Tuesday: The Prayer of Faith
“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Heb. 11:6). What important principles does this text teach us in regard to what is required for prayer and what it means to us? 1
In a sense, prayer is a way of coming to God, of opening oneself up to Him. We don’t pray so that God will know the things that we need. After all, Jesus Himself said, in the context of prayer, that “your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him” (Matt. 6:8, NKJV). We pray because prayer is a way of exercising our faith in God. It’s a means of making our faith stronger, more real, and practical. Who hasn’t experienced how fervent, unwavering prayer, offered with a sense of dependence and need, has increased one’s faith and deepened one’s relationship with God?
Prayer is a way of helping empty self of self. It’s a way to die daily. It’s a way to reconnect with God on a very personal level. It’s a way to remind yourself that you are not your own, that you have been bought with a price, and that left to yourself you would crumble and die in a world full of powers and forces that could, in an instant, trample you into the dirt.
So often we hear the phrase, to “seek the Lord in prayer.” What does that mean to you? See Dan. 9:3, 4; Zech. 8:21.
To a great degree, every prayer is an act of faith. Who can see their prayers extend to heaven? Who can see God receive them? Often we pray without seeing immediate results, yet, we go on faith that God hears and will answer in the best way possible. Prayer is an act of faith in which we reach out beyond what we see or feel or even fully understand.
How much of your prayer life is rote and static, as opposed to deep and heartfelt? How can you move away from the former toward the latter?

Prayer is the breath of our soul and is the one which replaces the evil thoughts in our souls thus placing devine desires in our lives. No wonder early Reformers & even Christ used to keep the morning watch. This is our turn guys.
Prayer is like a bridge which connects us home. Without prayer, we remain outside God's kingdom. Without prayer one is like a reed in the middle of a sea. One feels alone and isolated without any support.
Prayers uplifts faith, faith and prayer are like husband and wife. While faith strengthens your prayer life, prayer makes your faith more operational and real.
A dependent shows his dependability basing on how much he depends on the independent. If all that the dependent has is from you then this person fully depends on you and it shows how much he believes that you can provide to him.
Isaiah 1:18 come and we reason together the more we reason the more you get to know your God and the more God answers your reasoning.
Friends could this be the way we need to depend on our giver? What is that I have that does not come from my God? NOTHING! The more I pray I am just exhibiting how much faith I have in Christ that He Himself will provide what I want from Him.
Please, my Faith is build on Nothing-less all other Ground is sinking sand. It may sink with you like it almost did to Peter when he lost focus to Christ.
Through prayer God multiplies our efforts and make the impossible, possible; how do we know that by faith. With that we can seek God's face without doubts.
I just found out now about this site and I think I am going to learn few things here I love especially on this topic of Prayer..... sometimes pray and you feel like your prayer doesnt even reach the ceiling so what do you do in cases like this....
Dear Lonwabo,
My understanding is that, in cases like this, we trust in the promises of God and ignore our feelings.
God bless.
How do you know that your prayer has not even reached the ceiling. You ask God anything in faith you will receive. Do not underestimate prayer.
We must believe that God will answer our prayers before we pray to him. The more we believe the more our minds create reasons to support our beliefs and this is where failure comes in if we are control by triumph.
As I Pray I find myself humbled before my creator as a filthy rag unworthy of the breath to breathe the prayer from my filthy lips. I'm reminded and hold fast onto His promises, And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive (Math 21:22). And I say to you, “Ask and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you. For everyone that asks receives; and he that seeks finds; and to him that knocks it shall be opened (Luke 11:9,10).