Monday: The Sin of Judah
Certainly, Jeremiah’s task was not going to be easy. Maybe some people might find perverse pleasure in pointing out people’s sins, but most would find it to be very unappealing work, especially because of the reactions their words would provoke.
Though some, when they hear the words of rebuke, might repent and reform, that’s usually not the case, especially when the rebuke itself is very pointed and strong. And indeed, as with all of the prophets, the words of Jeremiah were just that: pointed and strong!
Read Jeremiah 17:1-4. What were some of the warnings that Jeremiah gave to the people?
The imagery of the sin engraved on the heart is especially powerful. It shows the depth of the corruption. The idea isn’t just that the sin is written there, as with a pen, but that it is engraved there, etched in with a tool. This all becomes even more powerful when one remembers the words of the Lord to Judah’s ancestors: If you obey the Lord your God and keep his commands and decrees that are written in this Book of the Law and turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul
(Deut. 30:10, NIV; compare with Ps. 40:8 and Jer. 31:33). It was out of their hearts that they were to love God and obey His law; now, instead, their sin-the violation of that law (1 John 3:4)-is etched in their hearts.
Let none who claim to be the depositaries of God’s law flatter themselves that the regard they may outwardly show toward the commandments will preserve them from the exercise of divine justice. Let none refuse to be reproved for evil, nor charge the servants of God with being too zealous in endeavoring to cleanse the camp from evil-doing. A sin-hating God calls upon those who claim to keep His law to depart from all iniquity.
-Ellen G. White, Prophets and Kings, p. 416.
Sin engraved on the heart? That’s a scary thought, is it not? What does that image say about just how deep and intense the work of purifying our hearts is? What’s the only way to accomplish it?

When something is etched or engraved, it is deep down and difficult to remove. Sin, engraved on our hearts, is very scary, but with God nothing is impossible. Only the blood of Jesus can remove or undo the sin that is engraved on our hearts. There are some people who have lived a life of crime, and have changed their lives completely and now have a relationship with God. God knows every heart. As long as a person has a desire to change his/her life and call upon God to help him/her, God can removed the sin that is etched or engraved on that person's heart and change them completely. Thank God for his enduring mercy!
1). Sin engraved on the heart?
As a former animist (black magic) and secret society high priest (white magic) we are trained to hypnotized to mental poison the sub conscious mind where all the automatic cell function happen and it takes painstaking practice to achieve that for if you control that the person or victim has no chance to come out of that trance and that is where sin is entrenched I believe and I stand corrected when we go into millennium judgment where all the mysteries of phenomenon happening here on earth whether tangible or intangible.
2). That’s a scary thought, is it not?
The reason for its being scary for human reasoning cannot control these urges and lusts for in my former trade if we control the rationalizing of facts part of the brain, the victim can come out of it easily, so we try to control the automatic part of the brain where cell functions and reactions are controlled and does not need the rationalizing or command of the person. So it is very hard for any human being to control or resist these sinful urges, lusts and distorted worldview and rational, Just like Paul stated in Roman 7 he knows that it is sinful and determines to follow the commandment but the lust of the carnal body is overpowering the rational part of the brain. So scary that the automatic or sub conscious part of the brain overrides the conscious part of the brain and that is very scary indeed and no chance by any human effort to combat and overcome
What does that image say about just how deep and intense the work of purifying our hearts is?
I believe there is a part of the brain which is sort of a control center for both the conscious and sub conscious parts of the brain and self autonomous from the influence of both the former and latter parts of the brain. I believe that is the seat of Jesus Christ and if we are stupid we give it to the Devil and I believe that is equivalent to what Paul advised Timothy, those are the people whose hearts are seared and cannot be saved or their mind set are determined and cannot be reached or saved. Therefore we need a supernatural power to cancel these demonic idol in our heart.
What’s the only way to accomplish it?
The only way to accomplish the change of heart is the Power of the Holy Spirit to burn away these images if not then we can change by wayward sign but the old man or nature as Paul is still alive and thriving This i believe was the confusion of Jeremiah's audience find difficult to digest and accept Jeremiah's warning and thus their revolt and hatred for him and his message. So Jesus was right, that we need to pray and fast for only the Trinity Power can heal.
In conclusion when I opted out by my power only from Animist and Secret Society I can still vividly see those 4 nights of being partly possessed that God's seat of rule in our third part of the brain Satan cannot occupy and I thank God for it and only during the Millennium Jesus will explain to me for I cannot explain it with human words or rationality but leave it to Jesus to explain away to me all the mysteries. I pray that we submit all of us to Jesus so we can out with power today and new week with the Power of the Holy Spirit and to stand the wrath of the people, Satan and dark forces out there in the world, Shalom Monday from the Isles of Fiji.
The blood sprinkled before the veil and placed on the horns of the altar, and that poured out at the base of the altar, does it represent holiness and righteousness or sin and unrighteousness?
