Sabbath: Jesus Desired Their Good
Read for This Week’s Study: Jon. 3:4-4:6, Luke 19:38-42, Matt. 5:43-47, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, Mark 8:22-25, Phil. 2:3-5, James 2:14-17.
Memory Text: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!” (Matthew 23:37).
On Sabbath morning, during Sabbath School and worship service, skateboarders can often be seen rolling past the main doors of a local Seventh-day Adventist church.
Why? Because this church meets in a community youth center facility right next to a skateboard park. And if you thought these skateboarders were an unexpected annoyance, think again.
Instead, in an effort to curb the rising youth crime rate, the government in their city built the park to provide a place for its youth to engage in wholesome recreation. When the youth center and skateboard park were finished, the government wanted a church congregation to hold its worship services in the community youth center facility. The community leaders felt that the presence of a church would have a positive moral influence on the youth who used the park. They invited several churches of various Christian denominations, but only one accepted, the church that had Sabbath School and worship on Saturday morning.
These Adventist church members were excited about moving into the center, for the skateboarders were part of the group they wanted to reach.
The local church’s definition of “church” is: a community that does not exist for itself. This should be the definition for all our churches as well.
* Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, August 13.

After the fall, man lost his identity with the Father! the whole image and likeness went extinct, but through matchless love of the Father he has reconciled us unto himself even before creation. The incarnation process is a mystery that through the ages came to be revealed in the person of Jesus-Emmanuel. Having been made pertakers and heirs with CHRIST, God has commissioned us to go out there to mingle with them and share this priviledge of restoration- the mystery. Typically we don't have our own but that which has been imparted to us only.Therefore the price which is the sacrifice has already been paid in full and its not necessary anymore only MERCY alone is what we have been requested to give back to the savior. Therefore let's go out there in love share our redemptive experience with the world uplifting CHRIST and he will draw them (many) unto HIMSELF.By the way we simply become laborers with Him in his vineyard and this His is Desire for All Ages. GOD bless us all.
Jim, when we say “God is in control” we never mean that He determines or dictates one’s will, or thoughts, or choices etc. We mean what the scriptures teach. For example: “The mind of man plans his way but the Lord directs his steps. Many plans are in a man’s heart, but the counsel of the Lord will stand.”Prov 16:9; 19:21.
You see we may scheme and plan, but we cannot bring to pass a single act contrary to the will and plan of God who foreordained all of history(Isa 14:24-27; 46:9-11).
Nebuchadnezzar testified, and he was well qualified to testify, that “All the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, but He does according to His will in the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of earth; and no one can ward off His hand or say to Him, ‘What have you done?’ Dan 4:35
Believers, therefor, can “in all things give thanks”1 Thess 5:18; for all things shall work together for the good of His elect. Consider Joseph’s testimony after his awfully terrible ordeal - “Ye thought evil against me, God meant it unto good”Gen 50:20. “Surely the wrath of man shall praise You(Jehovah)” Ps 76:10.
The priests, elders, and leaders of Israel “planned” to arrest and kill the Lord Jesus after the Passover festival to “avoid a riot”(Matt 26:3-5). But the Father had ordained before the foundation of the world that His Son be the Paschal Lamb. It MUST be done during the feast. They could not do otherwise. We plan but unless it contributes to God’s purpose it’s not gonna happen. God allowed Lucifer and Adam’s rebellions because His purpose was accomplished in them. Pilate boasted of his authority, but Jesus answered, “You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above....”John 19:11 God said He “raised up Pharaoh. He allowed the specific sperm of Pharaoh’s father to fertilize the specific egg of his mother to produce a being that would hearken unto Satan no matter what so that God’s purpose would be accomplished.
That is what, I think, we mean by God being in control. One author says it this way:
“Everything was infallibly determined and immutably fixed by God from the beginning, and all that happens in time is but the accomplishment of what was ordained in eternity.” Loraine Boettner.
Kenny, the way you argue sounds like predestination and I am not sure that you really meant that. Foreknowledge is not control. I am pretty sure that God has overruled in some events, as you suggest, but we need to remind ourselves that God does not (I would use the stronger expression, "cannot") interfere with the process of free choice.
Maurice, are you going to prejudice yourself because of your concept of predestination? Predestination exists according to God and the Scriptures. You may deny it if you like. But this is not about predestination. Are you saying that you have never said “God is in control”? You have never said “if it is God’s will”? Why would anyone make that statement, especially, if God is “not in control”.
Jim is saying, apparently, God is not in control especially since He is not associated with the word ‘control’. The words ‘Omnipotent’ and ‘Omniscient’ are not in the Bible.
It’s obvious that God has a plan and purpose for creating the world, according to the scriptures. We plan to build a house or to create a business and we’d better be in control of the execution of the plan, especially if any hitches develop. Any ‘mistakes’ in the plan or that develop in building a house must be corrected immediately else the whole house would fall eventually.
Do we thing that the Almighty, Omnipotent, Omniscient God had any ‘mistakes’ in His plan? Eph 1:11 says that God works all things according to the counsel of His will. Is His will perfect or not? His will is the expression of his Omnipotence and Omniscience. Therefor God will achieve all that He purposes and He will make no mistakes in His plan, nor will He ever find it necessary to alter His purpose. God is the only being in eternity with absolute freedom to will as He sees fit, since He alone is not influenced by any creature or outside force. Satan can do nothing but as God allows. Isn’t that obvious in Job and in Jesus’ life here on earth? How can anyone say that “God is not in control”. Are you saying that we are in control? Satan is in control?
