HomeDailySabbath: The Prophetic Calling of Jeremiah    


Sabbath: The Prophetic Calling of Jeremiah — 7 Comments

  1. Jeremiah to me is the type of all the Saints experience face prior to the Parousia or Return of the Lord.
    1).Jeremiah's call is type to all saints calling before we were born we have already been ordained to be a prophet for Paul stated in 1 Corinthians 14:1,24,39.
    2).Jeremiah's message is the type to the Eternal Gospel at its verity each saint to proclaim now and during the loud cry;
    3). Jeremiah's experience with the audience he warned would be the same to the saints experience now.
    4). Jeremiah's experience of deliverance during the hour of trouble of the Israelite but was delivered by Nebuchadnezzar would be the experience of the Saints during the 7 plagues would be saved during the drying of the Euphrates just prior to the Parousia or Return of Jesus
    5) And just like the emancipation or liberation of the Israelites and Jeremiah vindication as well and liberation from captivity and destruction so are the Saints resurrection at Parousia to meet with the Lord in the clouds.
    6). The most important lesson here is that provisions for physical need, safety during persecution of Jeremiah and finally his release and freedom is our guarantee of God's provision, care and safekeeping during persecution and final deliverance.

    Therefore our worry is not the persecution, ridicule nor 7 plagues and great day of Jacob's day of trouble but how is your relationship with Christ?

  2. Do you have an intimate relationship with Christ now?
  3. Do you know the Lord of the work and not the finer points of the work of the Lord?
  4. Is Christ your best friend? Is he your Savior? Is he your fortress in time of trouble now?
  5. Last but the most important one of all; is Jesus your king here now? Do you do lovingly whatever he tells you now?
  6. If yes, bless your soul. But if not it is not too late, i invite you to enjoy the lesson as you experience reassurance from Jeremiah’s experience.

  7. There may be those whom the Lord cannot use like He did Jeremiah; for they are not prepared to suffer the loss of earthly popularity, possessions, positions or common benefits for the sake of the Savior.

    Some may be sternly opposed to giving needed warning or sharing an inconvenient truth. Jeremiah’s submission to Jehovah and his resulting obedience made him available for unwelcome tasks from God in spite of personal feelings.

    It is apparently a standard component of the job description of true prophets that at some point they are required to deliver warning or reproof. Setting self aside the faithful uncompromisingly remain true to duty whether the tasks are favorable or not.

    They do not count success by human standards and outward appearance as something in which to glory, but show regard for the measure that matters. That is they trust the Holy Spirit and do what God says.

    Like Jeremiah they may testify, “Thus says the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him that glories glory in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who exercises lovingkindness, justice, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, says the LORD.” (Jeremiah 9:23, 24)

    When knowing Jesus is the most precious object of believers whatever betide it is well with the soul.

  8. I learn from Jeremiah that before the crisis happened the LORD sent a messenger to warn the people. This message is not popular. I look forward to learning the message and seeing how it applies to me today.

  9. I am looking forward to these lessons.
    I do not know much about this man.
    Very excited about the next 13 weeks, and for you that know more, don't be shy.

  10. God is seeking such servants today. As in Jeremiah's day, many are being misled by worldly ideas of doctrine, lifestyle, diet, dress and worship, all of which pollutes the soul. The enemy of souls has made great inroads among the churches and institutions at every level. As with Jeremiah, there will be hatred directed at any who are faithful to God's calling and direction. But what is there to fear? (Ps 91, 27, 46, etc)

    If the love of God fills the heart, we will love our fellow man and will follow the Lord's example of spending and being spent to save others.


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