said the Lord") in the solution to the problem.
So, what seems like a long time to answer our prayers could mean that God is still working on the other side of the problem. We all must continue to pray, trust and wait on the Lord. He will answer our prayers in due season, when the time is right.
God's blessing to you.
Christians often enable unethical, immoral behaviour in the name of Jesus. They figure it is not "right" to stand against wrong behaviour because it would cause a scene and create bad feelings.
When a grown "child" takes advantage of a aged parent, the appropriate word for that behaviour is abuse. To fail to deal with it, is to condone it and be party to it.
In dealing with these situations, firm Christian principle needs to be applied with true love, which is not the kind of "love" that is afraid of "hurting their feelings." If a person really loves someone, they will be willing to risk the possibility of pain and suffering for the remission of sin and the restoration of relationship.
The stakes in this work of salvation are high because they have eternal consequences.
Living for the Word of God...
when Jesus was tempted by Satan, He could show us how living by His Word. Just to know about It is not enough to can this.Living for the Word of God is something deeper.Satan knows the whole Scripture, but he doesn't live for It.When we facing huge struggles ,what do we do? Our attitutes show exactly if we are living for the Word or not.
Jesus said:
"Happy is the one who reads this book,and happy are those who listen to the word of this prophetic message and obey what is written in this book."
Revelation 1:3
I like your thoughts Simone, I had similar thoughts when reading this part of the lesson. In addition to living what we learn, or put another way, being obedient to Gods Word, scripture should lead us to know it’s Author. A relationship with our Heavenly Father will be our safeguard, just like it was for Jesus. Knowing the correct text to quote may be helpful in a situation, but more than anything, reaching up to our Father is what will always be necessary for us to be able to resist the wiles of the devil.
“Hold on to my words with all your heart. Keep my commands and you will live. Get wisdom and understanding. Don’t forget or ignore my words. Hold on to wisdom, and it will take care of you. Love it, and it will keep you safe. Wisdom is the most important thing; so get wisdom. If it costs everything you have, get understanding. Treasure wisdom, and it will make you great; hold on to it, and it will bring you honor. It will be like flowers in your hair and like a beautiful crown on your head.” Proverbs 4:4
"I have taken your words to heart so I would not sin against you." Psalms 119:11
Unfortunately, to learn with the heart, sometimes it takes suffering! If a father does care for his son, he will correct him. Sometimes, it takes pain to learn and get wisdom. Why is human being like that? Why do we have to suffer in order to learn? Because of our decadent nature. We go down easily! But to keep up with goodness takes effort! Although salvation is free, there is nothing we can do to be worthy of it, only through Christ we can achieve it. Thus, how can I be with Christ and my works are evil? Practicing what is good after learning it by reading may be one of the ways to fight death.
Learning from Jesus. In Luke 4 there we discovered that Jesus quoted and interpreted the Scripture based on the context (correctly). To be informed in God's word a great blessing against any temptation. Jesus very life past, present and future is wrapped with the teaching of the Bible. He lives by it. You and I must make the Bible part of us before the day of temptation. Nevertheless, head knowledge alone is not enough but by practice.
Whiles reading today's lesson, I experienced something unique - an awareness of helplessness, understanding that I will be using words that are just as 'limited' as the lesson writer's words are. I realized that words have different meanings and are understood and interpreted by the reader individually.
It was an emotional reaction, feeling a certain agony and sadness because of the limitations when using words. We all desire to be properly understood, though when it comes to God speaking - His words and His Word -, we need to learn to understand the heavenly, spiritual language. His words will need to be interpreted by the Holy Spirit to be fully understood.
John 1:1-5 - Is there a more profound statement about our Father and Jesus than expressed in these verses? I think that before we can 'learn from Jesus', it is essential that we KNOW Jesus on a personal basis - establish a close, spiritual relationship with Him. We can learn all *about* Jesus and God, but without a personal relationship, we cannot truly understand them.
Many Bible versions express the Holy Truth of Scripture in everyday language. This allows the impression that Jesus is an average person, like you and me - just another prophet. We could lose our awe and wonder and stop to marvel about this heavenly visitation; the Son of the Trinity came from Heaven and took the form of man - Jesus!
John 6:45,46 - 'It is written in the prophets. And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me'.
This tells me that we, who have come to Jesus, have 'heard' the Father speak. He revealed Himself to us through His Holy Spirit. Now, we are helped and taught by God when learning from Jesus; it is always God - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; all are speaking to us to reveal Truth.
1Cor.13:12 - Learning from Jesus, it is spiritual learning taking place and manifesting itself within us. We do not learn to read new words - we learn how to understand/interpret the words; we do not imitate Jesus in our daily life - it is JESUS who lives in us and expresses the *Word * - Himself - His Will - His Righteousness- through us.
