Monday: The Humility of Daniel
All over the world, Daniel 2 has helped untold numbers of people come to believe in the God of the Bible. It provides powerfully rational evidence, not only for the existence of God but for His foreknowledge.
Indeed, it is the revelation that the chapter provides of God’s foreknowledge that presents evidence for God’s existence.
Read Daniel 2. How does the chapter provide such convincing evidence for the reality of God? Look, too, at Europe today as depicted in the book (Dan. 2:40-43). How could a man who lived about twenty-six hundred years ago have described so accurately the situation there, other than through divine revelation?
Daniel had openly and unashamedly given all the credit to God for what had been revealed to him. How easily he could have bragged about his already acknowledged wisdom and understanding as the source of his ability not only to know the king’s dream but to interpret it! But Daniel knew better than that. The prayers that he and the others prayed (Dan. 2:17-23) showed their utter dependence upon God; otherwise they would have died with the rest of the wise men.
Later Daniel reminded the king that none of his professional wise men, enchanters, or magicians proved able to tell the king his dream. By contrast, the God in heaven can reveal mysteries because He is the only true God.
Thus, in his humility and in his dependence upon God, Daniel was able to be a powerful witness. If Daniel, back then, showed humility, how much more should we reveal humility today? After all, we have a revelation of the plan of salvation that Daniel didn’t; and if anything should keep us humble, it should be knowledge of what Jesus did at the cross.
What should the Cross teach us about humility? What does it say to us, not only about our own sinfulness but also about our utter dependence upon God for salvation? Think about where you would be without the Cross. What then do you have to boast about, other than the Cross? See Gal. 6:14. |

Thank you Lord our God for revealing yourself to us through your prophets
But especially through his son Jesus!
Jesus was the greatest prophet of "All Prophets."
It's really interesting because Nebuchadnezzar on his throne, seemingly totally powerful contrasts with the image we have of Christ on the cross. He also was a King, on the cross, in fact the King whose Kingdom 'shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; and shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.', it's hard to see the reality of that when Jesus is on the cross. That is ultimate humility to be a King and subject yourself willingly to abuse, mocking and shame - to give a chance to all the people who lived in all the other Kingdoms to have eternal life.
the cross is all place where humility of Christ shines to my heart and melts it to be humble. Without the cross there could be no hope of salvation
In this crazy times that we are living, in which most governments are corrupt, full of their own not of God, with very few if none good examples to follow, times in which crime is all over and money seems to justify whatever is done, we need to stand up for righteousness! May God empowers us with the feeling of Hope and Love, may we bring good news to the sad. May we be glad for the perils we go through, and may we be saved at least with our family!
Galatians 6:14 14
May I never boast except in the cross of our LORD Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
The is the key to TRUTH to POWER. They say that applied History is what can be used in history that can be applied falling...Look we live on a planet that in 99% of the Churches in 2018 the most segregated day is on the SABBATH..Is this Babylon or not?
Meek and lowly of heart is the fruit of the Spirit, and without the Spirit, there is no humility or wisdom, and had Daniel been lacking these, there would have been no mention of him at all as he would have been as the other captives we've never heard about. Then the king of Babylon would have been left to perish in his sins as will all others who do not repent and believe the gospel, acknowledging God in all their ways.
Our need today is no less than Daniel's or Nebuchadnezzar's.
The book of Daniel 2 is the epitome of God's manifestation of mankind. God revealed secrets to Daniel and Daniel never took credit for interpretation. If Jesus was present when the events were unfolding, He would have certainly said, ''I tell you, I haven't seen humility like this in all Israel!''
the best part of the whole chapter is when king Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged God's might by saying ''Of a truth it is, that your God is a God of gods, and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, seeing thou couldest reveal this secret.''
"Daniel openly and unashamedly had given all the credit to God for what had been revealed to him." -{extracted from the lesson}
This spoke to me on Monday's lesson about how we sometimes acknowledge ourselves for a job well done and rob God of the glory He deserves. Had Daniel done that, Nebuchadnezzar might have been robbed of an opportunity to know that there is a God in heaven. So as we daily live our lives, it is important to attribute all we are and have, in humility, to God. For it's only in Him that we are enabled. True humility comes from acknowledging that we cannot do anything except through God who favours us even when we don't deserve. Jesus is coming back for humble followers.
This is deep! Amen amen amen! May God enable us humble ourselves in His presence today and every day!
Thanks Lindah. That's powerful my sister