Sabbath: Matthew 24 and 25
Read for This Week’s Study: Matt. 24:1-25, Rev. 13:11-17, Matt. 7:24-27 , Luke 21:20, Matt. 25:1-30.
Memory Text: “For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24, NIV).
In Matthew chapters 24 and 25, Jesus reveals important truths about end times and about how to be prepared. In a sense, these chapters were Christ’s teaching on last-day events. At the same time, looking to the more immediate future, He sees the impending destruction of Jerusalem, a tragedy of catastrophic proportions for His people.
But in Christ’s words to His disciples, He speaks also to His followers in the generations that will follow, including and especially the last one, the one that will be alive when He does return. Jesus doesn’t paint a pretty picture either. Wars, rumors of wars, pestilence, false Christs, and persecution — this will be the lot of the world, and the lot of His church. Amazingly enough, looking back through time, we can see just how accurate His predictions were. Therefore, we can trust Him for the predictions not yet fulfilled in our lifetime.
But Jesus didn’t just warn about what was coming. In Matthew chapter 25 He told parables that, if heeded, will prepare His people for when the “Son of Man” returns. Yes, hard times will come, but He will prepare a people to meet Him when He does come back.
Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, May 19.

Is there a verse in the Bible where Apostle Paul states that it doesn't matter the day you worship (Sabbath) ?
If Paul had said that worship does not matter, it can be any day of the week. He would contradict himself when you read Hebrews 4 where he emphasizes there remains a day of worship and he clearly points to the Seventh Day Sabbath.
The Spirit of God does not contradict; therefore, I must have the wrong interpretation.
Genesis to Revelation the consistency of Sabbath is overwhelming.
The following rules help me answer most of the questions in the bible passage
Read the verse
Read the context of the passage.
Read from the perspective of the writer.
Remember a letter is a one sided story.
Glean from the writing the possible reason for writing this letter.
Don't apply the problem of today to a passage which did or did not exist at the time of writing.
Remember Genesis to Revelation the writings of scriptures must be consistent. If a scripture seems out of context then I might not have the complete understanding of the passage.
No Jolex! Paul does not make any reference to a text like that
Jolex, many claim Paul said just that in Colossians 2:14-17, so let's take a close look at that.
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; [And] having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body [is] of Christ. Colossians 2:14-17
Does the above verse do away with the Ten Commandments and especially the Sabbath? No. The handwriting which was against us was not the Ten Commandments as they were written by the finger of God. Moses did the handwriting in the ceremonial law which was about the feast days which were all a shadow of things to come, pointing towards the cross. The feast Sabbath days such as the Passover pointed towards the cross. They were done away with as we did not need them anymore since we now have the literal sacrifice. However the Sabbath and the rest of the commandments were with us before sin and after sin. In Genesis 2:1-3 we have the Sabbath before the sin problem. So the weekly Sabbath was not pointing towards the cross or ever done way with. We can clearly see that it was not done away with at the cross, as in Isaiah 66:23 we have the Sabbath in the New Earth after sin has been absolved. It is clearly the handwriting in the ceremonial law that was a shadow of the cross, and done away with, and not the law or weekly Sabbath.
One way we can be sure of this is that when the Bible speaks of the weekly Sabbath it is singular. When the Bible speaks of the ceremonial Sabbath feast days it is always plural. In Colossians it is plural, thus making it crystal clear that what was done away with was the ceremonial laws pointing us to the cross.
Moreover false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect’ ” (Matthew 24:24, NIV).
How many counterfeit currency does the bank have to teach it's employees? None
Study the original. When a counterfeit is laid next to it they could spot the counterfeit.
Search the scriptures to know Him and His character. When you know Him, everything contrary to Him is a deception.
Jeremiah 29:13
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with ALL your heart.
I get what you are saying, but the bank where I worked used actual counterfeits so the tellers could identify differences from the original. I agree that counterfeits can be identified by studying the original and comparing them.
Answer is nowhere, Joelex. The Sabbath was decussed last week. Now that you are rehashing, I do believe that the Seventh day Sabbath is vital in end time discussion. If God had changed the Sabbath to the 1st day of the week, He would have changed the writing in the fourth commandment to: “The 1st day is the Sabbath of the Lord Thy God”, and shared it with the whole world. We are covering a lot of ground in the study of Matthew 24 and 25. Christ gave us the future, so that we might remember that He told us of it, and I believe for our benefit. There shall be wars and roumor of wars but the end is not hear yet. Matthew 24:6. The end will come when every one has had a chance to know about Christ.
Happy Sabbath.
Google Saturday in many languages...7th day is Saturday...but actually its Friday evening to Saturday evening. (See Genesis " it was evening and morning and it was the 1st day" Colossians 2vs 16...let no man judge you of meat....or sabbath days (ie the festivals...NOT talking about THE 7th day...see vs 20....why are ye subject to ordinances after the commandments and doctrines of MEN ie the "holy" days as established by the Pharisees...God did not say "pick a day to worship me" he said "remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy..." satan has a counterfeit for everything...even the Sabbath! Hope this helps
In Matthew 24 Jesus is speaking about two major events. One is Hes prophesying about the Destruction of Jerusalem and second Hes prophesying about the destruction of the World or the end times.
Destruction of Jerusalem Destruction of the world(End times)
1.The time is identifiable 1. The time is unknown
2.It was to occur in "that generation" 2.It will happen on "that day"
3.The events prior will be unusual 3.The events prior will be typical.
4.There will be advance warnings. 4.There will be no warning.
5.The example of the fig tree 5.The example of the thief.
6.The judgement will be local on the 6.The judgement will be universe.
nation of Israel.
7.Specific signs of the coming judgement 7.No advance sign of the end.
can be seen.
8.There will be time to escape the 8.There will be no time for flight.
We are to be aware of the signs He foretold us and be awake brethren and sisters.
False prophets are already in our churches and have been for years. Now they are preaching in our churches why ..... I don’t know why, so many will be deceived. Why are we allowing it, and what can be done. I’m seeing it right now.
You may be right Shirley, but I see some wonderful caring supporting Christians both in leadership and among the lay-folk, who practise:
That is what I see, and rather than looking for false prophets, I prefer to concentrate on: