Sabbath: The Controversy Continues
Read for This Week’s Study: 1 Sam. 17:43-51, 2 Sam. 11:1-17, 1 Kings 18:21-39, 2 Kings 19:21-34, Esther 3:8-11, Nehemiah 1.
Memory Text: “And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king’s words that he had spoken to me. So they said, ‘Let us rise up and build.’ Then they set their hands to this good work” (Nehemiah 2:18, NKJV) .
When we compare the lives of David, Elijah, Hezekiah, Esther, and Nehemiah, similar themes surface: God is able to use “insignificant” people to turn back the tide of evil. Through some of these accounts we can see that, despite tremendous obstacles, we don’t need to buckle under overwhelming evil. Instead, we can stand firm, but only in the power of God, who is faithful to His covenant promises, promises fulfilled for us in Jesus. When God’s people endure in His might, they will see that the forces of evil are not powerful enough to ultimately prevail.
The focus, and the challenge, is for us to rejoice in His deliverance. This does not always make sense in the context of the overwhelming challenges that we sometimes find ourselves in, challenges that are so much bigger than ourselves. Rejoicing in God’s deliverance before deliverance comes is an act of faith and worship, rather than the logical consequence of what is happening around us. On the other hand, because of what Christ has done for us, trusting in God’s faithfulness is, really, the only logical thing we can do.
Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, January 30.

I have learnt that in our christian walk, the Master Teacher uses instrumentalities such as pain, suffering, isolation,depravation, poverty, etc to nurture and elevate us to a better state where h can effectively help and send us to effectively represent Him before men. In such state then i think God plants in us His joy that helps us overcome every obstacle in our mission.
I must confess that i found the summary for today's lesson very helpful. Understanding key lessons from Deborah , Samson,Gideon, Ruth and Samuel was not an issue at all.Be blessed brethren.
What does this phrase means \"Rejoicing in God’s deliverance before deliverance comes is an act of faith and worship, rather than the logical consequence of what is happening around us.\"
We are living in momentous times. We are aware that these are the last days, and looking about us we see the signs of the coming crisis and time of trouble that is to soon impact the whole world. If we focus however on the bad stuff we lose sight of our Savior. In our faith and worship we focus on He who loves us, and we grow in confidence that no matter how hard the circumstances may be around us, God is in ultimate control and has not abdicated His sovereignty to our enemy. In this we may human terms the outlook may look bleak and the cause of despair and anxiety, but by faith we may lay hold on our Savior and have a sure hope that He loves us and will remain with us throughout the crisis.
God knows what he is doing we just got to step back and let him take control, believe him,be faithful and he will do the rest. He said he want leave us.
Reply to Abigail's inquiry: To rejoice in advance before deliverance arrives is a demonstration of full assurance of knowing God will usher you through the storm. Your faith shows the devil that you refuse to allow circumstance to defeat you. For example, a physician is challenged to perform surgery for a life threatening new type of illness. The patient has been told the outcome is uncertain. Satan says give up. That patient humbly prays to God, The Great Physician, to guide the surgeon. When the patient shows up for surgery, it's a demonstration of rejoicing in deliverance. Satan is defeated.
I like your answer Theresa. But I wonder about the time when Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were facing the furnace, and they said that they were "not careful" to answer the king. They felt that they didn't have to state their reasons for not bowing to the image. (Dan 3:16) They were not fearful or angry, and "their answer is respectful but decided", (EGW),
"If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king.
BUT IF NOT, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which you have set up." (Dan 3:17-18)
The words, "but if not", seem to suggest that whether God delivered them or not, they were quite happy/content either way. Their decision was made. And even though Nebuchadnezzar quickly 'lost it' and went into a rage (Dan 3:19), the 3 young men were not troubled... even as they saw the furnace being 'cranked up' to well beyond its normal operating temperature.
Stewart I like your answer as well. It is indeed a perfect example that is timeless. For that reason, we must treasure God's Word. In the time of turmoil He'll give us total recall of His promises and insight from those who shared the same struggles. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Theresa. I like to think that the Spirit of God brought the specific promise to their recall --
"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you: WHEN YOU WALK THROUGH THE FIRE, YOU SHALL NOT BE BURNED; NEITHER SHALL THE FLAME KINDLE UPON YOU." (Isa 43:2)
It is more than possible, I think, that they claimed a literal fulfillment of this promise, but still, they would not presume upon His mercy.
When we read the E.G.White comments in Bible Comentr Nehemiah chs 2 & 4 then this memory text wil take on great meaning." Our life is the Lords and is invested with a RESPONSIBILITY that we do not fully comprehend. The threads of self have become woven into the fabric, and this has dishonored God. Nehemiah, after gaining so great an influence over the monarch in whose court he lived, and over the people in Jerusalem, instead of ascribing praise to his own exellent traits of character, his remarkable aptness and energy, stated the matter just as it was. He declaired that HI SUCCESS WAS DUE TO THE GOOD HAND OF GOD that was upon him. He cherished the truth that GOD WAS HIS SAFEGUARD in EVERY POSITION OF INFLUENCE. For every trait of character by which he obtained favor he PRAISED THE WORKING POWER OF GOD through His unseen agencies. And God GAVE HIM WISDOM
because he did not exalt hmself." (Letter 83, 1898) these are great lessons for us to learn
Abigail thanks for the question.Phillipians 4:4 tells us to rejoice in the Lord always,regardless of the situation we are in because all things work for our good-Rom 8:28.Also consider Acts 16:16-27, Paul and silas sung hymns in jail after being beaten and were delivered,
Very inspiring
no matter what going around us even in the house of Lord even with church members , we know it is end of time when Jesus comes it is a individual thing we have to give an account of what we had done. We need to give God thanks and praise daily.
Great lesson brothers and sisters,only when you have passed through many tribulations and we you read such incidents from the people who lived before us you are able to understand the power and love of God upon your life.i have always complained what I have been and am going through but with your contributions I have learnt something.Amen.
The controversy is still on and we are at the centre of it,but since Jesus was able to overcome we will by his grace overcome.