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Sabbath: Resting in Christ — 30 Comments

  1. In the 4 gospels, there are more verses devoted to the Sabbath than all of the other commandments put together.(Matt 12, Mark 2 & 3, Luke 6, 13, 14, John 5,7,9)..and yet 99% of Christianity follow teachers who say that Jesus is our Sabbath or the sabbath commandment is the only commandment not repeated in the new testament or the Sabbath was just a shadow or the sabbath was just for the Jews..etc. Is this not what Jesus had to deal with...confronting teachers who warped scripture or voided the law through their tradition?

    For the "remnant church" who teach to avoid doing things on the day, notice how busy Jesus was on that day....teaching, healing and....countering teachers who turned the day into a burden.
    What inspired Jesus to be so active? Compassion for the suffering.

    • let's look at jesus who came on earth to show us how to keep the sabbath, however what job was Jesus busy with, it is imperative to realise that let us not be busy a d said Jesus was busy. what business is to be done on sabbath.we need to feed the hungry, help the helpless, but we still need to keep the sabbath luke 4:16 and isiah 58:13.

  2. I love what Jim Bob wrote: Compassion for the suffering. Indeed we should all feel compassion for the suffering. Doing so would keep us from morphing into what we have been caught doing , "being leagalist" doers of the word but not Healers of the word" my emphasis.

    It can be overwhelming to see so much suffering, since we have not yet learned to tap into the power of Christ and heal those suffering on the spot, but we can do something. And pray others will do their part.

    • Thanks Pam, I liked the words you chose" It can be overwhelming to see so much suffering, since we have not yet learned to tap into the power of Christ and heal those suffering on the spot" and it aligns with what my experience and understanding to be.

  3. Indeed the law is the transcript of God's character which is Love.Christ's life is a reflection of love expressed in His healing ministry majorly on the Sabbath day.This forms the background of our call (Isaiah 58:13).Jesus is challenging the legalistic view of the Pharisees over the Sabbath observance and sets a healing-compassionate pace by meeting the humanity's need. How we could embrace Christ's ministry by healing people spiritually and meeting their needs for this is what God delights in.

    • Simeon, you have cited the same verse that I was going to comment on. Of all the verses that are quoted for Sabbath observance, Isaiah 58:13 is overlooked and or, disregarded more than any other verses, seeking wiggle room. The focus nearly always finds its way into controversy over Sabbath versus Sunday observance.Is keeping the right day as important as how a Holy day is kept.

      • Most don't keep a day holy. They might acknowledge it. They can observe it. One has to be consecrated, converted, sanctified, regenerated, transformed to keep it holy. That is why it is a called a sign of sanctification. It is a day when one .."examines themselves to see if they are in the faith". It is a tool to measure ones spiritual maturity or carnality/worldliness.
        Many SUNday keepers will inherit eternal life because they are fit for it but were naïve about the right day.

        What one does with the 1000 waking minutes for the day reveals their character.
        Church attendance and "lay activities" or compassion for the suffering/deceived.

      • The right day is as important as obedience to God is important. Ignorance is winked at by God and He accepts us as we are. Then He transforms us into His character by the work of His Spirit in our minds with our permission. If we worship right, in that we worship truly in His Spirit, His Truth will be added to us by His Spirit of Truth. It may be that many "Sabbath Keepers" today still need to learn (by the Spirit of Truth) how to properly keep the Sabbath day Holy the way God intends (the way Jesus did).

      • Paul your question or statement "Is keeping the right day as important as how a Holy day is kept." Is valid, obviously how you keep the Sabbath is how you keep a that day holy or not.

        However is Isaiah 58 about the 7th day Sabbath or the Fast day Sabbath Yom Kippur? If it is about Yom Kippur, perhaps we should be careful applying that passage as to how to Observe the 7th day Sabbath. It appears given all the imagery of in that Chapter to be referring to the Jewish yearly Fast day, the day of judgement, sackcolth and ashes a day they would deny themselves and abstain from any pleasure, a day they would fast and call to remembrance their sins. I would not advise keeping the 7th day Sabbath in this manner.