The blood comes form the sacrificial animal that had the person's sin confessed over it thereby transferring the sin to the sacrifice. Symbolically then it represents the sins being transferred to the sanctuary through the blood. The sanctuary in my view represents the kingdom of God, the church.
I suppose one could think that symbolically it is the blood of Christ and thereby righteous but I prefer the first explanation.
In the use of the figures in Jer 17:1 there is much irony. The law was inscribed on the tablets of stone by the “finger” of god (Ex 31:18; 32:16). Later under the new covenant it would be written on their hearts (Jer 31:33). Blood was to be applied to the horns of the altar in offering the sin offering (Lev 4:7,18,25,20) and on the bronze altar to cleanse it from sin on the Day of Atonement (Lev 16:18).
Here their sins are engraved (permanently written Job 19:24) on their hearts and on their altars, permanently polluting them.
The blood of the animals symbolized the perfect life of Christ which cleanses from sin and sanctifies to eternal life. The sins that Christ assumed for us never contaminated His life. They were cast to the depths of Sheol in His death - the penalty of sin. Nothing sinful could be brought into the Holy Places without dire consequence!
Kenny, I believe you've made some great observations and correlations of Scripture. Perhaps what you refer to as "irony", I'd call revealed truth...truth spoken by Jesus (Jn 8:34; Lk 4:18), Paul (Gal 3:22; Rom 3:9-12; Rom 8:6-8), Peter (1 Pt 4:3,6; Acts 15:7-9,11) and, yes, Jeremiah (Jer 17:1), among many others in Scripture. Despite the seemingly hopeless nature of the truth about Judah, who enjoyed so many privileges from God (Ex 34:6; Rom 3:1-2; Jn 4:22) with an apparently bad outcome, we're encouraged that what appears impossible with man is possible with God (Mt 19:25-26). Scripture reveals sin to be an inherited condition (Rom 5:12), which may well compliment the revelation of Jer 17:1. Is there something written in fallen humanity's (genetic?) make-up that the Creator is revealing that He didn't write? But ONLY He can heal (Jer 17:14)?
Interestingly, Leviticus 4 reveals that sin offerings were specifically for unintentional sin ("sin through ignorance" KJV) of the priest (Lev 4:2-4), whole congregation (Lev 4:13-15), ruler (Lev 4:22-25) and common people (Lev 4:27-30), which raises a lot of questions in my mind. What is the source of UNINTENTIONAL sin? If it is, in fact, UNINTENTIONAL why am I responsible? Why is a sacrifice necessary? What would be the difference between the daily and the yearly? Does UNINTENTIONAL sin originate from the same source as INTENTIONAL sin? Is that place the "heart"? Is Scripture telling me (us) that I (we) can't fix it? Is that what Rom 7:21-24 describes? If so, can I, or will I, ever be free of my "wretched" self? When?
I'm sure you and other readers may have questions of your own.
Tyler, if you "prefer the first explanation" wouldn't you be holding two conflicting concepts? If the slain sacrifice represents Christ's sacrifice and you said, "the sacrificial animal that had the person's sin confessed over it thereby transferring the sin to the sacrifice." Why would it then need to be "transferred to the sanctuary" which in your view "represents the kingdom of God, the church."? Have I misunderstood your submission?
Tyler and Lynrol, the confessing sinner's guilt laid on the animal of sacrifice resulted in the lamb's blood being spilled(life forfeited). This blood (substitute death for us) was transferred to the sanctuary to signify the sin being removed from the sinner to the Savior (symbolized also by the veil where the blood was sprinkled) by the priest (symbolizing Christ as our high priest) then removed once and for all via the scapegoat on the day of atonement (symbolizing the judgment of all who received Christ as their substitute death required by the transgressed Law).
Anyone NOT accepting this arrangement of God will stand alone in the 2nd judgement of the unrepentant, and will pay the penalty of transgressing the law with their own life.
The sanctuary typifies a number of things, one being the sanctified life through:
The priest provided the bread, the incense, and keeps the lamp bright by supplying oil and trimming the wick.
Robert, when the sanctuary service is under discussion, as it is quite often, the question that I have is, What is Jesus doing in heaven right now and how do you know? Hebrews 1:3 explains it rather well, I think.
Paul, the scripture you cite doesn't really address the work of Jesus as Priest, but acknowledges His propitiatory sacrifice in relation to those accepting it by faith, and reveals that He has been given "all power" by His Father who as accepted His sacrifice on behalf of all who believe in His name. Keep reading further into Hebrews to understand what He is doing in regards to the ministry of being our High Priest, and as we study the earthly types, the heavenly ministry becomes clear to understand. His teachings while on earth spoke of these things as well at times.
The goats, though used in different ways, constituted only one offering. They were both presented before the Lord as SIN OFFERINGS. Therefor they must both be WITHOUT BLEMISH. The disposal of them was determined by lot so they both had to be without blemish. Atonement was made for the people through the “scapegoat”also (Lev 16:10).
