More Woes For the Prophet – Discussion Starters
Lesson on Woes For the Prophet
1. Mad at God. Have you ever been angry about the way people are treating you? Ever been mad at God? What was Jeremiah’s complaint about God? Was it justified? Why can’t God’s followers be treated with the justice and civility they deserve? Have you ever known someone who stomped out of church because of hurt feelings or a sense of being unfairly treated? When we feel overwhelmed by the way folks are hurting us, what should we do about it? Did Jeremiah “come to” after his bout with depression?
2. Priests and Prophets without God. Can you think of anything more horrible than having a pastor or a conference officer who defies God and ridicules His followers? Imagine a job description for your pastor that includes the caveat: “does not need to believe in God.” Not believing was just the tip of the iceberg for the spiritual leaders of Jeremiah’s day. What evil doings did these chosen leaders follow without remorse? How could they fall so easily into the sins of apostasy, false leadership, denial of God’s word? Aren’t you glad our pastors and church leaders don’t stumble over these sins? What is the only remedy for such a travesty of God’s plan for His church?
3. A day in the stocks. Now Jeremiah is in trouble. Why? What had he done that so irritated Pashar that he had Jeremiah thrown in a pit? Who was Pashar? Do you ever see examples around you of “rejecting the messenger”? Does it seem that Jeremiah gets the punishment Pashar deserved? Or does Jeremiah pronounce even worse consequences on him? What was to be the result of Pashar’s defiance of the Lord’s chosen messenger? Why do you think Pashar freed Jeremiah from the pit after one day? Did Jeremiah lay aside his prophetic assignment after being so brutally treated by one of God’s representatives? Should we respond to real and imaginary insults from God’s people by moving away from them?
4. Fire in His Bones. What is the difference between Jeremiah’s response to God’s prophecy and his personal feelings about what is going on? Why are Jeremiah’s apparent accusations against God included in Scripture? Were his words guided in any way by the Holy Spirit? How would we know? Was Jeremiah serious when he says (Jeremiah 20:9) that he is not even going to talk about God anymore? What prevents his “promise” from happening? Can you and I have the same “fire” in our “bones” that turned Jeremiah from utter despair to continue his prophetic work? Are you facing hardships or the possibility of bad events in your life? How can you and I have the determination to follow God no matter what happens?
5. Cursed Be the Day. Why does the Bible tell us about the misdeeds and character faults of human beings involved in God’s work? Wouldn’t you rather read about Jeremiah as a perfect representation of what God’s love is like? Instead, what does Jeremiah have to say about his presence on the earth? Ellen White said (Wednesday’s lesson) that she had no goodness to earn salvation but had access to the Father. How can we make God’s revelation to us sufficient to bind us closely to God’s love? Are you ready to face bad times in your life? Or discouraging events in your family or church? Can we keep from being overwhelmed by these situations? How
6. Plans Against the Prophet. What can keep God from visiting His people with the dire consequences of their sins? Are you and I willing to submit to the Master potter? God gave Jeremiah a real-life object lesson of what he was trying to teach him. What was that object lesson? Have you ever spun a dish or a vase using a potter’s wheel? Every move you make changes the shape and design of that object. Can God direct your hands and life as He spins the wheel for your destiny? Why does God keep offering a path out of sin? Why do we keep turning away from God’s path? Or do we? Can we follow God in every way? If so, how? If not, what can we do?

Woes for God's people? Yes.
No messenger has had it all smooth because the world loves darkness more than light. even our master Jesus Christ faced rejection onto the death on the cross. As humans they may discourage us along the way bu with God's help we will make it.
working for God requires a devotion from the inner person guided by holy spirit. Therefore let's pray for God's intervention in our lives to conquer the devil
As Christians we need to pray for God's guidance to enable us as Christians inorder to spread the word of God
It is true, Edward. That, probably, is what is remaining for the remnant Church...
No matter what happens we must keep our eyes on Jesus.