Monday: Ties That Bind
“And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even ten commandments; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone” (Deuteronomy 4:13).
However much we have been stressing that the covenant is always a covenant of grace, that it is only the result of God’s bestowing unmerited favor upon those who enter into a saving relationship with Him, grace is not a license to disobey. On the contrary, covenant and law belong together; they are, in fact, inseparable.
Look at the text quoted above. How tightly does it link the covenant and the law? How does it show how basic the law is to the covenant?
When you think about what a covenant is, the concept of law as an integral part makes sense. If we understand the covenant as among other things, a relationship, then some sort of rules and boundaries need to be drawn. How long would a marriage or a friendship or a business partnership last if there were no boundaries or rules, either specifically expressed or tacitly understood? The husband decides to take a girlfriend or the friend decides to help himself to the other’s wallet, or one business partner without telling the other invites another person to join their venture. These acts would be a violation of rules, laws, and principles. How long would these relationships last under such lawless circumstances? That is why there has to be boundaries, lines drawn, and rules established. Only through these can the relationship be maintained.
In fact, various expressions such as law (Ps: 78:10) statutes (Ps: 50:16), testimonies (Ps: 25:10), commandments (Ps: 103:18), and word of the Lord (Deuteronomy 33:9) are found parallel to or in closest association with (if not having almost the same meaning as) the word covenant. Evidently “the words of this covenant” (Jeremiah 11:3, Jeremiah 11:6, Jeremiah 11:8) are the words of God’s law, statutes, testimonies, and commandments.
The covenant of God with His people Israel contained various requirements that would be crucial for maintaining the special relationship He sought with His people. Is it any different today?
Think of someone you have a close relationship with. Now, imagine what would happen to that relationship if you didn’t feel bound by any rules, norms, or laws, but believed you had total freedom to do whatever you wanted. Even if you say that you love this person and that love alone will decide how you relate to him or her, why is there still a need for rules? Discuss. |

Yesterday, I didn't write a comment because We had to drive to Sydney to visit our bachelor son. It was his birthday, so we loaded up the car with good home-cooked food and took the motorway to Sydney. It takes about one and a half hours on one of the busiest highways in Australia. Even though it was Sunday, the traffic was quite heavy and very fast moving. For most of the trip the speed limit was 110kph. There is a traffic speed camera between here and Sydney that automatically photographs your numberplate if you exceed the limit. Amazingly, in spite of the camera site being well known and signposted, it earns an large sum of money each year.
For the most part, while we are travelling to Sydney the drivers were well behaved and drove to the speed limit. We have a radar cruise-control on our car and that was set to 110kph. Consequently it was fairly easy for us to obey the law. There were a few drivers who made a deliberate decision to break the law, and because most vehicles were doing 110kph, these law-breaking drivers were weaving between the cars, changing lanes, often without indicating and in general making a nuisance of themselves. These are the drivers that cause accidents that endanger no only their own lives but the lives of others.
The road rules have the goal of enabling us to use the roads safely and efficiently. They are not there to generate money for the government from traffic fines (although there are enough traffic offenders to provide quite a sizeable cash flow)
Likewise. God's law are essentially for our own good. Breaking God's laws endanger our relationship with him and with one another. They are essentially about living now. We don't keep the law in order to be saved; We keep it because it is what a saved person does.
Just love how you use everyday things to make your point. As Jesus did through parables,using things that people were familiar with. I did have to look up 110kph (smile).
A standing Ovation to Sir Maurice, thanks for your contributions which most of us looks forward to.
This lesson makes one understand that studying and obedience to the law doesn't make one a legalist (except you choose to be) but shows my LOVE to GOD. Also the law is not for GODs good but for my own good. He loves me that's why he gave me the law to guide me and keep me safe. In other words I rephrase this text " If you love me, keep my commandments which is your daily guide and good for directing you to perfection. Shalom"
That is a perfect example. But what also came to mind was this; did you have to look up in the parenting “rule book” to know what you should do to show your son you love him and care about him? I would guess not, and that is how our relationship with God will look when we fully understand Him.
What you say is quite true Karen, but at the same time there was a lot of learning on the job. Mistakes were made and learning after the event had to be put in place.