The high priest needed to purify, make atonement for, the MOST HOLY place and the rest of the Tabernacle because, over the course of the year, the sins the Israelites had committed had brought uncleanness on the whole sanctuary. If the Tabernacle was to remain the place for meeting God in the coming year, it had to be purified. It was evident that the Daily, the Old Covenant ministry, the HOLY place ministry, could not remove sin.(Heb 9:8-10)
It is impossible that the BLOOD of CHRIST took sins into the Sanctuary!
Errors made in the holy places were met with instant death. See Nadab and Abihu. See Uzzah who attempted to steady the Ark of the covenant. The Holy Places weren’t established for harboring sin, especially the MOST HOLY. Holiness and Righteousness alone exist there.
God pointedly declared that the BLOOD IS THE LIFE.(Gen 9:4;Dt 12:23; Lev 17:11-14)
The distinction is established between the flesh and the blood. God relates the blood to the spirit -the Spirit is life, the flesh profits nothing.(Jhn 6:63). Christ became sin for us taking on our flesh. “He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness, for by His wounds you were healed”(1 Pt 2:24) Joshua, the High Priest became a “symbol” of Christ the Branch. His filthy outer garment represents Christ’s flesh which was removed when He died paying the penalty for filthiness. He paid the penalty price for our sins in crucifying the flesh, He died. He was sinless. His blood, His Life, perfectly pure (Heb 4:15; 7:26-28; Cor 5:21; 1 Pt 2:22-24; 1 Jhn 3:5). That’s why His BLOOD, His LIFE, could be taken into the MOST HOLY and serve to justify and sanctify sinners like us. His blood, His Life, could not cleanse from sin if it itself was polluted or contaminated with sin. By His Life we are healed. Christ was separate from sinners but identified with sinners by taking on their flesh and became the perfect High Priest for sinners.
Ps 103:12 As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. Our sins are not in the Holy Places as far as the scripture tells us.
Kenny, so much here to address, but two issues I must ask about, such ask Zechariah 3. How is Joshua "Christ" when is it Christ (The Lord) who is removing Joshua's filthy garment? There was no sin in Jesus life. None.
Concerning sin transferred to the sanctuary, what was removed and confessed upon the scapegoat on the day of atonement (cleansing) if it is not the sins of Israel placed on the Lamb of God in their place?
The most dangerous sin is not that which is obvious or seems grievous on the world’s scale of values, but that which is concealed in the heart. This is the sin which is unlikely to get attention. If they could meet the standards of the witnesses in their community by sufficient outward show and pretense of piety the people of Judah could avoid any heart searching (Jeremiah 17:1-4).
Typically and noticeably in church services and other spiritual forums the loudest cheers, applause and shouts of amen are reserved for sermon lines and statements which celebrate their goodness or appear to fault others as opposed to the hearers themselves. This is the classic distraction tactic which gives comfort to many in a Laodicean condition who just want to feel good (Revelation 3:14-18).
As well progressively the music of choice is more of a celebratory form and not that which awakens the sense of heart searching most needful in this judgment hour (Revelation 14:6-7). Contemporary feel good music light on message progressively drown out the longstanding hymns which resonate with holiness and present sermons to the heart from stanza to stanza.
The word of God through the messages of the prophets is of greatest effect when the hearers think to search their own hearts first (Psalm 51:10). If others are not hearing or listening, but we have heard the message maybe it is for us. Heart searching is the first duty of every professed Christian (Psalm 139:23-24; Lamentations 3:40)
Repairers of the breach are first repaired so they may better help others (Isaiah 58:1-14).
Hugh, I think you have addressed many of the issues in our liturgy, that are difficult to find God as the focus of our worship. Music is probably the most noticeable for compromising sacredness. The subject regarding sin being engraved on the heart and the horns of the alter. They had been under the rule of the most evil monarchs for several hundred years. Their alters to the idol gods were everywhere imaginable. It took Josiah years to eliminate all traces of idol worship. When we do something over and over it causes furrows of sort in our brain so that it easier each time as the furrows deepen. This is where the heart is, symbolically.
In this world where relativity is the order of the day, folks dont want to be told they are wrong. They want to be told what they want to hear. May God help us decern how destructive sin can be so that we can run away from it than never.
When I think of the word 'etched' in its literal sense to etch is to break or infiltrate the surface of an object and to remove an etching requires a special work. One has to go beneath the depth of the etching in order to remove it, It is possible but requires a craftsman to CHANGE and REMOVE the etching so that a new work can be then put in the place of the old etching. If one tries to sand or smooth it away the object becomes damaged permanentl.Only tht blood of the Jesus the Master Craftsman can remove an old etching and replace it with a new work without damaging the heart.
