Sunday: The Redemption
Christianity is a religion of redemption, in which people are saved from the devastation of sin through what someone else − in this case, Jesus − has done for them.

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Thus, the Christian religion may be distinguished from a religion of law, where one may rectify his or her doom by one’s own efforts at doing good works. We need this redemption because, according to the Bible, people without Christ are enslaved to sin (John 8:34) and under a death sentence (Rom. 6:23). They cannot free themselves from these two conditions. The sinner’s plight requires outside intervention, and this intervention comes at a price. As the New Testament so clearly teaches, that price was the death of Jesus on the cross.
What do the following passages reveal about the concept of redemption? Isa. 35:10; Mark 10:45; Gal. 4:4-5; Titus 2:14; Heb. 9:12; 1 Pet. 1:18-19.
From the New Testament’s point of view, Christ’s redemptive death is sacrificial and substitutionary. He took our place, sacrificing Himself in our behalf, suffering our fate for us so that we don’t have to suffer it ourselves. Though some reject this idea because they don’t like the notion of someone suffering in place of another (especially in the place of someone who is guilty), that’s the heart and soul of the gospel message. When the New Testament speaks of redemption, then, unless our linguistics are at fault, it means that Christ has paid the price of our redemption. To the extent that the price paid must be adequate for the purchase in question this indicates an equivalence, a substitution. − Leon Morris, The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdman Publishing Co., 1965), p. 61.
Think of some things in your own life that you find are impossible to change, things that you are absolutely helpless to do anything about. In the same way, we are absolutely helpless to save ourselves. How does this realization help us to better understand what Christ did for us on the cross? More important, how should this amazing truth of redemption impact our lives?

This brings again to your mind the relization that you should be happy, should be joyous, knowing how much GOD can do in the life of a believer... when we are helpless. This is hope and sight, when you can't see. Believe.
It is a moment by moment walk with God, and we build on our past experience how God has worked in our lives to will and to do according to his great power. Where we were, and where we are with the transforming power of the Holy Ghost, we need not to worry, be like Jesus all day long knowing he will take care of us.
In considering this wonderful fact of redemption making it that we are indebted to Christ for such a sacrifice. It should bring joy, peace, and happiness to our heart. Especially in view of having the gifts of both imputed righteousness and imparted righteousness to let us know that God in Christ has covered every sin that we have or may ever commit throughout our entire surrendered life while abiding in Christ and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Let us praise the Lord for placing such a high value on us; His children.
Every moment of our lives we have to die daily to sin. We cannot allow sin to have dominion over us, but we have to fight manfully with the help of the Holy Ghost. We have a choice to make. We will not recieve imputed and imparted righteousness if we do not seek for them, we have to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and recognize that we cannot do anything for ourselves. We cannot make our minds clean but it is the outside power which lies in the Holy Ghost which will do it in us and through us.
Salvation brought to us redemption (to buy back/freed us), which allowed us to have victory through the powerful blood of Jesus Christ. When I study today's lesson, I realized the price for the blood of Jesus is worth much more than the price for my sins. My sins were so terrible, it could not be purchased with corruptible things (silver or gold, or the highest costly jewel in 2012). Every one drop of Jesus blood would have cleansed the entire human race and grace will still leave over. How much more, his entire blood was gushed out with water from his side. The bible says, how can we escape if we neglet so great a salvation?
The mere fact that Christ died in our stead, indicates that we owe Him our life. We should be forever grateful of His redemptive power. All of our praise and worship belong to Him.
What we are right now is because of the sacrifice which was made by Jesus to die on our behalf if it was for that cause i wonder what was going to happen
Christ's death on the cross gives us the identity. Whiles we were yet sinners Christ died for us. Thus when we ponder upon the death of Christ on the cross, it reminds us of how sinful we were as we chose the path of selfishness and greed. We see how unworthy we were to profess that we are the children of God , but the grace and mercy shown on the cross have given us that priviledge. As we meditate upon that, the contrite spirited humbles their hearts and offer all that they have for the sake of Christ.
What a free GIFT indeed. When we come to the realisation that, of our own we have no power to save ourselves, we must every moment of our lives lean on everlasting arms for guidance and make a resolve to shunny evil. If we do this, by faith, will be more than conquerers in any life situation beacuse we know that the battle is not ours and has already been won for us.
Thank you so much my Lord Jesus for the payment, which was worthy my life. lts a must to love you JESUS because you paid my penality and now free. Teach me to obey you as the great master.
I am humbled, when contemplating the fact, that someone greater then me, sacrificed their life, for someone less then themselves...
When I think of the pains, suffering on the road to Calvary; when I remember His last breath on Calvary, my heart bleeds - all this Jesus did for me, to serve me, to redeem me from the bondage of Satan. Saints of God the impact is too much on us. We have every reason to thank God for truly His unfailing love pursues us. My God I owe you my entire being.
I want to believe that we need Christ as humans to have completeness. We can serve him by dedicating our lives to Him. This makes us free.