Monday: To Think Soberly
We have talked a great deal this quarter about the perpetuity of God’s moral law and have stressed again and again that Paul’s message in the book of Romans is not one that teaches that the Ten Commandments are done away with or somehow made void by faith.
Yet, it’s easy to get so caught up in the letter of the law that we forget the spirit behind it. And that spirit is love – love for God and love for one another. While anyone can profess love, revealing that love in everyday life can be a different matter entirely.
Read Romans 12:3-21. How are we to reveal love for others?
As in 1 Corinthians chapters 12 and 13, Paul exalts love after dealing with the gifts of the Spirit. Love (Greek agape) is the more excellent way. “God is love” (1 John 4:8). Therefore, love describes the character of God. To love is to act toward others as God acts and to treat them as God treats them.
Paul here shows how that love is to be expressed in a practical manner. One important principle comes through, and that is personal humility: a willingness of a person “not to think of himself more highly than he ought” (Rom. 12:3), a willingness to “give preference to one another in honor” (Rom. 12:10, NASB), and a willingness not to “be wise in your own opinion” (Rom. 12:16, NKJV). Christ’s words about Himself, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart” (Matt. 11:29), catch the essence of it.
Of all people, Christians should be the most humble. After all, look at how helpless we are. Look at how fallen we are. Look at how dependent we are, not only upon a righteousness outside of ourselves for salvation but also on a power working in us in order to change us in ways we never can change ourselves. What have we to brag of? What have we to boast of? What have we in and of ourselves to be proud about? Nothing at all. Working from the starting point of this personal humility – not only before God but before others – we are to live as Paul admonishes us to in these verses.
Read Romans 12:18. How well are you applying this admonition in your own life right now? Might you need some attitude adjustments in order to do what the Word tells us here? |

Peace has to start within ourselves. When we are at peace with God and with ourselves, peace with others is easier! But it all starts with "me" first! What I see in my family is not much different of what happens in the world. I need more inner peace! Given from my relationship with Jesus! Thus, I need more of Jesus!
We must continually abide in him so that he will abide in us, that is the only way we can get through this life as peace makers.
Philippians 4:4-8 mentions several things that make for peace of mind. Jesus, in John 16:33 mentions that even though the world promises only tribulation, He promises that in him we will have his peace in the midst of that tribulation in this world.
Romans 12: 9;10;17 is what defines a Christian. If we are to render to every man that which is due to him it is love. He paid our debt in the cross. If we are to leave anything owing to any one, be it of whatever character it is the love, a debt which never can be liquidated
"Let love be without dissimulation" that is let your love be unfeigned. See 1 John 3:18. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. This is not, Abstain from the one, and do the other; nor, turn away from the one, and draw to the other; but, abhor the one, and cling to the other. "Be kindly affectionate one to another in brotherly love; in honor, in honour preferring one another".The word "preferring" suggests to go before and take the lead. This being exemplary. This is the total opposite to the reigning morality of the heathen world. We owe this world the love and peace we have found in our position in Christ. We are to take the lead in showing love to the world that has lost site of love.
Ttue Christianity has changed the spirit of society, that it shines in the character of not a few who are but partially, if at all under the transforming power of the Gospel, it is only those whom "the love of Christ constrains to live not unto themselves," who are capable of thoroughly acting in the spirit of this precept.
"Take my yoke upon you..." What burdens did Jesus carry? What were His concerns? He was all about others; ministering to them physically & spiritually. Sometimes it's a struggle to know how to love a person and treat a person like Jesus would (because that is how we witness to others). I know the answer is to ask Jesus to put His heart for that person into your heart, but sometimes it's hard to remember to do that. I do pray for God to live in me & through me. So it's a continual learning experience.
Romans 12:18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.
With Jesus as the center of our lives and with the help of the Holy Spirit, one person can influence and impact his/her own life through the choices and decisions made daily, which then influences and impacts those closest around them and then to others. Christ touched the lives of those around Him, the trickling effect of those few, were instrumental in spreading His love, hope & peace to the whole world throughout the ages.
I had two encounters today, that made me realize that as much as it depends on me, whatever is within my power to influence others around me, I must do, to live peaceably with those around me. To reflect Christ in me, to them, so that in turn they may come to know Christ and share Him with others too.
The first encounter was when a work colleague barged into the office I was in this morning and said she was going to give her piece of mind to another co-worker who wasn’t doing her work well. In turn, adding stress and workload to this frustrated colleague. I knew if there was anyone to diffuse the situation there and then, it would have to be me. Praise God it turned out after our small chat, I overheard her talking to other co-worker in her ‘nice’ tone and looked like they sorted some things out.
Second encounter today happened during lunchtime hour standing in a long, slow moving & hot que. Some rude person shouted at two mums’ holding their babies and sitting along the line (no chairs and after more than an hour of standing and moving at a snail’s pace, they resorted to sitting on the dirty floor or else collapse). I was tempted to turn and shout back at the rude man. But instead I calmly spoke to him, as he was at least 1 meter away from me, telling him that we all have to be patient and be a bit more sympathetic to the mums with babies. I asked him to show a little more respect to others, at which point, he looked away embarrassed and didn’t say anymore. After I spoke up, two gentlemen in line assisted the ladies and their babies to the front of the line to be served first, some others mumbled something in support of me.
Yes, thank you Holy Spirit for the strength and wisdom to say and do the right things at the right time. To diffuse and avoid situations that will result in disharmony and unhealthy living environments. May others through us know that Jesus is love, joy, hope and peace. So that whatever is within our ability to influence, as much as depends on us, to live as peaceably with all men, but that peace must not compromise nor to conform us to the ways of this world. In Jesus name, Amen.
This is terrible, but a reality in many homes in our religious sect. There are so many children that have grown up in our churches, that now do not want anything to do with us anymore. Why? Because they saw something different than what they heard. They heard about Love and Faith at Bible study and from the Pastor's sermon, but when they come home from church, or later on in the week, and they do not see Love or Faith in their homes. They see the parents anxious, tired, and frustrated; they hear gossiping and arguments. We are the first Christians that our children see, let's make sure that we are showing them the character of Jesus, and the Love and Faith of Jesus Christ.