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Sabbath: Jesus and Those in Need — 8 Comments

  1. When it comes to the ultimate "least of these" experience, the life of Jesus is our example. Our memory text this week says it all:

    “The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD” (Luke 4:18-19, NKJV)

    The actions of Jesus are in direct contrast to the "survival of the fittest" version of evolutionary theory. Jesus went about helping the weak and raising the fallen. Perhaps the most challenging example of all is his treatment of the woman taken in adultery. Jesus said to her:

    And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

    Compassion overruling condemnation - the ultimate treatment of those in need.

    What ever you think of the forensic legal analysis of the plan of salvation, Jesus set an example for his followers of not only helping the needy but of being compassionate towards sinners.

  2. Every 50 years there was to be a JUBILEE year. The year of JUBILEE requires that all land rest, all slaves be freed, and all land be returned to it’s original owner. This was God's way, in the nation of Israel, keeping people free from slavery, and free from debt. But there is a more important spiritual significance to the year of Jubilee. The fact that the year of JUBILEE was every 50th year, and thus completed a cycle of 7x7 years, shows that it symbolized the spiritually perfect plan of God -- brought to it’s fullness.

    You will notice that, "the acceptable year of the Lord," is the accomplishment of more than just ACTS and MIRACLES by Jesus. More than that, "the acceptable year of the Lord," is really a term which embodies the outworking of the Redemption in US – in all humanity. Every single point Jesus lists among the things He came to us is FOR us. There isn’t a single thing on the list which takes anything away from us.

    "The acceptable year of the Lord," is acceptable because it is the "year" when God’s will is brought to pass through Jesus Christ. It is the fulfillment of every shadow and type – it is the real YEAR OF JUBILEE in Christ Jesus. This is "acceptable year of the Lord."

  3. When Jesus came on the scene and said these words, were after his Baptism and victory over satan in the wilderness (verses 1-17). He was empowered by the Holy Spirit to do the mission for his and our father. He went back to the temple in his home town Nazareth. He was quoting from Isa 61:1-3. Those who heard him was amazed, fixed their eyes on him then asked the question. Is not this Joseph son. We can breakdown those words in pieces for discussion. Jesus could not have fulfilled Isa prophecy except he overcome Satan in the wilderness. Jesus over come Satan Spirituality when he asked for him to worship him, physically when he asked him to make bread from stones and when he refused to honor Satan.

    It is by overcoming Satan that God people will able to continue his work on earth. When the people who called themselves his followers eyes are open spiritually, we will then see the need for humans who are suffering spiritually, physically, socially/emotionally and mentally. Let us always remember the Laodicean message is for us.

    • Not sure what you mean stating "It is by overcoming Satan that God people will able to continue his work on earth". We know in Acts 10 and 11, God could have instructed the Angel to answer Cornelius's prayer but in order for Peter to be aware of how much he was tangled of Satan's lies due to his Jewish bias, God showed the dream of unclean animals that Peter still hold in his mind about Peter's views of Non-Jews after being with our Lord Jesus for over 3 years. In fact, Jesus rebuked Peter saying 'Get behind me Satan'. I conclude, we overcome Satan as we continue in partnership with Jesus in His work on earth. We don't overcome Satan living in our SDA/Jewish walls while waiting until we fully rid of Satan's lies in our mind before God continues to use us. While working as Literature Evangelist, I was told by my Team Leader once, God will not bless our LE ministry while working in people's home until all our LE members in our team become Vegan Vegetarian because we are aware of the health message. I can say this is a lie. God calls us to work with Him for souls for His kingdom not because we are now qualified but He qualifys our calling as we continue working with Him. As we are drawn and working closer with our Lord Jesus, we become more aware of our self-seeking hearts because Satan's power over minds are now being more apparent and real. This is when daily connection/abiding in Jesus is a must for those who are in love with Jesus.

      • The Savior had left his disciples to do a great work on earth. He bids them in Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power after the Holy Spirit is come upon you. After those words he told them to remain in Jerusalem. After 10 days the Holy Spirit came and baptized them with his power. It was at this time they were ready to do great and might work.

        I understood what you are saying, we can’t sit by and wait idly, but Without the Holy Spirit empowerment in God church amongst his people all our labor is in vain. Also we will get weary of well doing. In many countries our churches are half empty, many members are becoming discouraged, some are leaving because of different reasons, some are being abused.

        If Jesus was not empowered I am sure he would have been discouraged and give up after we treated him like that. He cried, “let this cup pass from me”.

  4. “Each church member is to be a representative of the character and spirit of Christ. By precept and example the essential elements of a true, healthy, influential Christianity are to be revealed. Christ should be constantly supported as the fountain of life, mercy, and love. When self is exalted, there cannot be a ready sympathy with the poor and lonely and oppressed. By beholding, we become changed. Through close study and earnest contemplation of the character of Christ, His image is reflected in our own lives. If the truth of God has not transformed our character into the likeness of Christ, all our professed knowledge of Him and the truth is but as sounding brass and a tinkling symbol.” Sabbath School Lesson comments by Ellen G. White 8/10/19

  5. Christ's manner and way of life are examples we should live practice and live by in this world.
    For example, he was very accommodating and tolerant, none of his disciples were excommunicated form his ministry for anything they may have done while they were following him. He corrected their wrong deeds by teaching them how to do the right thing. For example, the washing of his disciples feet. He did so to teach them that even leaders are servants too, and should show humility. we should live by what we have learnt about the life of Christ our Lord and Savior!


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