“Let none refuse to be reproved for evil, nor charge the servants of God with being too zealous in endeavoring to cleanse the camp from evil-doing.:
I would like to add a similar passage from her writing, but even more pointed:
“We must as a people arouse and cleanse the camp of Israel. Licentiousness, unlawful intimacy, and unholy practices are coming in among us in a large degree; and ministers who are handling sacred things are guilty of sin in this respect. They are coveting their neighbors' wives, and the seventh commandment is broken. We are in danger of becoming a sister to fallen Babylon, of allowing our churches to become corrupted, and filled with every foul spirit, a cage for every unclean and hateful bird; and will we be clear unless we make decided movements to cure the existing evil?” {21MR 380.1}
If the sin of adultery among Adventists prompted her to warn us that we were in danger of becoming “a sister of Babylon,” I wonder what she would say today knowing that thousand of innocent babies were killed in the medical institutions she help found.
A lesson full of rebuke. We need to repent and turn from sin and, instead, turn unto God. Let's ask the Lord to search our hearts and see if there be any wicked way in us. Thankfully, there is hope - we have heard a joyful sound, Jesus saves, Jesus saves.
God called a single nation from the cruelty of Egyptian bondage (Ex 4:22) and called them His chosen (Deut 32:10). That single nation became divided into the northern kingdom, Israel, and the southern kingdom, Judah. The southern kingdom had the temple, the Levitical priesthood and the law of Moses. King Abijah was correct...the southern kingdom of Judah WAS in a position of advantage (2 Chr 13: 9-11)!
However, considering the Creator's message through Jeremiah in chapter 17 wasn't intended for Gentiles or even the erroneous north but for advantageous Judah (Jer 17:1), could be beneficial. Apparently, the Creator's message to His people is that the human "heart" is at the heart of God's problem with us (Jer 9:26)! Sin, chiseled into our minds, dictates a departure from our Creator (Jer 17:5), and further victimizes us by deceiving us (Jer 17:9) into feeling otherwise, as only God knows the mind. God started to share this message with His people hundreds of years previous (Deut 5:29; Deut 9: 4,6). The minds (or hearts) of those in Judah, is no different from those in Israel or of the Gentile nations (Rm 3:23)...ALL are in need of the same remedy (Acts 15:8-9, 11). Could it be that Judah's "heart" problem (Jer 17:9) remains a very present present threat (Rev 3:17)? God still extends the only means of neutralizing the threat (Heb 10: 15-6).
When we are rebuke by those who love us and are under the guildance of the Holy Spirit we will hear the message and not the messenger. God will do all that he can to save us from ourselves we must cooperate with him if we are to inherent the kingdom of God.
Please remember that NO SIN will be present in our new home. Therefore we must listen to those who are anointed and have the present of the Holy Spirit when correction comes.
The Life of the believer is to work with God on making sure that we have nothing that will come between my Savior and life eternal.
We can not have this world and expect to have God's world to come.
How long will we halt between two opinion?
If the laws of Jehovah are burdensome or are a yoke on your neck and you are compelled to comply with these laws this will be in vain. Gods laws are not burdensome and we should comply with these laws whole heartily.
It is like a woman staying in a marriage because of laws but without love. An enjoyable marriage has deep love roots coming from the heart.
Sin engraved upon the heart, a metaphor that describes the state of fallen creatures that have accepted the practice of being selfish which comes from within. Zechariah saw it as a soiled, filthy outer garment that needed to be changed. Together, these symbols reveal that sin in the heart will be seen in the life. Doesn't the fruit always identify the tree?
What is the cure? A clean heart, a new garment.
How does it happen? Ps 19:7-14 is a good starting place. (See also Ps 1:2,3; 119:33-40, Prov 2:1-5) It is the Law of the LORD that will lead us to the Healer of every affliction as it reveals our inmost need Gal 3:24). For such a purpose the Law was given to sinners in it's present form, and we are constantly pointed to it throughout scripture, as is our Savior and Redeemer. The Law reveals the greatness of the Gospel. Separate them and there is no need for a Gospel, and no perceived consequences for transgression of the law.
God gave both together on Sinai in order to save the world He so loved, and at the appointed time (Mark 1:15) sent His only begotten Son as our propitiation and example in life, as He magnified the Law in every thought, word and deed.
Robert, I read your post which I understand to be addressing the relationship of the "Law" (I assume of Ten Commandment) to the "Gospel". You wrote, "The Law reveals the greatness of the Gospel." Your heavy emphasis on the "Law", however, left me hearing your statement to be more like 'the Gospel reveals the greatness of the Law'. I don't believe that any reasonable person, religious or otherwise, would disagree with your statement that, "Sin engraved upon the heart, a metaphor that describes the state of fallen creatures that have accepted the practice of being selfish which comes from within." The non-religious may not use the word "sin", but I believe most would agree that humans everywhere are damaged. We've all over long periods of history witnessed the manifestation of behaviors from mildly odd to dangerously deviant. Human history has proven that more laws, religious or civil, mild or draconian has not and cannot heal the pandemic. (Interestingly, the word draconian came from Draco, a 7th century BC Greek lawgiver reputed for his austere legal code). So why not place the emphasis where Scripture places it...on healing (Gal 3:13-14)? Again, no reasonable person should ever advocate for anarchy...laws, religious and civil, are necessary to proscribe human behavior (Gal 3:10,19; Rom 13:1,4-5). However, isn't it high time to look away from the realities of our disease (Jer 17:1,9; Mk 7:20-23) and look instead to health (Gal 3:22-25; Mal 4:2)?
