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Sabbath: Turn Their Hearts — 11 Comments

  1. While it is true that we have all sinned and as a consequence we face that evidence both in our own lives and in the news of the day, it is also true that we see evidence of the golden thread of loving self-sacrificing care running through history and sometimes popping up in unexpected places. We can focus on the depravity of man, but that is not really the theme of Christianity. There is a better focus.

    When I am out on a dark night with no moon, I can think about all the darkness that surrounds me, or I can follow the wavering light of the torch that I hold in my hand.

    And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
    “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown”.
    And he replied: “Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God.
    That shall be better than light – and safer than a known way.”
    So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night.
    And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.
    Minnie Louise Haskins

  2. There is no question we are each impacted by sin. But is this what God focusses on when He sees us - thinking, "here is that sinner of mine once again"? Or does God see "here is my child - who is also struggling/entangled in sin"?

    I caught up with two blokes this past week who are really struggling in their Christian walk. Both are feeling bogged down in a crushing sense of their guilt and shame to the point that they are despairing. Both are caught up in some pretty destructive behaviours. And although I know the details of what they are caught up in, and am upholding them before God for 'healing' and am correspondingly trying to do my God-given part to help them deal with those things (because they are indeed significant problems), I can honestly say that knowing these things about each of them has not changed to any degree how I view them as worthwhile human beings - each of whom God loves infinitely. In fact, my knowledge of the things they are caught up in has further deepened my compassion towards them and further strengthened my awareness of their (unconditional) worth as fellow children of God. My heart genuinely goes out to them.

    If I as a fallen human can experience this toward a fellow human, how much greater is the likelihood that God views them this way too? Consequently, like Maurice, I do not find a strong focus on viewing others as sinners to be constructive. I am in no way saying that sin is to be overlooked because it is a toxic and destructive reality that does need to be attended to, or else it will destroy (John 10:10; Romans 8:13; Romans 6:23; James 1:14,15; Galatians 6:7,8). Rather, I would suggest that it is more constructive to see people as people - God's dearly loved 'children' - who also need compassion-based love and help in dealing with the sin in their lives.

    "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who was tempted in every way that we are, yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.…" Hebrews 4:15-16

  3. Love the memory text!
    This is the central message of almost every prophet to Israel, "Seek the Lord".... "Seek His face"...
    More than fifty times in Scripture we hear this call... God is trying to tell us something here.
    This has led me to ask the question whenever spending time in Scripture, "What is God showing me about Himself here? More and more I see how amazing He is.
    My favourite - “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2 Chron 7:14

    • Hi Anne

      Just wanted to acknowledge the contributions you've been adding to the conversations. Thank you for your input.

  4. Thank you, everyone, for your commentaries, Sabbath School Net has made an impact on me, improved my handling of the sabbath class.
    I'm David, lagos Nigeria

    • Dear David - God bless your ministry and faith by increasing, multiplying it every time you seek Him for guidance and strength. All our heavenly Father wants from the believer is to turn our faith to HIM, because He is faithful and will direct our path.

  5. What does it mean that we are "justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is IN Christ Jesus' - Rom.3:24? Can one recognize this Truth by himself, before being 'shown' how 'broken' he/she is compared with the Glory of God, or does God reveal this Truth to the broken, contrite heart when it responds and seeks refuge in Him?

    Through Moses, God warned His people Israel that they would end up living among those people who's idols they would worship in the land God gave them - Deut.4:23-28; only when living in the depraved, heathen lands would some be able to realize God's Glory, His Goodness, which He freely gave to them when they lived in the land of Canaan. Only then could they see the difference between the way of this world and His Way and, turning to Him, seeking Him with all their heart, they would find Him - because He remains faithful!

    Those believers who came to Christ out of the 'darkness of this world' know and appreciate fully the Grace and Glory of the Lord. Yes, mankind's redemption can only be found in Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
    His finished Work is and leads the Way of Righteousness for us, and only by faith in His Righteousness are we redeemed.

  6. When turning your heart to God one will have to give up one's rights and not to retaliate to someone who have done you wrong..it takes the God in you not to avenge your rights. Leave it to him. Turning your heart is surrendering your all...self...waywardness... rebelliousness....it's letting go and letting God


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