Peter Wannemacher

Peter and Arlene Wannemacher
Peter Damian Wannemacher is a key member of the SSNET web team. He lives in Lyman, Maine (USA) with Arlene, his beautiful wife of 37 years. Five of their six children are married and have blessed them with 13 grandchildren ages 17 and younger. They taught all their children at home. Peter loves to make music and does that whenever he has the opportunity. He is an elder in their church where his principal roles are with music, Sabbath school and youth.
Peter earns his living by designing databases in Microsoft Access, webpages with HTML/CSS and PHP/MySQL and by teaching adults basic computer skills. Some of his classes are more advanced.
Peter is the wiz who transforms either PDF or MSWord documents into HTML for our weekly lessons – fast!
Volunteering to help with Sabbath School Net was a natural fit, because he uses the online quarterly exclusively. When he joined us in 2012, he had been doing web design for about 10 years, but always alone. He thought it would be good to work with a team, and he has been a really great team member. He loves the fact that he is part of an international team, with members from Germany, South Africa, Australia, Canada and several states of the United States.

Peter, I was inspired to reach out to you on this, your namesake saint's feast day. It's been such a long time but I recognized you and Arlene in the picture.
It is good to see you and your family doing well.
May God bless you all,
Bill Shaw
What a blessing to all of us. Great to know that somebody is using his best of skills to serve the church and God. What an inspiration to all of us!
God must have a place for every ones talents. If I have or had any, I keep some that are less noticeable or useable. 1Corinthians 12-- uses the words gift, to relate the uses God has for the needs of the Church. One body, many members.
Peter thank you
Good evening, dear cousin Peter Damian - your grandfather, Uncle Charles, 1883-1967, was a cousin of my grandfather Wilhelm Wannemacher, and he visited us in 1948 and gave me a dollar, for I never had eaten ice-cream (I was four years old, and the after-war-times were not so good), and he said: it is incredible that a sweet young girl never tasted ice-cream ...
I would like to tell you a lot of stories about our common family and give you the ancestors of Uncle Charles, if you like it.
My adress is: Karina Kulbach-Fricke,[email deleted for privacy reasons]
daughter of Ria Wannemacher, daughter of the teacher Wilhelm Wannemacher
Please write me!
Herzliche Grüße aus der alten Heimat