Sabbath: The Everlasting Gospel
Read for This Week’s Study: Heb. 4:2; Ps. 130:3-4; Luke 15:11-32; Rom. 3:24-26; Heb. 10:1-4; Rev. 14:12.
Memory Text:
The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying:
(Jeremiah 31:3, NKJV).Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you
In our study of James, we have looked at a number of issues connected with the gospel and made some comparisons with other biblical authors. It is not always easy to understand clearly how what James says fits with other parts of Scripture, especially when it comes to something as central as the gospel itself, but as we saw, it does. And this is very important, too, because the gospel is the foundation of our last-day commission to preach the everlasting gospel . . . to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people
In this, our final week, we will focus on basic questions regarding the everlasting gospel,
which is salvation by faith, a belief taught all through the Bible, including James.
The crucial point to remember is that the Bible does not contradict itself, especially on something as basic as salvation. By finishing the quarter with a look at how the gospel appears in the Bible, we can better see how James fits this larger picture of God’s plan of redemption.
*Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, December 27.

What a mighty God we serve we live in a world of sin crime and all sort of things,but we still doubt our Lord,this lesson teaches us to have faith in the Lord in whatever situation we go through,we saved by faith but theirs no salvation without faith,My prayer today is that The Lord grant us they peace and that the Holy Spirit Dwell in us in everything we do
The word Gospel literally means "to bring good news." It is the same word in the Greek that is used in Lk 2:10 "Then the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people'" (NKJV) where the words "good tidings" is the same as the some 68 others times in the New Testament where the Greek word appears, mostly translated "preach" or "Gospel."
Thayer's lexicon also says, "the Septuagint for בִּשֵּׂר; to bring good news, to announce glad tidings; Vulgate evangelizo (etc.); used in the O. T. of any kind of good news." It then lists a number of Old Testament verses in the Septuagint where it is used such as "1 Sam. 31:9; 2 Sam. 1:20 ; 1 Chr. 10:9; of the joyful tidings of God's kindnesses, Ps. 39:10 (40:10); τό σωτήριον Θεοῦ, Ps. 95:2 (Ps. 96:2 ); in particular, of the Messianic blessings: Isa. 40:9; 52:7; 60:6; 61:1, etc."
The question that comes to my mind is this: Have we always preached the "good news" in our evangelistic efforts? Is it something that we talk about among ourselves or are we usually majoring in the negatives? Should we totally ignore the negatives in favor of talking only about the good things?
Tyler, good question.
I live in a bed sitter by myself and my daughter wants to get me a puppy to keep me company and to give me affection.
But I keep thinking of all the extra work I will have to do and the mess the puppy will make.
But my daughter tries to get me to think about what fun it will be and how cute it is and how much it will snuggle with me and how much love and attention it will give me and keep me company and she sends me pictures showing how cute it is and she tells me stories of how endearing it is.
She wants me to concentrate on all the positives of having a puppy to the extent that the negatives are negligible.
Just so we need to share the abundant joy of a relationship with Jesus that is far more rewarding than any minor trials we might have in this world as a result.
Joh 16:33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world."
2Co 4:17-18 For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, (18) as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.
i love the commentary made by tyler. the explanation of gospel
etc. thank you
Reasonable questions.
What if good news is not the same as positive news or some of the negatives are not necessarily negatives, but a matter of perception. For example did Noah preach the gospel and was it good news or bad news, positive or negative? It really depended on the perspective of the eight or the others.
Again there are eight of the Ten Commandments framed as "Do not..." Whether these are positive or not might depend on who is responding.
Was it good or positive news to eat Christ's flesh (John 6:53-58)? Many expressed how they felt (John 6:66).
There are those who feel very good about the gospel because they have embraced only the favorable portions; but will that do? It is better to enter the kingdom of Heaven with negatives than with all positives arrive at the other place (Mark 9:47).
The remnant are not called to measure favorability or pick winners among the teachings of scripture, but to proclaim the whole truth and let the Spirit find a way to connect it to the heart of repentant sinners.
"For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." (1 Corinthians 1:18)
Hugh, very well put, thank you. The questions that I presented were more toward the emphasis we sometimes have. I can certainly see how the demise of the wicked is not good news to the wicked and yet it is to those who will be saved who feel a coming relief from the problems those people constantly generate. The main point was should we major in doom and gloom with all the problems that we will face and speak of all that is wrong or should we spend most of the time in Jesus as savior and what He has done for us with all that is right.
Negatives and positives in preaching the good news?
Consider the example of Jesus, who presented the Sermon on the Mount with both blessings and warnings, who encouraged one who was emotionally beaten to the dust to "go and sin no more" after He wrote in the dust that which made proud leaders sneak away, who hung naked in public taking the worst that Satan and sin could heap on Him so we could see the glory of God's infinite love.
Consider Him and follow Him.
When talking about the Gospel, I believe that it is more than just good news; it is Heaven itself. I like Paul's explanation of the Gospel when he wrote; "I am not ashamed of the Gospel because it is the Power of God that brings Salvation to those who believe." (Romans 1: 16). While he caught all attentions to what is this great news, he went on to say; "For in the Gospel, the Righteousness of God has been revealed; a righteousness which is by faith from first to last, just as it is written, the righteous will live by faith." (Romans 1: 17). So what is this GOOD NEWS? In answer to this question again Paul wrote; "But Scripture has locked up everything under the control of sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe." (Galatians 3: 22). With reference to Paul's writing, the good news is the promised FREEDOM TO ALL MANKIND. How is this freedom achieved; through the Sacrifice of the body of the Son of God Himself, Jesus Christ; as the Ransome for our Freedom. When the Angel sang; "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a SAVIOUR has been born to you; he is the MESSIAH, the LORD." (Luke 2: 10, 11); the angel announced the long awaited promise, "He will crush your head and you will bruise His heel." Genesis 3: 15). Because of sin, Adam was enslaved to the bondage of fear and death and right throughout every generations of man, Freedom was so long hoped for. Thus, the Gospel is the Power of God through Jesus Christ to set us Free from our condemnation. The Good News is the Righteousness of God to descend among fallen mankind Himself through Jesus Christ His Son, to free us from the kingdom of Satan and reconcile us back to Him; "But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions." (Ephesians 2: 4, 5). The Gospel is the Eternal Record written in the Book of God and also in our mortal language, the Love of God in investing all Heaven through the Life of His One and Only Son Jesus Christ to bring us back into His Most Holy presence forever.
Amen amen Vula
Interpreting the "Good News" for the communities we live in is the challenge of Christians. I believe the gospel is "present" truth. It is not good news that any perish, it is not good news that the wicked get their just rewards, it is not good news that "other religions" fail to keep the Sabbath. It is good news that Christ died for the ungodly. It is good news that His love and acceptance comes through His Son and is unconditional in its scope of influence. If this message does not go out to all the world by "Christianity" the rocks will cry out , and it is not good news that He has to wait as long as He does to set His people free. We are free indeed if we teach all men the Truth about God's character through unconditional acceptance and encouragement.