Our flesh cannot fully comprehend or is pleased with this change in our nature. But we, being filled with the Holy Spirit - God's presence in us - have decided to live according to a different Spirit - the Spirit of God as revealed to us by and through Jesus. This Spirit is forming us anew. Through our applied faith - from temptation to temptation withstood - He causes the influence of the spirit of the flesh to diminish. This spirit kept us in bondage to the law of the flesh.
Now, it is the Holy Spirit which is offered to us to fill us. He will occupy all the 'places' where the old spirit once exerted its influence. It will direct attention away from *Self* and places it on the *Other*.
Now, due to the new Spirit guiding us, our inward parts desire to express this new nature. It is no longer directed by 'our' will but is directed by the 'heavenly' inspired influence of the Holy Spirit bringing 'our' will in alignment with God's Will. The Holy Spirit residing in us will always seek to praise God for His Mercy and Grace when sharing this experienced through service for others.
HE brings us from darkness into His Light, HE guides us by His Light and it is HE that resurrects us to live again in His Light - being Light.
Going over my post, I found a good example to show how difficult it is to chose the right word; how important it is to chose the word which will express the best, most correct meaning and therefore help greatly with interpretation. It starts with chosing the right 'version' of the interpretaion of the Word of God.
John 6:44,45 - Jesus speaks: ..'Every man therefore that had heard, and had learned 'of' the Father, cometh unto me'.
Does 'had heard and had learned 'of' the Father' mean the same as: 'had heard and is taught - through, is able because of, by - the Father?
Or does 'every man therefore that had heard, and had learned 'of' the Father,' mean that those who heard, heard 'about' the Father?
When we locate the 'effect' of 'having heard', - which is 'cometh unto me' -, I decided to interpret these little but, oh so powerful words 'of', 'by', 'from', 'through', 'about', to mean the same; God directs all that seek Truth to come to Jesus. I think that this interpretation covers all bases! 🙂
Brigitte, I don't want to detract from the notion that hearing "about" and "of" can imply different meanings. However I do need to address the issue of "versions".
As I pointed out in a recent comment I made on the issue of "Faith in Christ"/"Faith of Christ" there is no preposition in the original. The original Greek expression is: "pisteōs Christou Iēsou" and translates literally "faith Christ Jesus". Some interleaved Greek/English NTs give an implied "from". The addition of the preposition is a translation attempt to make sense of the Greek expression in English. I suggest that the translator's choice of words is a reflection of their theology. That in itself is not wrong but it needs to be considered.
I have no problem with discussing the choice of prepositions in the larger picture of our theology, but we cannot say that one translation is better than another translation on the basis of a preposition that is not in the original Greek.
Maurice - you know that I am not a scholar and can not speak to "one translation is 'better' than another translation on the basis of a preposition that is not in the original Greek".
I assume that all available present-day translations use a preposition in this place (Rom.3:22). I also come to the same interpretation/understanding when reading "Faith Christ Jesus".
A problem arises when a preposition is misleading (intentional or unintentional) by changing the message or ignoring the context it is used in.
My comments are based on the best interpretation I received when reading the passage in the KJV by placing it in the context this preposition is used in. It was an instantaneous impression or insight and did not reference any other source (though I made an attempt when asking others opinion about it).
My comments do not imply to say anything more than what impressed me to be the most fitting interpretation as it relates to the context of the message found in Romans chapter 3.
Looking at the original Greek "faith Christ Jesus", I can still see that it is the Faith 'of' Jesus that imparted God's righteousness to us, and not 'our' Faith 'in' Jesus. The context is Righteousness through Faith - who's faith it is, is understood based on the use of the preposition 'of' or 'in'.
Paul in his letter to the Romans expounded on this theme starting with chapter One. Rom.3:1-31 is more specific to point out something very important - justification.
V.20 - Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the *knowledge* of sin.
v.21 - But now the righteousness of God whithout(outside) the law is manifested, being *witnessed*(confirmed) by the law and the prophets.
v.22 - Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe; for there is no difference.
God did not impart His righteousness directly to us - He imparted it through the Faith of Jesus, who was faithful to God the Father to achieve God's Will 'that no one should perish'.
God's Will was honored by the Faith of Jesus when He laid down His life freely!
That the Greek language does not use prepositions does not mitigate or weaking what is implied. Paul speaks to righteousness under the Law versus Faith. The Righteousness of God is the focus in v.21 and repeated in verse 22 for emphasis, underlining the importance of focusing attention to God's righteousness being imparted.
"Faith Christ Jesus" by itself still implies that it is the Faith 'of' or 'from' Jesus that saved us, versus the obedience to the Law. If I remember correctly, you mentioned in your previous post that you prefered to use 'from'.
This topic is important to me and would be an interesting topic for a bible study group of young and old to gage the scope of import of the use of prepositions.
