Sabbath: Some Lessons from Job
Read for This Week’s Study: 2 Cor. 5:7, Job 1-2:8, Matt. 4:10, Matt. 13:39, John 8:1–11, Heb. 11:10, Heb. 4:15.
Memory Text: “Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord—that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful” (James 5:11, NKJV).
We’ve come to the end of this quarter’s study on Job. Though we might have covered much in the book, we must admit that there’s still so much more to cover, so much more to learn. Of course, even in the secular world, everything we learn and discover simply leads to more things to learn and to discover. And if it’s like that with atoms, stars, jellyfish, and math equations, how much more so with the Word of God?
“We have no reason to doubt God’s word because we cannot understand the mysteries of His providence. In the natural world we are constantly surrounded with wonders beyond our comprehension. Should we then be surprised to find in the spiritual world also mysteries that we cannot fathom? The difficulty lies solely in the weakness and narrowness of the human mind.” — Ellen G. White, Education, p. 170.
Yes, mysteries remain, especially in a book like Job, where many of life’s most difficult questions are raised. Nevertheless, we will look at some lessons we can take away from this story that can help us, like Job, to be faithful to the Lord amid a world of troubles.
Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, December 31.

There is always so much to learn! As I become older I realize that the characters described in the Bible are people just like us. Hopefully, we can understand more and more as we continue to study. By looking at stories like Job's, we can perhaps see things that in our own lives they seem hidden! God's teaching ways are so perfect! According to what we are living, we apply different lessons to ourselves! Pure neurolinguistics! That's a proof of His infinite wisdom and love.
This quarter I've learnt that whatever we are going through God is always there to take us through. As I look back at the 2016 I have seen how God has blessed me and continues to do so. I pray that He does the same for you in 2017. His coming is at the door let's keep faithful.
The book of Job will open to any willing to learn, some of the workings of good and evil in our world. We also are shown the accuser of the brethren at work, and when permitted, bringing evil for no other reason than wanting to make God look evil. In Job we see enough cause to justify the sentence of death upon Satan, who's sole purpose seems to be bringing misery and woe upon God's creation, while leading all to suspect GOD of the offense. It should be no surprise that this story is one of the first recorded in the written Word of God for all to learn from. The warning to beware of the Serpent comes to all who will “read...hear...and keep” the truths written for our admonition.