Sabbath: Jesus Won Their Confidence
Read for This Week’s Study: Gen. 15:6, Num. 14:11, 1 Cor. 3:1-9, Dan. 6:1-3, Neh. 2:1-9, Deut. 4:1-9, Acts 2:42-47.
Memory Text: “But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities” (Luke 5:15, ESV).
For several years, a Seventh-day Adventist church has provided breakfast five days a week for a local public elementary school. Though the nation itself was very secular, it just had passed a law providing enough money for each public school to have a chaplain, and the school and community wanted the Seventh-day Adventist church to provide one (it is rare to ask only one church to do that). The chaplain’s role is to help look after the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the students and even the wider school community. The opportunities are amazing.
“I enjoy the unique and special relationship we have with your church,” the school principal had said to the church pastor, who was visiting the school, “and just wish other churches could be involved the way you are.” When the pastor was leaving the grounds, the school’s community liaison officer thanked him for what the church was doing and asked if she could attend one Sabbath.
This week we will explore the issue of winning the confidence of people whom we aim to serve and win for Christ.
* Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, September 3.

The last week lesson is a true manifestation of the core of our call and ministry as Adventists.We saw how Christ identified the common needs of His audience and satisfied. In all this,there was one commonest need that He sought to satisfy first, this is the spiritual aspect. There's a striking connection among the following aspects:-
Jesus could not only satisfy the physical part first without establishing a spiritual relationship now that what affects physical can as well affect the spiritual and mental. After establishing this wholistic ministry, Christ now wins their confidence and bids them follow me
I think the key point is that Christ ministered to people's felt needs first. They didn't all feel their need of salvation, and thus he ministered to the needs they felt, which were usually obvious, and thus He won their confidence. Then He ministered to their spiritual needs.
Can you suggest some ways we can do the same with the people we meet?
Can you share what you or your church have done?
Here in America, people are very stressed out and often depressed. So we have found that offering depression seminars, among other things, helps us connect with the community.
Good day everyone,
We can't win souls to Christ. F we don't identify people needs first its easy to say to non beliver God loves you but people have heard that so many times such that it lots its meaning to them , so that means we must first do research before we evegalise or invite peope to church . What is the main problem my community is facing, how can I resolve or bring a solution to these problems, the only solution is God and that people must repent from their sin. Christ would meet a multitude bring food fish and bread , he first catered to the physical being before catering to the spirirual being. We need to pray before we start evegalism 2weeks praying for the work we are able to do. To win souls is not our job but we have to tell preach to the people and the holyspirit will work with their hearts to God.
Inge, can we verify our conclusions by the facts?:
Blind man requesting sight - Felt need, physical
The paralytic at pool - "Do you want to get well"? Felt need or stubborn resistance in the spiritual, moral and psychological?
Jarius Daughter - Felt need, physical
The Woman at the well - "Felt need" or Requested water to get to the heart?
Mother of demon possessed little girl - Felt need, or Challenge of faith?
Woman with issue of blood - Felt need
Paralytic let down through the roof - Felt need or Spiritual need?
It seems that Jesus Christ made assessment individual and personal.
Our challenge is to pray to, receive sight to see each person clearly.
God bless.
Brother Thomas, let me refer you to: Mark 8:2-3. Jesus had been with at least 4000 men women and children before He felt companion on them and me there physical needs. I would hardly say that He used His 'funds' to draw them unto Him, rather He gave of his love, compassion, and time to to draw men unto Him. I am reminded of: 1Corinthians 13:1-3. Love is the greatest.
No matter how high the profession, he whose heart is not filled with love for God and his fellow men is not a true disciple of Christ. Though he should possess great faith and have power even to work miracles, yet without love his faith would be worthless. He might display great liberality; but should he, from some other motive than genuine love, bestow all his goods to feed the poor, the act would not commend him to the favor of God. In his zeal he might even meet a martyr's death, yet if not actuated by love, he would be regarded by God as a deluded enthusiast or an ambitious hypocrite.{AA 318.2}
Good day
For the rest of the story it is good to give.
There is sweet peace for the compassionate spirit, a blessed satisfaction in the life of self-forgetful service for the good of others. The Holy Spirit that abides in the soul and is manifest in the life will soften hard hearts and awaken sympathy and tenderness. You will reap that which you sow.{MB 23}
Someone asked me how to live longer, I knew they lived a fairly healthy life, so I referred them to this text. Psalms 41:1-3. We can help the poor in need of bread. We can also help the poor in spirit. we reap a blessing too, not only now but also when we are laying in our bed sick. Read not only verse 1 and 2 but verse 3 also.