I hope my comments will further help explain the need to use the most fitting prepositions to help avoid confusion.
I don't have an issue with the use of prepositions but given that they are not in the original language I am cautious of making an argument based on a translation.
I have no problem with your argument about Christ's role and our role in salvation and I think that argument emerges from the big picture that the Bible presents rather than the analysis of prepositions.
I think the distinction between “faith in” and “faith of” is very important especially since even many SDA preachers misinterpret Revelation 14:12 KJV to mean “faith in Jesus.” This misinterpretation attributes our salvation to our faith (i.e., our faith in Jesus saves us) rather rightfully attributing our salvation to Christ's faithfulness. I would encourage readers to carefully study the following to better understand the absolute importance of this distinction. Our eternal lives depend on it.
For Paul, too, faith is not just an abstract concept; it is inseparably connected to Jesus. In fact, the phrase translated twice as “faith in Christ” in Galatians 2:16 KJV is far richer than any translation can really encompass. The phrase in Greek is translated literally as “the faith” or “the faithfulness” of Jesus. This literal translation reveals the powerful contrast Paul is making between the works of the law that we do and the work of Christ accomplished in our behalf, the works that He, through His faithfulness (hence, the “faithfulness of Jesus”), has done for us.
It’s important to remember that faith itself doesn’t add to justification, as if faith were meritorious in and of itself. Faith is, instead, the means by which we take hold of Christ and His works in our behalf. We are not justified on the basis of our faith but on the basis of Christ’s faithfulness for us, which we claim for ourselves through faith.
Christ did what every individual has failed to do, and that is: He alone was faithful to God in everything He did. Our hope is in Christ’s faithfulness, not our own. This is the great and important truth that, among others, ignited the Protestant Reformation, a truth that remains as crucial today as it was when Martin Luther began preaching it centuries ago.
“Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified” (Galatians 2:16, KJV).
First Paul informs us that the faith by which we are saved is “the faith of Jesus.” Notice that it is His faith, not ours, that saves. Paul wants us to understand that we encounter God’s faith operating in Jesus before we exercise faith in Him. Within the narrative framework of the gospel, God had made promises through the Hebrew prophets. In fact, the entire Old Testament constituted a covenant document laying out all God promised He would do through the coming Messiah in order to maintain relational faithfulness to fallen humanity at any and all cost to Himself, even to the point of death. That’s the whole Old Testament in a nutshell. “The faith of Jesus” is the New Testament term that encapsulates what this entire covenant-keeping reality looks like. It means that God, in Christ, acted with perfect faith toward fallen humanity.
And that is where the gospel resides!
So, then, because Paul is reasoning forward from this Old Testament foundation of God’s covenant faithfulness to us, he does not tell us to exercise faith in Jesus in a relational vacuum, but rather on the solid premise God’s faithful love brought to light and life in Christ. The faith of Jesus, Paul reasons, is the impetus for our faith in Jesus.
Therefore, Paul warns us against imagining that the restoration of the broken relationship falls to us, “by the works of the law.”
Absolutely not!
Salvation by works is a futile attempt for the simple yet profound reason that we cannot get from God by our law-keeping what He’s already given by His free grace.
Where there is no grace, there will be no true obedience. There may be an outward compliance to the law, but that isn’t obedience. Legalism isn’t obedience. It’s rebellion wearing a mask of obedience.
When the preacher centers the people’s attention on themselves—you must obey the law and you must overcome sin—they are setting them up for impotence and failure. Those who buy into this focus either become self-righteous Pharisees or they will give up in despair under the realization that they will never get the job done.
The theological identity of the remnant—at least as God intends it to be—is that they “keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.” Ellen White understood this pregnant prophetic line to mean that the third angel’s message, which the remnant are called to proclaim, is none other than “the message of justification by faith … in verity” (Ellen White, Review and Herald, April 1, 1890).
We are saved by Christ’s faithfulness, not ours.
Sieg - what a wonderful surprise to find your response to the signal I had sent out which was to alert the believer to pay attention. I just read with great interest your detailed, well written and well-reasoned position and am very grateful to have found a like-spirited believer in you. My heart rejoices! 🙂
It is wonderfully reassuring to find so much likeminded resonance in your understanding. You have dug down deep to reveal so many more important facts/errors/consequences related to the correct or incorrect use of the 'faith of Jesus' vs. 'faith in Jesus', but none is more important than to make sure that the believer does not think himself to be settled with the responsibility of making sure to have 'enough' faith in order to qualify as 'faithful' to receive God's righteousness.
Your writing style sounds eloquent and gives me the impression that you would be well equipped to spread the word of this important matter further. We both have the desire to share this so very important insight to those that are open to hear it; I pray that you will continue to point to the Truth.
