Sabbath: Back to Egypt
Read for This Week’s Study: Jer. 40:7-16, Jeremiah 41-43, Exod. 16:3, Num. 16:13, Jeremiah 44:1-30.
Memory Text: May the Lord be a true and faithful witness against us if we do not act in accordance with everything the Lord your God sends you to tell us
(Jeremiah 42:5, NIV).
This week’s lesson brings us toward the end of the saga of Jeremiah the prophet. However, this is not a and they lived happily ever after
ending. In a sense, one could summarize this week’s study, and even a good portion of the book of Jeremiah, by saying that what we see here is an example of the limits of grace. That is, grace will not save those who utterly refuse to accept it. No matter how much the Lord spoke to them, offering them salvation, protection, redemption, peace, and prosperity, all but a tiny and faithful remnant scorned and rebuffed God’s offer.
And what of Jeremiah? His was a life and work that from all human appearances seemed futile! The weeping prophet
had plenty to weep about. Even after everything he warned about came to pass, the people still clung to their sins and paganism and rebellion, openly defying the prophet to his face and scorning the Word of the Lord to them.
How we need to be careful ourselves. Grace is grace because it’s given to the undeserving, yes; but it’s not forced on anyone. We must be willing to accept it.
Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, December 19.

A thought comes to mind about the "weeping prophet".
Jesus asked the question at one point :
"...Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?
And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets." (Matt 16:13-14)
There were reasons why the people associated Jesus with John, Elijah, and Jeremiah, etc. It strikes me that in Jeremiah's case he was known as a man of sorrows. Of course this is exactly what they saw in Jesus too. In the minds of some of the people, the links between Jeremiah and Jesus were probably very strong.
We are also going back to egypt by worldly practices and deeds e.g keeping the sabbath of the lord.,because some of us remember it in the morning when people are going to the church, but the family members of God according to heb 4:9,welcome it on friday by opening the sabbath,if you are in south sudan,Awiel-warkuach area, please visit the mercy church of seventh day to comfirm.
I'm not sure exactly what you are saying Jacob, but I think you are referring to the keeping of Sabbath from sunset to sunset, rather than just thinking about Sabbath when we go to church in the morning. Sabbath is a special gift from God to us and we honour it when we use it the way God intended. While church going is an important component of the Sabbath day, it well for us to remember that it is the whole day that is sanctified, not just eh couple of hours we spend in church. That is one reason why I often refer to our need to be creative in our Sabbath-keeping. If we are just doing nothing on Sabbath, then there is something quite wrong in our thinking.
Yes, the Sabbath starts when the sun goes down on the sixth day of the week (Friday,) and ends 24 hours later when the sun goes down on the seventh day of it (Saturday.) I knew of one SDA who started celebrating the Sabbath two hours before the sun went down on the sixth day and ended his celebration of it two hours after the sun went down on the seventh day of it. I told him about how the Apostle Peter had wanted Jesus to essentially give him a bath after not wanting Jesus to wash his feet only and how Jesus told Peter again to only allow him to wash his feet. God only requires us to celebrate His Sabbath from sundown to sundown, 24 hours only. I also told the SDA fellow that he was essentially stealing two hours from the sixth day and two hours from the first day to try to ensure that he did not cheat God from his Sabbath Keeping---what burdensome legalistic ideas and practices we sometimes impose on ourselves and others in trying to keep God's Laws.
I disagree Pete. The member that started the Sabbath early & let it carry over for two hours, I feel guarded the edges of the Sabbath as instructed in the Spirit of Prophecy. He was not 'stealing' hours from the 6th & 1st days. I commend him for the care he takes to honor the Sabbath. Often times, & I myself am guilty, we watch the clock, as it ticks down the minutes until the Sabbath is over, so we can 'get on with our lives.'
To the remnant church of God Egypt is better known as Israel’s first great enemy (Exodus 14:13, 30), and also the prophetic figure used to represent atheism, secularism and worldliness (Revelation 11:8). In scripture Egypt is identified with idolatry (Exodus 12:12; Isaiah 19:1), bondage (Deuteronomy 5:15), licentiousness (Ezekiel 23:3) and ungodliness (Joel 3:19).
Astonishingly though Egypt has maintained a mysterious magnetism on God’s people, as if by a spell. Barely free from cruelty the Israelites seemed to miss their abusers and begged to return (Numbers 14:3, 4, 12). Judah’s last king formed a failed alliance with the old enemy (Jeremiah 37:5-8) and the poor who were given a reprieve in Jerusalem found comfort in the pagan land (Jeremiah 43:1-7).
The remnant of the last days need to guard against the charm of spiritual Egypt with its gods of education, political power, social status , material riches, licentiousness, profane pleasure and self-esteem. The fallen church described as a harlot and called Babylon has formed an illicit union with Egypt, the rulers of the world, compromising for power sake (Revelation 17:1-18).
Beware too of the subtle spiritualism which arises from an accommodation of Babylon’s practices which may bring a momentary feeling of exhilaration but lacks sanctifying value. It flatters only to deceive both those in Egypt and Israel (1 Peter 5:8; Revelation 14:8).
In this season supposedly dedicated to Christ it is easy to be drawn by Egypt. Bible study may be sidelined, evangelism reduced to caroling mixed with common music, parties occupy primetime and indulgence granted free rein under bewitching festive lights. That which bears a holy name may cloak a holiday from Christlikeness with a hope to catch up in the coming year.
There was a season of partying and intoxication before the flood and there will be such before the Coming of the King of kings (Luke 17:26-30). Let party fever be a reminder to pray more.
Seconding the first comment, "how similar is mine character to that of the Saviour Jesus Christ, to the point that a witness may say 'This man is really a God fearing man' ? The lesson l got from both the lesson and comment is that Jeremiah reflected Christ's character in his life experience. Hence people were able to link Him with Jeremiah the man of sorrow
Do our friends and neighbours see Jesus Christ in Me? Happy Sabbath you All!
I recieve a lot of comfort in the words of the Apostle John in his epistle in 1John 3:2 whenever I am troubled that I am just not reflecting Jesus' Character perfectly in my life to others. Johns' words here assures me that even though I may not be reflecting Jesus' Character Perfectly in my life now to others, God still considers me His Son now inspite of it. There seems to be the idea in Johns' wording in this verse that the perfect and flawless reflection of Jesus' Character will not happen until He returns, "...when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is." But for now, inspite of the fact that we are not perfectly like Him now and therefore because of this, " doth not yet appear what we shall be;..." yet, " are we the Sons of God." Praise His Holy Name for Johns' words.
Jeremiah's message was for those who were "in the church", it was a warning that "the church" of those days was not living in harmony with the character of Jehovah. It was a warning that "going with the flow" was not good enough.
I need a personal relationship with Jesus based on daily meditation on His Word and communication with Him, daily surrender of my will and acceptance of His Divine Power to change my character to be like His character.
Thank you so much for this reminder! Too often when we hear or read a message we think that it is for the other people; when in fact it is addressed to us. Let's be attentive to God's Holy Spirit talking to our hearts and not be so blindfolded by the world. Even God's grace has a limit!
The Bible is offering salvation and grace, full and free. It is up to you if you will accept it or not. When the Holy Spirit whispers to us, we have to listen because we might miss that call and eventually miss God's grace.