Sabbath: Discipling Spiritual Leaders
Read for This Week’s Study: Luke 6:12-16, John 16:7-14, Luke 6:20-49, Jer. 50:31, Isa. 57:15, Acts 1.
Memory Text: Now it came to pass in those days that those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. And when it was day, He called His disciples to Himself; and from them He chose twelve whom He also named apostles. (Luke 6:12-13, NKJV)
While Jesus was ever active in making disciples, He recognized that His earthly sojourn was short. Therefore he invested Himself in the training of disciples to continue the work after He left. He was both their Master Teacher and their Master Trainer. While teaching and training are obviously related, teaching usually connotes the impartation of knowledge, whereas training suggests formation or qualification through practice and discipline.
The disciples’ preparation for leadership certainly involved the receiving of knowledge, but spiritual growth was uppermost. They needed an experience in the things of God, of faith, of hardship, of sanctification, and of self-sacrifice, along with an intellectual understanding of doctrine and theology. Knowledge alone was insufficient preparation for the rigorous challenges ahead. Jesus gave them both.

A mere understanding of biblical philosophies is not enough to be a disciple/spiritual leader. growing up in an Adventist home simply did not make me a better Seventh-day Adventist. it took a lot of questioning, at time seemingly rebellion to fully appreciate the quality of Christianity we have
Any one who is to become a co-worker with Christ,must 1st be enrolled in the school of Christ,and to him is instilled qualities that will best suit him/her in the ministry.Christ is looking for for humble students with teachable spirit.
Jesus knew very well the power of prayer,the task before him was great since he needed to choose the 12 from his lot of diciples,whom He later called apostles.he prayed so as to make a choice that will help him further the gospel and also not bring many times do we pray before making decisions.jesus wrestled with prayer the whole night,so we as modern christians need to emulate him,pray in the morning ,noon and evening and whenever we do anything.We have to make god first in everything.
We should never leave ministry. We should always be willing to pass on. Our knowledge so Gods work will keep moving.
we have learned that jesus spend the who night prayng,we as his followers,in oder to be his disiples,we must lean how to sustain in prayers,paciant in trouble time,be ready to face any chalange and to harden our faith..
From the great Teachers example it is KEY to note how he by the grace of God taught the apostles...
Impart Knowledge first with the intention of it later being applied Practically !
So he taught them how to break the prejudice barrier , how to love all man , how to pray ,how to be patient ,just to name a few with the intention of them later being seen in the ministry AD...
For those in our churches who sit in pews week in , week out , listening to sermons , sabbaths schools and lesson study's but never applying these invaluable teachings practically ... you must reevaluate your value to the church , community and the kingdom of heaven , figure out by prayer and supplication what your doing wrong .
Understand that ignorance is no excuse for sin ... And one day the master will ask you about the talents you buried in the ground ...
Matthew 25:29
To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. 30 Now throw this useless servant into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
May the good lord help us to put the theory and great knowledge we've been blessed with as Adventists into practicality . That by our fruits we be known as the remnant NOT just by our doctrine .
I guess for me the reason why I would become a disciple for Christ is not firstly because I want to spread the Gospel, but because Satan led me to a dark place that I saw had no purpose or meaning, and from there, It came to me that, what Christ had to offer was what I wanted, what I needed, what I was searching for, Peace in my heart. simply put......I want to have what you have, teach me. It's a personal reason, before it becomes a duty. blessings:)