Someone must be in control!
Kenny, all I am saying is that we need to be careful with our language when we talk about God's foreknowledge because we immediately get into contradictions about the nature of God. If God predestined (was in control) when millions of people were killed during the various wars that have raged here on earth, what does that say about God? I prefer to think that rebellious hearts exercised their free choice to do evil. Did God have foreknowledge? Yes, but he did not use that foreknowledge to prevent it from happening because that conflicted with free choice.
I am sure that God does have a plan, but that plan is within the framework of free choice for his intelligent creation.
The fact the both evil and good exist is always a dilemma. I don't profess to know the answers, nor do I expect everyone to agree with my assessment.
According to polls, 75-90% of churchgoers have never read the whole bible. This is just ONE reason why there are so many spins/interpretations on the scriptures.
By the way, the word "omnipotent" is in the least KJV. It is in Rev 19:6.
Yes..Satan is in control. We are in control. God is in control. The issue is HOW MUCH control do we all have?
I believe that the quote you cite by Loraine Boettner is not consistent with the majority or whole of scripture. Jesus stands at the door and knocks and the Holy Spirit can be grieved and quenched. Is God out to make Himself sad? I would just also input that 2000 years ago the religious leaders did a messiah makeover which resulted in Jesus being rejected. Today 99% of Christian clergy invalidate the 4th commandment, and do a God makeover with the result that most will accept the anti-Christ.
Those who follow Jesus need to be Bereans (Acts 17:11)and obey so that they can know the truth and His will..Acts 5:32, Jn 7:17 and Jesus.. Jn 17:3.
Making a case for God that is invalid is actually idolatry (violation of 1st commandment) and is the result of fanaticism (Rom 10:2)
God is very much in control. It was Satan who first proposed that he should be "like the Most High" but be not deceived, God controls everything (Daniel 4:35 …He does according to His will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. No one can restrain His hand…).
True, God grants us the choice to reject Him but that is exactly all we have control over and only because, out of love, God grants us that choice. We control nothing else... nothing. Everything "good" about us is a gift from God. Claiming ownership of or control over it is claiming to be "like the Most High."
It is heresy to suggest that we control God. Can you control whether you live another day? Whether you take another breath... Whether your heart keeps beating? No! God controls it all.
Recognizing that we depend on God for our very next heart beat should humble us enough to admit that we don't control Him.
I understand that God predestines us ALL to be saved- but he still allows us to choose whether we accept it or not. Jeremiah was "predestined" by God but he still chose to take up the work that was asked of him. He could have done otherwise.
The comparison of apples and oranges aught be applied when discussing control. Saul of Tarsus and Jonah in Nineveh are at least two examples where God used persuasion to accomplish His purposes. Is that control? When one makes a final decision that is choice. A third of the Angels and Lucifer made a final choice.
Kenny; Please consider that it is possible for the mind of one man to thwart the will of God, not just now but throughout all eternity! Is it not God's will that all men should be saved? Is it not true that not all will be saved? Kenny, if you choose not to be saved there is nothing God can or will do to force you into heaven.
Thank you Herb Montgomery for this thought... Royce
Royce, It is impossible for the mind of man to thwart the will of God. I shouldn’t even repeat that statement. God is the Creator. In the movies we see creatures conquering their creators. Don’t be influenced by that stuff. Satan influenced Adam, only a type of Christ, into believing he could be like God. Satan couldn’t accomplish it but he convinced Adam. We have people, up to today, in order to hold up their doctrine proclaiming the same heresies and blasphemies.
God says “... just as I have intended so it has happened, and just as I have planned so it will stand..... This is the plan devised against the whole earth; and this is the hand that is stretched out against all nations. For the Lord of hosts has planned, and who can frustrate it? And as for His stretched out hand, who can turn it back?” Isa 14:24-27.
“I am God and there is none like Me... My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.... I have spoken it, I will bring it to pass. I have purposed it, I will also do it.” Isa 46:9-11
“The Lord nullifies the counsel of the nations; He frustrates the plans of the peoples. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, the plans of His heart from generation to generation.” Ps 33:10,11
God says He “works all things after the *counsel of His Will*” Eph 1:1l. Who would dare advise Him?- Satan and Adam, man! God accomplishes His Will through His Word. “It will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire; and without succeeding in that for which I sent it.” Isa 55:11
My friend believe God. It is too easy for us to create our own gods.
Thank you Jim Bob. I agree with you. A cross-reference that I have written beside the Matt 23:37 text, is Psalm 78:41 KJV, which, speaking of Israel in the wilderness, says,
"Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel."
The all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing One can definitely be limited by His creatures. This says something to me about the beauty of His character : He doesn't force His way on anyone.
How often through the whole course of human history has God wanted to gather His children together for unity and safety, but they simply would not let Him!
A community that does not exist for itself -- how magnificent. May each one of us not exist for ourselves, but for those God places in our pathway to Heaven.
Jesus teared for the obstinacy of the inhabitants of Jerusalem and also for the deceived Christians of our age to the time when probation will close.We are advised to"weep between the porch and the alter" Joel 2:17 to God in form of prayer for the unfaithfulness of His people .Pray my brother, pray! my sister pray.Weep and pray for that neighbor who do not know the present truth.Weep and pray don,t fake it ,weep for a child,for a husband ,for a wife for a christian friend all of whom have despised The Call of JESUS.Your weeping and praying will not be in vain if its no lips service prayer.
What a great example this church set by meeting next to a skateboarding park!
What is your church doing to engage with the community?