        However the message of of Isaiah to: "share your bread with the hungry, to bring the poor and homeless into your house, to clothe the naked when you see him" fits in with the spirit of the gospel readings regarding the 7th day.

  4. Good morning. I just discovered this site and I am really blessed with insight, wisdom and knowledge. I wish everyone a happy Sabbath.

  5. I challenge all readers to consider Sabbath school like a spiritual education potluck. Look in the SS lesson and see what is the most relevant concept or insight and take it to your class. Be a participant/giver and not just a spectator/taker. Constantly just taking will give you theological constipation.

    • jim bob your challenge is accepted and seconded. I have been a long time promoter of Sabbath School discussion and class study in my local Church and elsewhere. Some in our class would rather miss a Church service than miss or detract from Sabbath School. Our Class discussion is where we look for questions with Biblical answers.

    • Jim Bob, your comment reminded me of a quote I read a while back:

      "Those who feed on the Word without burning caloric intake through evangelism, will stay in the pew of theological obesity."
      Street Evangelist Ray Comfort, in a New Year's Day Tweet.

  6. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened..."

    Jesus' invitation is addressed to those, and to those only, who have a sense of weariness and burden. (Not to those that are weary of their daily toil and chores, but to those that are weary and groaning under a sense of condemnation/guilt. And these have felt a sense of futility, especially when faced with the thought of overcoming their pet [and private] sins.)

    If a person does NOT have a sense of that [weariness and burden], then Jesus' invitation is not addressed to them. Without a sense of need, all our contact with Jesus will remain casual, and sentimental, and it will not bring about the anticipated result.

    • I can\'t imagine anyone on this planet that doesn't have needs if they are still among the living. Jesus knows what those needs are and has supplied them throughout the Bible in many and various ways. We as humans on the other hand find in current life styles, a problem knowing the difference between needs and wants. If the Holy Spirit is allowed to guide us, then choices become much clearer. The one common need for all of us is found in Romans 5:8.

      • Hello Paul,

        Yes, I accept that all among the living have "needs". But there are many people living today that feel no need of God. I would suggest that even in the churches there are many that say - not in words so much, as in attitude - "I... have need of nothing" (Rev 3:17). Many poor naked wretches (spiritually speaking,) come to church, feeling as though they are quite fine.


        Some "have no true conviction of sin and FEEL NO NEED OF REPENTANCE. Not seeing their lost condition as violators of God’s law, they do not realize their need of the atoning blood of Christ." (Great Controversy p.468.) They have not known what it is to be weary and heavy laden with a real sense of their iniquity.

  7. Resting in Christ, is a reflection of a people of God who worship in truth n spirit. Sabbath adds a purpose of fulfilled life as we rest in Christ we have rejuvinated mind to face a new week to come. If am to imagine a life with no Sabbath, is a life of not meditating how great God is and his blessing

  8. What if someone does not feel weary and burdened? How do you think God can help them?

    • If we rest in Christ, we do not feel weary and burdened.

      However, if someone who does not know Christ does not feel weary and burdened, it is because they do not recognize their true sinful condition. It is because they have not had a glimpse of Jesus so that they could see their sinful character in contrast to the holy character of Jesus. I believe that Christ has commissioned us to give the world a glimpse of Jesus.

    • My sister Zico, your question: How do you think God can help them? Since God is "Omnipresent and Omniscient"- Psalm 139: 23-24 "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting." This requires us to approach God in humility and meekness for the Holy Spirit to show us our weariness and burdened which we do not see or feel.
      "God's promise is "Ye shall seek Me and find Me, when you shall search Me with all your heart." - Jeremiah 29: 13.
      Our God knows our deepest desire or need. Take all to Jesus on your knee and ask Him to show you some of your burden. Amen.

  9. I would like to meet that person who thinks he doesn't have needs. They have problems and God has the solutions. The bible has the solutions.

    How often do you hear people say "TGIF, gimmee a break, give it a rest, chill out"?

    Most on Earth are stressed to the max and they play self shrink by medicating with amusements or substance abuse.

    People are stressed by shame, regret, guilt trips and haunting memories. Perversion and depravity is on the increase.

