HomeDailyMonday: The Rhythms of Life    


Monday: The Rhythms of Life — 10 Comments

  1. Carmel, my wife is a very good pianist. In fact, when we first got married, one of our first purchases. after a bed and a refrigerator, was a piano. She did not have music qualifications when we married and due to circumstances, it was some time before she could resume her music lessons in earnest. In fact, she was pregnant with our daughter when she finally sat her AMusA examination. (It probably explains why our daughter is a very talented flautist) She used to get up at 4am and practice for a couple of hours at the other end of the house so she did not annoy me. Now over 40 years later, Carmel still plays, albeit on a keyboard. She practices to her heart’s content without annoying me with her repetitive playing because she listens to her playing using earphones. It is interesting that even though I cannot hear the music, I can still hear the rhythm of her fingers striking the keys. I have heard the pieces so many times that I can tell what she is playing simply by listening to the tapping of her fingers on the keys.

    Musicians tell us that the rhythm is almost as important as the melody. In life our daily lives are played out against a background of daily, weekly, seasonal and yearly rhythms and when we break those rhythms, even due to circumstances where we know they will happen, we sometimes find ourselves challenged. Some of the rhythm changes for me have been; the transition from student to worker, getting married, changing jobs, and retiring. Like music, life’s rhythms change and provide us with not only challenges but opportunities.

    It is illuminating to read the final curse on Babylon:

    And a mighty angel took up a stone, as it were a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying: With such violence as this shall Babylon, that great city, be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all. And the voice of harpers, and of musicians, and of them that play on the pipe, and on the trumpet, shall no more be heard at all in thee; and no craftsman of any art whatsoever shall be found any more at all in thee; and the sound of the mill shall be heard no more at all in thee; Rev 18:21,22 DRA

    Babylon finally loses the rhythm and melody of life itself. What a tragic end; what a challenge for us!

    • Sometimes God may want us to listen to a different rhythm in life. But how about if we do not hear the new rhythm because we're so conditioned in hearing the old one?
      I pray so I can feel God's change of rhythm for my life. God knows the future, thus He knows better.

  2. Our Bible lesson for today is about natures and human life. That is some things that we have to understand . why? Did God let us to married and after we married, we want to have something that some one new with us.But same things that we want to have something that we have to learn like a music. Because God created the world so many things to this world and it's really Good. And our daily life to our life every day.

  3. Hi as a complete newcomer to this sabbath school thing, just reading these two days I’m lost. In regards to the above exercise in relating each text to a personal circumstance I have no idea how to apply it.

    I get that I am not fully conversant with SDA terminology so may miss the point.

    Is there an easier way to study this?

    • H'mm ... I'm not quite sure I understand what you're saying. But I'd like to encourage you to stick around. You'll be able to understand more and more.

      For this lesson, perhaps you can see what difference it will make in your life to ask yourself the question and then set about to be a blessing. 🙂

      Whatever your life circumstances happen to be right now, what can you do to be a blessing to someone else? Why not make a conscious effort to be that blessing, especially to someone in your family?

    • Welcome, Gaynor! Glad you have ventured into this small online community and I do understand your angst over the applications. As with anything new, it can take time to get orientated and figure out. My hope is that you won't give up.

      Sometimes we can overthink applications suggested in the study. As you put the questions in your mind to prayer, God will grant insight that often is found in some simple act or decision. Some of the applications can be challenging as they meet up with our fears and insecurities and the like.

      My prayer is that you just keep coming back and give it some time.

  4. I think it is important to realise the season that I am in, in order to be a blessing. If I am in a season of pain, for instance, I'm in a position to minister to someone else who is going through a hard time. Sharing the testimony of my pain gives me an entrance into their life so as to minister hope and healing. I can be a prayer partner, we can seek healing together and grow spiritually together from a season of pain. Hard as that may be, God wants to use us in any season, for good.


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