By the way, where is the "Gospel" given at Sinai? (you wrote, "God gave both together on Sinai in order to save the world He so loved...").
Lynrol, you ask "where is the Gospel on Sinai?". Following the speaking of the Law, God then gives from Sinai the pattern from which the Sanctuary was constructed. This is the Gospel in types and shadows that clearly teach how sinners are saved from sin, receiving the righteousness of the Law by faith in the Lamb of God.
Notice the order in which God gives both the Law and Gospel, and realize that by the Law comes the knowledge of sin (Rom 7) and through this, we are led to seek a Savior.(Gal 3:24)
As for the effectiveness of the law (especially man-made law), this is why the Gospel. This is the only remedy that will lead to the law of God written upon the heart, rather than sin. It's one or the other, though there is room only for one of them.
How did Jesus teach the Law? Where did He place it's importance?
Robert, are you interpreting Gal 3:24 correctly? “Lead us” is a supplied phrase in KJV. From the context, the Law was “added because of transgressions ... until the Seed would come to whom the promise had been made.”(Gal 3:19) It is not to lead or direct to the Seed. It is described it another way: God “has shut up all under sin, so that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.” v 22. “But before faith came we were kept in custody under the law, being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed.” v 23. It’s like when God instructed Israel to “go to Babylon. There you will be rescued”(Mic 4:10). The Law was supposed to tide them over until Christ came. The promise of Life would be accomplished through the “faith” of Christ, not through Law, because the Law cannot give Life (Gal 3:21).
The Law was one of the authorities over which “Christ triumphed”(Col 2:9-16). They were legally held in custody under law. The cross of Christ is the point of decisive victory over the powers of evil and all other legitimate authorities and principles! Christ redeemed us from under law that we might receive adoption as sons (Gal 4:4). Christ, as our kinsman, payed the redemption price of the law triumphantly and we are free, not in custody under law, under condemnation - the strength of sin is the law.
It’s the Righteousness of Christ that covers us and which the Father beholds and is satisfied. The righteousness of the law is our own righteousness (Phi 3:9).
Kenny, how do you read Romans 8:1-4. See how those who are living by faith "fulfill the righteousness of the Law"?
The Law of the Lord "is perfect" (Ps 19:7) as it describes God who is perfect. It was written for sinners to reveal sin while also revealing what is righteous(like God). The goal of the law for sinners is to awaken the need for a Savior, who then plants within the very nature of God.(2 Pe 1:4)
No law = no need for a Savior.
No Savior = no fulfilling the righteousness of the law, by partaking of the Divine nature though faith. (see 2 Pe 1:5-8)
Robert, thanks for clarifying my question. I didn't realize you were referring to the sanctuary. My response was an effort to moderate what I perceived as a biased emphasis in favor of the "Law". I believe that in accordance with Gal 3:24 the law is the vehicle to healing, but balance is important. Let's say someone's having a heart attack (Jer 17:1, 9) and falls to the ground. Having an ambulance with paramedics (the law) on the spot to transport the victim is great, but the victim needs a heart surgeon! If the ambulance transports the individual to the hospital and then leaves the patient lying on the gurney in the parking lot or even in the ER's waiting area, then the patient still remains in great danger! It may sound like heresy, but John's ministry occupied the same sphere as the law (Rom 8:3) and Scripture (Jn 5:39-40). Scripture records of John that he was sent by God "that all men through him might believe."(Jn 1:6-7, Mal 3:1) That's a place of high responsibility, isn't it? But Scripture also records his own testimony (Jn 1:19-20) which, by the way, is symbolized in the courtyard and Holy Place ministries. Christ occupies an elevated place all by Himself (Jn 1:15, 27). Why? God's messenger tells us!! (Jn 1:29) All who find themselves with "heart" disease (Jer 17:1, 9; Rom 7:21) may, by faith (Eph 3:16-17), find relief in Christ our High Priest (Heb 10:8-10,15-16). Lift Him up!
Lynrol, we must "favor" the Law, as Jesus did, but never apart from the Gospel of Christ, which is the remedy for the sin the Law reveals in us.