"Therefore, Paul warns us against imagining that the restoration of the broken relationship falls to us, "by the works of the law." This is exactly what struck me so deeply when I first discovered the difference between using the 'of' vs. 'in' preposition in this passage.
In the case of using 'in', even faith will fall into the category of 'works'. Therefore, it has to be clearly understood by 'whose' faith we have been saved and have been imparted the righteousness of God to cover our old sin-nature.
I want to thank you again and conclude my response with repeating your quote from Ellen White and add: "the message of justification by *faith of Jesus Christ* .. in verity".
[Moderator's Note: we normally discourage the publication of external links, but give the nature and history of this discussion we are allowing it here.]
Hi Brigette. I can't take credit for what is in my post and included links to the sources. Of course, the original light that God shared with us was given to A.T. Jones and E.J. Waggoner in 1888. This message was largely dismissed and rejected by the SDA church then although Sister White vigorously endorsed it, describing it as the beginning of the outpouring of the latter rain and the loud cry (The Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, p. 1043).
Below are links for readers who wish to dig deeper into this most profound message:
Start by reading “Read me first” folder
Jack Sequeira (18-part series)
Jack Sequeira: Incredible Good News (8-part series)
Jack Sequeira on Romans (11-part series)
E.J. Waggoner (14-part series)
A.T. Jones and E.J. Waggoner
1888 RE-EXAMINED - Robert J. Wieland and Donald K. Short - PDF - Revised and Updated
Sieg - thank you for providing me with the many links! I will investigate further and am sure that it will be a great blessing to me.
Reading that Ellen White was supportive of this same understanding is very reassuring; no surprise that others in leadership could not or did not want to see the importance of the matter.
The Early Rain, the Latter Rain and the showers have been on my mind and in my heart for some time now. I believe that it is time for the church to wake up from their comfortable slumber and see the 'writing on the wall' and to read the signs of the times.
Just when I thought that there were no like-minded people to see the importance of this message, I received your very much appreciated response.
May God see it fit to bless us with the outpouring of His Holy Spirit to bring about the ripening of the harvest.
Maurice - thank you for the last follow-up. Wanting to close our dialogue, I am using this post's reply link since your last post does not provide one.
Maurice, we all grow in our Faith slowly, gradually maturing and establishing our Faith through the inspired Word of God.
To have a reliable source, a trustworthy version of the Bible is crucial to studying and learning in my opinion. I believe that these posts are read by many folks, and good teachers are not available everywhere at all times.
Yes, ultimately 'Christ's role and our role in Salvation will emerge from the bigger picture' as presented in the Bible. Though, I can point to our lively group of participants who appears to want to 'help it along', which demonstrates my point - different translations/versions/interpretations can lead to different understanding, and only the Holy Spirit will have the 'last word'. 🙂
Thank you for letting me share my personal experience regarding the importance of prepositions. I do not make a claim to know anything more than what I experienced and shared.
Do I sense a somewhat impatient and dismissive tone in your last reply? I hope that this is just a misinterpretation due to the 'choice of words'? 🙂 🙂
I hope I was not dismissive. I wanted to emphasise a way forward. We are all fellow studnts in our spiritual journey.
“I realized that words have different meanings and are understood and interpreted by the reader individually.“
Not surprising that God/Jesus/the Holy Spirit need to utilise a ‘means of conveyence’ called the Living Word (Hebrews 4:12; John 1:1,9). By comparison, human non-living words fall so short even when we try our best.
I can relate to the sense of inadequacy when trying to as ‘accurately’ as possible convey spiritual concepts in ways that try as best as possible to decrease risk of being misapprehended and miscomprehended.
Yes, Phil - I have experienced through observation that you can relate! Thank you for providing the Living Word as reference to help me remain steadfast! After all, spiritual concepts are spiritually discerned and we do not know how the Spirit moves. 🙂
Learning from Jesus is the ultiment. The four gospels are packed with Christ teachings, disapline, and chastisement, mercy, compassion, love, and acceptance with open arms to all those who will come unto him. Matthew 11:28-30.
When we receive Christ as an abiding guest in the soul, the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, will keep our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. The Saviour's life on earth, though lived in the midst of conflict, was a life of peace. While angry enemies were constantly pursuing Him, He said, "He that sent Me is with Me: the Father hath not left Me alone; for I do always those things that please Him." John 8:29. No storm of human or satanic wrath could disturb the calm of that perfect communion with God. And He says to us, "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you." "Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest." John 14:27; Matthew 11:29. Bear with Me the yoke of service for the glory of God and the uplifting of humanity, and you will find the yoke easy and the burden light. MB 15.2
Sitting the feet of Jesus at the feet of Jesus, even the most hardened hearts may say if they choose, for His love has been so gracious it has won my heart at last.