Brother John, you referenced a very powerful story in Mark 8: 2-3 (Truth is, any example of the ministry of Jesus Christ is powerful).
1. The disciples, concerned for the health of the people due to the lateness of the hour and their being out of food for many hours, urged Jesus Christ to close down and send the people home.
2. One gets the feeling that Jesus Christ was waiting to see how appointed ministers/workers would handle the situation. How long the people were out of food, we are not told, but they had been out there somewhere for 3 days and had been without food for some time. Jesus Christ knew that some, probably especially women and children, would physically faint on the way home.
3. The concern of the disciples wes far too late. Their anxious concern was realistic, because now they risked a massive health emergency they were totally unprepared for.
4. Jesus Christ wanted us to understand that a compassionate disciple is always alert to the physical and other needs of all, especially children. He knew the time, and He knew the health risks. He was always prepared, as we say, a step ahead.
5. The disciples correctly assessed that no food service facility had food prepared for that many people at that time of the evening; and likely there were no nearby food service facilities anyhow. That assessment should have been made prior to the three days getting to know Jesus Christ convention.
6. Jesus Christ performed a miracle in that dire situation. He will perform miracles to take care of His children in every situation. He always knows ahead, and always makes appropriate needs meeting arrangements (and teaching moments).
7. Disciples of Jesus Christ must be alert to the fact that ministry to the soul cannot disregard the physical health and other concerns of people they minister to. When ministers present the ministry of the Word, or even the ministry of healing to audiences, they must keep a clear awareness of the basic physical needs and concerns of their listeners, lest they place their congregations at risk. Children, the aged, the ill, must always be kept in mind, while remembering that all are vulnerable if basic needs for food and water are not met. Ministers of the Gospel must always be prepared in spirit and mind, including appropriate planning to meet physical needs, so that we are not the cause of health emergencies, but powerful in leaving nuggets of bread to keep the hearts warm.
where I stay in Kenya, parents during holidays look for academic tuition centres for their children. What if teachers of High school offered free tuition FOR ALL in the church ground. Whether you're are an Adventist or not it doesn't matter.
Good morning , Yes I can say to God be the glory , Our church in the Caymans Savannah SDA has been offering free tuitions to whosoever interested in further learning , God be praise
Beverly, this is fantastic. Please say more. How?
Maxwell, I think it will be a fantastic idea to offer all SDA education tuition free. Now, how do you pay for buildings, utilities, roads, etc; and pay teachers, administrators, janitors, electricians, &c? Education often, if not always, claims the highest budget in the Conference. Complicating this scenario is the fact that the SDA Church, except for certain rare territories or situations, have never demonstrated any kind of reasonable business acumen. Jesus Christ Himself declared that those of the mammon of unrighteousness are wiser than the children of the Light. He was assessing business acumen.
Why did Jesus Christ use so many business and productivity parables, stories and illustrations? Why does the Bible offer so many persons in spiritual heritage that were persons of high position and or wealth? One does not need to hold the mantle of the "prosperity Gospel" to recognize that the Bible is replete with instructions and examples relating to wealth, with promises of blessings of health, wealth and faith.
So, can we afford to offer free education? I believe with all my heart and mind that we can. I have been in a university situation where after conversations and administrative decisions, cost of buildings, etc, was cut in half, literally. However, as long as those of the mammon of unrighteousness are wiser than those of the Light, our selfishness, greed, pride and withholding more than is meet, from every level of SDA institutions, to our churches, and down to the majority of individuals, will not be blessed enough to offer God's children at least more reasonable cost of education.
I shared one Bible Business principle with the President of one of the largest SDA Conferences in the world. His answer was, "but we never have enough to cover the expenses of the Conference". I responded: "Isn't that exactly what the Bible says? You never have enough because you do not give from what you receive?" In a voice of futility he said: "I would like to, but the Union leaders won't allow me. My job.....". There you have it brother Maxwell. Selfishness, pride, greed, withholding more than is meet has consequences. Our children pay, literally.
We read: "You think you are rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing (from somebody else's money), but don't know you are wretched, and miserable and poor and blind and naked". God's assessment. Who wants to buy God's gold?