Robert, I DO "favor" the law...but guess which ONE? Our exchange began as a result of your 10/24/15 post regarding sin being engraved upon the heart (Jer 17:1). Paul uses the word "law" a number of times between Romans 7 and 8. He says, "I find then a LAW, that...EVIL IS PRESENT WITH ME" (Rom 7:21) which he says makes him a captive "to the LAW of SIN which is IN MY MEMBERS"(Rom 7:23). Doesn't that agree with God's revelation through Jeremiah that Judah's SIN "is ENGRAVED on the TABLET of their HEART" (Jer 17:1). Paul refers to this same phenomenon as "the LAW of SIN and DEATH" (Rom 8:2). Notice that he outlines a state of conflict between the "law" in his members and the "law" in his mind (Rom 7:23,25). Paul's references to these two "laws" are not even the same as Rom 7:7 which is a clear reference to the "law" of Ten Commandments! Now notice that Paul associates "the Spirit of the living God" with an extremely important work of writing (2 Cor 3:3)! Could this be what Jesus meant by being born AGAIN (Jn 3:3,6)? I believe it is having the "law" of original writing (Rom 5:12) over-written by the very Power of God (Rom 8:10-11; Gal 5:16-18). Could that be God's covenant with humanity (Heb 10:15-16; Mt 22:36-39)? Is there any significance to the biblical narrative of the "law" that was written by God, broken by Moses, re-written by Moses and which resided inside the Ark of the Covenant, inside the Most Holy Place where ONLY the High Priest ministers (Lev 16:2; Heb 8:1-2) be pointing to a work in the "heart" (Isiah 57:15)?
“No law = no need for a Savior”?? Robert, you must intend: No sin = no need for a Savior. Of course “the strength of sin is the Law”. Rom 8:4 should read “Righteousness of Law” and that should help. When we genuinely accept God’s declaration that “law came in that sin might abound”(Rom 5:20); and “was added because of transgressions”(Gal 3:19); and “until Law sin was in the world”(Rom 5:13); and “if righteousness comes through law, then Christ died needlessly”(Gal 2:21); and “if a law had been given which was able to impart life, then righteousness would indeed be based on law”(Gal 3:21); we would be better able to appreciate and place the Ten Commandments and the Old Covenant.
The Ten Commandments affirmed, confirmed, and magnified what Adam brought upon himself and his children. It identified our acts as SIN. The children of Israel and the Egyptians didn’t “know” that they were living lives of sin. The evidence that sin existed and mastered the world was the fact that everybody DIED (Rom 5:12-14). All considered that normal. Every living thing died at some time. The law revealed us to be sinners who die because we sin and are naturally enslaved to sin . Even after discovering that we are sinners, we can’t help ourselves!(Rom 7) The 10 commandments never reveals a Savior. It only condemns. It says you must die. Other components of THE LAW or OLD COVENANT reveal a Savior from sin and death. The law could do nothing else about sin and death.
When the Angels spoke the Ten Commandments on Sinai the people, including Moses, thought they would die, and the people requested that “they would no more hear that WORD lest they die”. God had accomplished his purpose for introducing the 10 Commandments. God complimented them for getting the message: “They have spoken well. The Lord your God will raise up for you from among your brothers a Prophet like me, Him you shall hear. I will put My words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him”(Dt 18:15-19). Do we see Moses as the type here, having delivered the people and having given them rules to live by? Of course rules that fit them being slaves of sin. Is the promised Prophet coming with the same WORDS! Christ comes with WORDS (COMMANDS) for SONS who are ALIVE, possessed of the SPIRIT, and NEW HEARTS AND MINDS -not slaves of sin - Love your enemies; pray for those who despitefully use you ....(Matt 5; 6). - “The LAW of CHRIST”(Gal 6:2; 1Cor 9:21; 2 Pt 3:2; Rom 8:2; Jam 1:25).
There is a reason why Christ is compared with Moses in Scripture. “For the Law, since it has but a shadow of good things to come, not the very image (truth, reality) of things.” Heb 10:1 “Law came by Moses; Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ”(Jhn 1:17). “For He has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses .... Now Moses was faithful in all His house as a SERVANT, for a testimony of those things which were to be spoken later; but Christ as a SON over His house - whose house we are”(Heb 3:3-6). “For if the WORD spoken through ANGELS (Acts 7:53) proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just penalty, how will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? After it was first spoken through the Lord, it was confirmed to us by those who heard... (Heb 2:1-4). “Anyone who has set aside the Law of Moses dies without mercy on two or three witnesses. How much severer punishment do you think he will deserve who has trampled under foot the Son of God, ... and has insulted the Spirit of Grace? (Heb 10:28-31). God said with pleasure “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, HEAR HIM. Read Heb 12:18-29; 2 Cor 3.
Kenny, I'm trying to understand what your "argument" is. Whether or not you are agreeing is unclear to me. What I wrote seems rather simple and I thought clear in it's meaning. You seem familiar enough with Romans 7 to get "no law = no need for a Savior (due to lack of sin(guilt), which is revealed by the law). Romans 8 is clear in teaching that in Christ (the Gospel) we can attain to righteousness by faith.
