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Sabbath: Times of Loss — 7 Comments

  1. Its true loss came from one decision and its painful when it hits one in the family we need to understand that it wasn't Gods decision for man to die

    • Hi Moses, Truly it was not God's decision for man to die, but to have eternal life. What do you think would have happened if Adam and Eve were repentant of their deeds and were forgiven at that first instance, would death still be required? Could the all-powerful God not have taken care of the sin/death problem at that time?

  2. When you are grieving, it is tempting to think that, if you could get answers to the questions that plague you, your grief would lessen. The questions are quite natural: “Why here?” “Why now?” “Why me?” “Why would God let this bad thing happen to such a good person?”

    Anyone who has grieved has asked questions like these. Me being one of the many especially when I loss my son-Derrick in an accident(Electrocuted in high voltage)!!
    The problem is that they simply are not answerable. These things are secrets in the mind of God and therefore mysteries to us. The key to comfort and peace will not be found in figuring out God’s secret plan. Lasting comfort is not found in what you know, but Who you know.

    Real comfort comes when you rest in your relationship as the child of the wisest, most powerful, most loving, most gracious, most forgiving, and most faithful Person in the universe. He has promised to never leave you (Joshua 1:5, Heb.13:5). He is committed to making even the worst moments in your life result in good (Romans 8:28-38). And He will give you everything you need to face whatever you encounter in this fallen world, even death (2 Peter 1:3).

  3. Simon Makonde
    Lived for only 7 days.

    On Sunday, Simon Makonde was born. His parents were very poor and used all the resources they had to educate him. They hoped that his future success would save them from their poverty.

    On Monday, Simon graduated from the university and got a very nice job. He was well paid, had a big house and a fleet of cars. He got married and his parents and the community back in the village thought that this is the time their son was going to help them. But this never happened.

    On Tuesday he became very rich. He used his riches to betray his family and lost the trust of his wife. Rebuilding the broken trust was so difficult for him. It was as if he was moving two steps forward and three steps backward.

    On Wednesday, he lost the peace in his house. His home turned out to be the single most violent place in his life. He assaulted his wife, neglected his children and used his power to abuse them. His wife and children could not bear this any longer.They left him.

    On Thursday, he started smoking bang, taking narcotics and gambling. He moved from heterosexual to homosexual. He lost his freedom and became a slave of filthy things. He became corrupt at work and was fired and pronounced bankrupt. He lost his luxury life and became a hustler.

    On Friday, he became sick. He had chronic pains, diseases of all kinds and finally he was found to be HIV positive. He couldn't hustle any more, he became bed ridden with no-one to cater for him.

    On Saturday, his neighbors in the slums donated some money for his transport back to the village. When he arrived there he found that his parents had died some years back and their farm had been grabbed by a powerful private developer. The community did not welcome him either. He was forced to sleep on the streets of a nearby shopping center. At night he was attacked by robbers and lost everything he had. He was badly injured and found dead the next morning.
    What a loss!

    Composed by:

  4. Perhaps the most difficult aspect of life to experience is loss. To lose something and not gaining better leaves one sad. From loss of hair to loss of youth we all sense that sadness. Being in Jesus gives us a better perspective of what gain is. Paul considered, as the text for today states, all things in his life loss for Jesus. Why? Because in Jesus he had everything beyond even his deepest desires. A relationship with Jesus certainly reverses loss. Even the loss of dear ones sleeping Jesus will be reversed someday. I want to live like Paul with that experience of having it all in Jesus. Losses will be easier to take if we do.

  5. When my daughter who was seven months pregnant got sick and admitted to hospital, I said to the devil you are a liar. You will not win on my daughter. My daughter will be a living testimony. My daughter was in pain, could take her medication and throw it all out. Could not walk. One Thursday I prayed when I left hospital up to my home which was 7km. Prayed the whole way. Next day she was discharged. On Saturday morning she was back in her feet. The voice which was gone was back to normal. I prayed and thanked God for her healing. Around 10am she says mama sit next to me on the bed I want to rest. Firstly I resisted by she pleaded with me. I said fine and stayed next to her looking closely that when she sleeps I will sneak out.

    Within five minutes her eyes turned white. I shook her and she took her last breath and she there and there became cold and her face swelled.

    I cried and said to the Lord, "Why Lord? But I have prayed. Why Lord?"

    Thats the loss of life. We tend to think that if we pray we will not die. God has the plans for us (Jer. 29:11). Death is something which when not understood can separate us from the love of God. That is why it is important to read the Scriptures. Although my daughter was in her seventh month, there is Rachel who died when giving birth. Such stories give strength to the bereaved in that you are not alone. God allowed it to happen to Rachel. Who am I to question God? Was my daughter not His creation? And if you know that we are all God's creation we are bound to die, lets glorify His name and pray without ceasing.

    "God but I prayed".

  6. The Bible tells us "into each life some rain must fall." Having experienced a lot of loss in my life, I can attest to the fact that there is healing and that God does indeed turn "ashes into beauty, and mourning into dancing!"


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