Huford,If I am allowed to offer a comment, What you opine is accurate for the most part. Obviously there is an assortment of equals. The glove comes in all sizes. The administration of general conference funds is much larger in numbers of zeros than most realize. Isolated incidents is not a general consensus. To offer free tuition to the tune of 100,s of thousnds of dollars,per student is a great idea. But for who and where?
Happy Sabbath all!
Sister Inge please tell us more of what happens in the USA.
Churches in the Caribbean give food baskets to the poor and elderly. Clothing to people who lost theirs in a disaster or to the needy. We also have health seminars on lifestyle diseases, cooking and keep fit classes. We also have a weekly luncheon for the shut-ins and homeless. Our Vacation Bible School (VBS), visitation and prayers are other activities that the Spirit uses to win confidence among our non-adventist brothers and sisters. I look forward to getting some more practical ideas of ways to win confidence.
Enjoy the rest of the Sabbath day and have a blessed week ahead!
James 2 (KJV)
17. "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone". Ministering to people's needs should not be separated from preaching the gospel as it is the practical side of the gospel. Were need to support our teachings with our deeds. Even those who do not seem to have material needs still accept our teachings based on our confidence, characters, etc. We need to prove to them that God cares for them instead of repeating the same message again and again when our actions say something different. Some of those who contributed to Jesus' popularity were those who bore testimony of His miraculous powers through restored sight, hearing, etc. What we do practically is mostly what wins us people's confidence not what we preach as it can be easily forgotten or misinterpreted.
Dear brethren,
Let us kneel down and pray for the Holy Spirit to come and dwell within our hearts and to fill the church with oneness to go out and meet the people around, inside out. Most of the times, we face internal challenges to go out. We doubt to mingle because we feel secure as church without thinking salvation for others. Now, as stated last week: fervent and faithful devotion to God will lead to fervent and faithful devotion to His ministry. Devote myself, ourselves, family, and church to God, go to the people, mingle, minister their need according to God's blessings and His leading through His word, and pray that this means could win people's confidence.
June, I would make one brief comment from the USA. Disaster relief agencies in north America find answers to needs in other distressed regions of the world often because they can. It is a sad commentary when depression is near the top of some lists. Due to our lifestyle we are often the cause of that need.
Great story to illustrate how God's people can be supportive in caring for those in the community, especially children and families.
Thank the Lord for that church/churches,and the ministry God gave to them, that they faithfully carry out.
Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? ' JAMES 2:15-16
The above quoted scripture shows us that as children of God,we also need to provide people with their physical needs.Yes its good to tell them that God will provide but it will be good to put the Word in action.Ask yourself what would Jesus do if faced with a situation like that and do exactly that.
Paul, would you please describe what you mean by "due to our lifestyle we are often the cause of that need"?
Michelle, the life style in civilized western countries are not as affluent as many poorer countries. As a result there is more freedom and access to the activities such as crime, promiscuity,drugs, and more, that end up creating a need for help with depression. The lifestyle that I speak of is to a great extent, an influence the world over.
To divert those energies in a more constructive way would seem to be more helpful in evangelizing larger sectors of the world.
Thank you for your comment on SDA and free or more affordable education. I wish you will say more.
I too am struggling to understand the two comments you made to June and Michelle.
Our study is still on how Jesus Christ won confidence of those around Him. “But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities”. While you are making comparison of the USA vs other regions of the world, would you like paint a post-modern picture that matches the scenario: "great crowds gathered to hear him, and to be healed of their infirmities". Will you have your crowds without "healed of their infirmities", and if not, how do you plan to match "healed..." or how else do you plan to draw your crowds to listen and be healed?
Paul, I hope that you won't mind a couple other questions that grow out of the SS lesson and this particular SSNET blog:
1. Would you say that our Church currently funds programs, education and people needs, to the extent of ownership of possessions that carry the name SDA?
2. Would you say that having an international organization that responds to disasters fulfill the call of Isa 58-61, and the model of the ministry of Jesus Christ?
We are looking at Christ, I don't see any where that Christ funded people to draw them unto Him, rather He gave of his time in a loving manor. If every member gave of their time, if only to text a new acquaintance during the week, and or members, for encouragement, a lot more could be accomplished then passing out funds. Nothing wrong with passing out funds, but think about it; which is more valuable your funds or your time? Text several people this week with for example, "I was thinking about you, how are things with you today?"