The law reveals the need for a savior as a smoke alarm reveals the need to get out of bed and find safety. The smoke alarm will not save you unless you heed it's warning to find safety, and perhaps call the fire department, since the smoke alarm will never put the fire out. It only serves to point out the fact that there is a fire, and thus danger exists. I'm sure it's easy to make the connection from this simple illustration.
I don't want to get involved any more than that with the rest of your comments. My point was the vital relation between the law and gospel. This is a major focus of Christ's ministry as well as the great focus of the prophets and apostles while fulfilling their commission.
“For what the Law could not do, weak as it was through the flesh, God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, He condemned sin in the flesh ... (Christ Jesus) who , although He existed in the form (likeness) of God, .... emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, being made in the likeness of men... He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross ... He Himself bore our sins in his body on the cross...(Rom 8:3; Phi 2:5-8; 1Pt 2:24). Praise God Christ never sinned although He wore a “filthy garment”.
The Father had promised Christ: “If He would render Himself a guilt offering, He will see His seed (His brethren, His friends), He will prolong his days.(Isa 53:10; Heb 2:9-18; John 15:15). Because Christ was willing to put on sinful flesh and be obedient to death He had qualified to be exalted to high priest according to Scripture and have His friends in the priesthood. We know how Christ got rid of the “filthy garment”, the flesh.
God says, “Now listen, Joshua the high priest, you and your friends ... indeed they are men who are a symbol (sign, shadow), for behold I am going to bring in My Servant the Branch....(Zch 3:1-10). The Law (Old Covenant) contains shadows of the true.
“And He said to them, “O foolish men and slow of heart to believe the prophets! Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter His glory?” Then beginning with Moses and with all the prophets, He explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures”. That was the same Scriptures they read and believed something completely different.
Kenny, why are you saying Jesus put on a filthy garment?
Also, do you understand the difference between sinful flesh and fallen flesh?
Before the fall man was to live eternally without death. Sin brought separation from the tree of life and man became mortal. Even if someone like Enoch lives without sin, he would die a natural death. Jesus died sinless due to taking on fallen flesh. He experienced weariness, hunger, thirst, and eventually death, yet in all this experience never did He experience sin and it's resulting guilt. What He did take on is our punishment AS IF it were His own. Had there been one stain from His own sin, He would have remained in that rocky tomb forever.
We are all born fallen, but not guilty of sin until we transgress the law of God. While we inherit a fallen nature, we cannot inherit guilt. Jesus had no guilt, but was not immortal as a son of man.
Robert, the first born is the representative son in Israel’s society. God later chose the Levites to represent that position. They represent all Israel. When Israel is brought near and Gentiles remained far, that is represented in the setting up of the Tabernacle or Sanctuary. The court represents the Gentiles’ place, the nations surrounding Israel. The holy place (tent of meeting, first tabernacle) is Israel’s place near to God whose presence exists in the most holy (holy place / holiest / second tabernacle).
The Holy Place is Israel’s place. “Son of man, this is the place of My throne ... And the house of Israel will not again defile My holy name,... abominations setting their threshold by My threshold and their door post beside My door post, with only the wall between me (the Veil) and them...(Ezek 43:7-11). God designs a new temple with Him alone as King, calling their kings that they had desired “idol carcasses”.
So the priest performing the Daily was Israel’s daily worship of God. Under Law their daily religious exercises were unable symbolically to “cleanse the conscience” of sin. They symbolically accumulated sins which were symbolically removed yearly through the Day of Atonement service. The Day of Atonement service represents Christ’s Ministry, the New Covenant, the Ministry of the Spirit, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the efficacious ministry. This is evident by two witnesses:
Lev 16:17 “When he (High Priest) goes in to make Atonement in the holy place, no one shall be in the tent of meeting until he comes out, that he may make Atonement for ... the assembly of Israel”.
Heb 9:8 “The Holy Spirit is signifying this, that the way into the holy place (the second) has not yet been disclosed while the first tabernacle is still standing, which is a symbol for the present time ... until a time of reformation.
The holy place service, according to God’s Plan, was to be superseded by the most holy place service, which service gives access to the Father through the way. But Israel objected and made their stand in the holy place. “If we let Him like this, all men will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation... it is expedient for you that one man die for the people, and that the whole nation not perish.”(John 11:48-53)
Christ identified this as “the abomination of desolation”:
“Therefor when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place let the reader understand...(Matt 24:15).
“But when you see the abomination of desolation standing where it should not be let the reader understand...(Mk 13:14)
Leviticus says that there should be no one in the Holy Place; Heb 9 says the Holy Place service is finished when Christ comes to begin His ministry.
Zch 1:18:19 states that 4 horns had scattered Israel. The last one was Israel itself - the leaders, shepherds (Ezek 34:21). The other 3 are Assyria, Babylon , and Egypt.(Jer 50:17; Isa 52:3-6). Israel’s leaders scattered Israel spiritually. The last of the craftsmen or blacksmiths to repair the damage done was christ. He found Israel “scattered”.(Matt 9:36; Mk 6:34). So who is that little horn who outdid the other 3 and is full of blasphemies!!