Mr.Maurice may God bless you and others abundantly. Your comments have been a blessing not to me only but also to my friends who don't know Christ. Keep them in prayers.
That God is willing to enter into a covenant with sinners that will save them from sin is a clear testimony of His grace. That He offers willingly to “forgive our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness” when we come to Him guilty, is love beyond our understanding. The law is a faithful guide to keep us from evil and if obeyed, will prosper all who delight in the Lord(Ps 1:2,3).
The Law given to Israel at Sinai IS the covenant. The law defines the area of agreement we must have with God if we would be blessed and prospered in this life and the eternal life to come. God will restore the world to its sinless perfection, and those who abide by this covenant will be brought into the promised “inheritance among all them which are sanctified”(Acts 20:32). The Law defines the sanctified life of those who become partakers of the Divine nature(2 Pe 1:4).
The naturally selfish heart needs a rule to live by if it would not violate its own peace and the peace of others, because the selfish heart doesn't consider how they would feel about the same violation being done to them, they only think of gaining personal advantage, without regarding the effect on others. In a perfect world, no written rules would be needed.
That's why Christ changes the heart. Selfishness is sin. Doing the right things from the wrong motive is worthless.
We also were driving this weekend. My husband noticed a new guardrail and commented that it is like the law - to keep us safe.
What does the Law present, what is its purpose? This is the question I would like to ask of my fellow bible students. Is it right to take the law and separate it from its purpose?
Psalms 51:10KJV says: Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right (constant) spirit within me.
Yes, the Covenants God made with His people are based on the principles of His Law, how else would the people know what is right, what is the Law of God unless they are being taught?
The content and its vehilce for delivery are needful to overcomming emotional, intellectual, and resistance due to their old religious traditions. He is moving peoples heart and mind, exposing them and complelling them to accept a new way of life – God’s way of Life.
Looking back, I can see God's Covenant with with man as ongoing; its fulfillment is being brought about continuously by the grace and mercy of its Source - God!
Actually, one could reason what happened between Abraham and us now is the ongoing process of the fulfillment of God's Covenants; they blend together in the progression of the growing awareness of man's spirit to recognize His God.
The Law at the heart of the Covenant points out the new way of living; God’s way! But God's Law is not a law unto itself. It is designed and used by God to influence, direct, motivate, persuade, teach His children to grow up into accepting to be a new creation.
I see the Covenants as more than merely fostering a relationship between God and man. To me, they are the tool which God uses to move mankind out of his spiritual darkness of this world and exposes him to the heavenly light of the kingdom of God – and this takes time and effort on both parties.
Though Covenants are primarily for the benefit of man, the Father is wooing His children to come home because He loves us!
Brigitte, I totally agree with your thoughts in your comment, absolutely, as you said:
It (the Law within the Covenant) is designed and used by God to influence, direct, motivate, persuade, teach His children to grow up into accepting to be a new creation.
I do have one reservation i.r.o. your statement : He is moving peoples heart and mind, exposing them and compelling them to accept a new way of life – God’s way of Life.
What do you mean by the words "compelling them"?
There are two ways to understand them per the dictionary:
compel - force or oblige (someone) to do something
compelling - evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way
I believe the latter would be more in line with the rest of your comment?
Yes, Shirley - it is the latter! All the exchanges between God and man are spiritual in their origin and voluntary in response. The changed heart and mind, responding by faith, becomes evidenced through their actions.
I just imagine a world without God's law where everyone will do as he/she pleases,we thank God for loving us and giving us His laws.
God is perfect in showing us who He is in contemplating His divine nature given to us in the example of seeking His goodness.
Hey everyone,
Glad to have read your comments. It is late at night and I am currently here! Knowing to "be still and know...." Who God is. We can contemplate His love by recognizing His law. By Hus commands He demonstrates how much he would like that what is best for us. 27 years of age and I never quite understood it. But by God's grace -and through His merits- I can see His divine nature. It urges me to follow Him as He leads. Mercy being renewed -there's more to gain-. This world is not our home, most certainly. Through this pandemic and even before it has been noticed how we can value life. . . certainly me-myself can not do it alone. But I can do all through Christ that gives me strength.
Xo y'all, God bless. . .