Sabbath: Seeing the Invisible
Sabbath Afternoon
Read for This Week’s Study: Romans 8:28-39, John 14:1-14, Ephesians 1:18-23, Isaiah 40:27-31.
Memory Text: “By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king; for he endured as seeing Him who is invisible” (Hebrews 11:27, NKJV).
The definition of faith in the book of Hebrews is always challenging. “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1, NIV). How can we be sure about what we do not see? Yet, this is exactly what Moses illustrates in our memory verse: “He persevered because he saw him who is invisible” (Hebrews 11:27, NIV).
It is even more challenging to realize that we are called to see “him who is invisible” not simply when times are good, but especially when everything is going wrong. For this we need faith, a Christlike faith that must be shaped by the truth about God and God’s kingdom. The truth about our Father’s goodness, the power in the name of Jesus, the power of the Resurrection, and the compassion of God are essential truths that will enable us to stand strong when we are in the crucible and may be tempted to doubt everything.
The Week at a Glance: What truths about God can help sustain us through even the worst situations?
Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, August 20.

Unfortunately, we typically don't realise that many of our default tendencies have not developed by 'magic' - but rather by repetition/'practice'. This lack of awareness is understandable because we are dealing with something that is the domain of the subconscious. And being conditioned (ie developed by repetition/practice), these tendencies are our 'first-cab-off-the-rank' dominant, default ways of operating and/or reacting. Typically, these tendencies are also highly self-perpetuating. Put these awarenesses together and hopefully you can begin to see why we need to set about to intentionally develop better tendencies if we want to do more than just be a 'in the passenger's seat' of unhelpful default tendencies (as per Romans 12:2 principle).
This is what Christian character development is - and why it is vital. Your character is the essence of who you are as a consequence of the life experiences and 'choices' (often subconscious) you encounter and 'make'. The development/cultivation of faith is one of the essential Christ-like character traits that is necessary to develop - because it is something that isn't typically our default tendency. Rather, our default tendency under the inheritance of the first Adam is self-reliance (as per Psalm 51:5). And faith is only developed by practice, - which is why it is described as progressively advancing from faith to faith (Romans 1:17).
To be sure, faith is not something we develop independently of a connection with God and the accompanying resourcing/energising provided by God. However, the notion of the need for conscious and intentional practice to progressively cultivate tendencies that will counter against our unhelpful default ones is too often overlooked (see Hebrews 5:14; James 1:3-4).
While it is said that "practice makes perfect" - it might be more important to remember that "practice makes possible" the progressive cultivation (Romans 1:17) of better default tendencies, like turning to and trusting in God.
Both seeing and hearing God and his eternal plan for immortal Sons and Daughters is spiritual insight.
Ephesians 1:3-14
Revelation 5:1-10
Colossians 1:26
John 3:9-21
Shalom, gave a blessed sabbath 🙏
I agree with Larry’s statement that “both seeing and hearing God and his eternal plan for immortal Sons and Daughters is spiritual insight.”
My understanding of faith is that once it is established based on spiritually knowing and understanding the Father of Faith and Hope, we will not fall away into unbelieve.
I am looking forward to learning “what truths about God can help sustain us through even the worst situations!”
Rom.8:35-39; John14:7; Eph.1:18-19; Isaiah 40:28-29.
Seeing Our Father's love, caring, unwavering faithfulness, long suffering, kindness, His Greatness as He Himself painted the picture in Job 38 and 39, and many more truths about Him is more than enough to sustain our faith in God. If we allow Him to take our hand, we will be able to see the invisible(having faith in God). Isaiah 41:10.
Have faith my friends, have faith in God. Therefore seeing Him as He really is.