Kenny, I read with interest your thoughts and wonder why you reach some of the conclusions you have unless you have some outside (of scripture) help.
The courtyard represents Gentiles? Wrapped in the white linen(Christ's Righteousness) with the silver(salvation) hooks, clasps and the entry of 5 posts(Books of Moses) and 4-colored(Jesus) gate hanging? Don't you see the symbolism of these articles? Gentiles who enter this courtyard(experience) become Israel(People of God) and in the first Beatitude the outer court is defined in one word: Faith. You don't go in there without faith. Gentiles are those without faith, and they remain without. You did not come within this court without a lamb (by faith). This literal place symbolizes an experience that no one remaining a gentile will have. Don't lose sight of the meaning of these things.
The only way into the experience of the Holy Place, and ultimately the experience of the Most Holy Place is through the courtyard experience. The whole experience of salvation is symbolized from the courtyard gate to the ark of the covenant, and it is all by faith in Christ based on the "exceeding great and precious promises" of God whereby we become "partakers of the Divine nature".
Your interpretation of the "abomination of desolation" doesn't make sense to me. Daniel and Christ define it perfectly and history reveals it clearly.
Kenny, in Jesus' day the Jews never made it into the holy place experience because they never entered the courtyard experience, though they put the Lamb to death OUTSIDE of the city. They never accepted Jesus as God's Annointed One, their Savior, but condemned and put Him to death as a criminal. (John 8:24)
REV 11:2 "Leave out the court which is outside the Temple and do not measure it, for it has been given to the nations(Gentiles); and they will tread under foot the Holy City for 42 months." Israel was placed near because they called into covenant. The Gentiles remained far or afar and God reconciled both because God is not the God of the Jews only.
Yes! But are you understanding it? Your previous comment above doesn't fit the meaning of Rev 11:1,2. Don't forget the context of these verses which are a continuation of Rev 10, which follows the 6th seal in Revelation 9 ending on Aug 11, 1840. This is the clue that solves the great disappointment of 1844, and leads all to study the heavenly sanctuary in order to see the change in Jesus' heavenly ministry which signals the approaching end of probation for sinners. This helps us to see what took place at the end of the 2300 days(years). The Gentiles (unbelieving, though claiming to be the true church) trampled the people of God (see also Dan 7 & 8) and replaced truth with falsehoods for 1260 years. This all happened on earth, while the work of cleansing the sanctuary was now(time represented in Rev 10 & 11) beginning in Heaven. During this time there was no longer a sanctuary on earth, and the earth(courtyard) where the Lamb was sacrificed was now under the domain of Gentiles after the 70 weeks expired and God left Jerusalem desolate due to Israel's transgression(referred to in Daniel at least 3 times), giving them over to the Caesar they claimed as their only King.
The sanctuary symbolizes the experiences of Justification, Sanctification and Glorification, and in no way could represent anyone other than the redeemed of all ages. Revelation 11:2 tells us the earthy system had no more meaning, and that God's people were to look higher for understanding. The call to measure means to give close study in order to understand.
This all resulted as the sin of Judah in Jeremiah's day was echoed in the sin of their children 600+ years later by rejecting Jesus.
Robert, the Truth of God cannot make sense to us. His "ways and thoughts" are not ours. It's when one tries to "make sense" of It or attempt to make It "make sense" that we distort, pervert, misunderstand, and misinterpret the Word.
Really sorry that you feel this way about God's word to us Kenny. It is very simple to know and follow. Read Prov 22:20-21 and Rev 1:1 just to mention a couple.
Ok, I should include Matt 4:4 as well. I think you get the idea. 🙂
Kenny, I should add this: God's ways are not our ways until we become "partakers of the Divine nature" through His "exceeding great and precious promises". (2 Peter 1:4) Until then, our sinful ways are the polar opposite of His way which is pure, holy and "perfect", which we are called to mimic though faith in His promised power to work in us to "will and do of His good pleasure". (Matt 5:48, Phil 2:13)
In Eph 2:14,15 God speaks of a ”middle wall of partition” which parted Jew and Gentile. In the temple structure of Christ’s time there was a “wall” which separated the Outer Court (Court of the Gentiles) from the Holy Place. It marked the boundary beyond which Gentiles were not allowed to step. This was but a symbol of the partition itself, the”enmity” between “Jews and Gentiles” and GOD, the real cause of their separation from God. Hence there was a twofold wall of partition, one the Inner wall, severing the Jewish people from entrance to the holy part of the temple where the priests officiated; the other the Outer wall, separating the Gentile proselytes from access to the Court of the Jews. (1 Kg 8:41; Ezek 44:7; Acts 21:28)
God in His Mercy and Grace broke down the “walls” reconciling both peoples to Himself by introducing the Most Holy service, New Wine and Leaven, administered by Christ and the Spirit.