    “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation." Henry David Thoreau

    40+ years ago I read in a Catholic encyclopedia where more was produced in war factories, during WWII, when the workers were given a day off than when they worked 7 days a week.

    Look at my top post above and see how much effort Jesus put into correcting the warped rules from the Jewish clergy.

    The sabbath is a weekly reminder that counters godless evolution.

    There is only one "blue zone " in the USA -Loma Linda and the sabbath contributed to that fact.

    Fairly recently I spoke with a pastor who was bothered by "needs oriented" sermons. I will say that people will not be comfortable or inspired to outreach or invite to church others if they know that their churches are basically just religious lingo/cliche, speculative theology/eschatology indoctrination places instead of help & life enrichment centers (See John 10:10)

    Because humans are Rom 8:7 God hating Law trashing rebels, there is a continuing tendency to confront, ignore, minimize relevancy & abolish Sabbath. It's been that way, at least since EX 16. You will read posts of former SDA on some web sites who promote the idea that it is not for new testament believers. I counter with ACTS 13:44. Paul did not dissuade a big crowd of gentiles to come hear his follow up Sabbath sermon.

  10. Doing good on Sabbath - yes, I believe this is the way of Christ - for he had compassion for the suffering. The questions is asked: A lighthouse attended comes home only for the Sabbath. After Sabbath lunch he puts on his overalls and picks up his tools to go and make small repairs in homes of elderlies and widows. By sunday morning he will head back to his lighthouse on an outer lying island. Did he break the sabbath?

  11. From the time that "there was war in heaven", it has been the purpose of the evil one to rob Christ of the glory and sovereignty rightfully due Him, as Creator, equal with God. The devil's strategy of divide and conquer to usurp God's kingdom, got him the support of a portion of heavenly angels as well as he managed to deceive our fore-parents into sin, resulting in their "separation" from the intimate, beautiful and holy communion they shared with their Maker. Thus began the great controversy between good and evil and the efforts of the old serpent have not waned, but ratcheted up, to keep mankind separated from God and from worshiping Him.

    The transgression of God's laws, including the Sabbath commandment, represented an attack on God's righteous character - of which the law is the transcript, and on His sovereignty as Creator. Hence, the reason Christ had to die in our place, "For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him" (2 Cor. 5:2). By His atoning sacrifice and demonstrated life of holiness with victory over every temptation, Jesus has made it possible for us to be "more than conquerors through Him that loved us" Rom. 8:37). This is how we may be restored to the perfect "image of God" and empowered to keep ALL His laws holy.

    "No other institution which was committed to the Jews tended so fully to distinguish them from surrounding nations as did the Sabbath. God designed that its observance should designate them as His worshipers. It was to be a token of their separation from idolatry, and their connection with the true God. But in order to keep the Sabbath holy, men must themselves be holy. Through faith they must become partakers of the righteousness of Christ. When the command was given to Israel, "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy," the Lord said also to them, "Ye shall be holy men unto Me." Exodus 20:8; 22:31. Only thus could the Sabbath distinguish Israel as the worshipers of God." --The Desire of Ages, p.284.

    The blessing of Sabbath or Hebrew, "rest" brings us into close communion with God - into His very presence and will continue for all eternity. Let's sing the Sabbath hymns in preparation for that time:

    Holy Day, Jehovah's rest,
    of creation's week the best;
    Last of all the chosen seven,
    Blessed of God, to man 'twas given.

    Refrain ~

    Glad we hail it's presence blest,
    'Tis the great Jehovah's rest.
    First His six days' work was done,
    then the Sabbath was begun;
    thus He blessed the seventh day,
    and in resting we obey.
    Thousands have His plan reversed,
    resting now upon the first;
    Search the Book and you will know,
    there’s no Scripture tells them so.
    All who speak the truth must say,
    it was man who changed the day;
    In God’s word no change appears,
    through the whole six thousand years.
    Thus I searched; and when I saw;
    only one great Sabbath law;
    then I hastened to obey -
    plainy 'twas the only way.

  12. Can we say also that being weary in the context of being tired of the sinful life one has been leading and being burdened of not knowing what to do,,so that our minds can't find solution to the weariness of our soul? ., so that we find invitation of Jesus to take His yoke and learn from Him...


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