Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 3
Here are some hymn suggestions for this week’s lesson.
In Sabbath afternoon’s introduction to the lesson study for the week, the Gentiles of all nations are grafted into God’s covenant people. Hymn 202; “Tell it to every kindred and nation”.
Our responsibility for “proclaiming the great truth of the salvation offered in the Lord” is expressed in Hymn 378 “Go Preach My Gospel”.
Monday’s lesson speaks about The Living Stone. Hymn 348; “The Church Has One Foundation”.
“God ‘remembered’ this covenant when He rescued His people” in Tuesday’s lesson reminds of the Hymn 367; “Rescue The Perishing”.
The Gospel message in Wednesday’s lesson is that God redeems His people, saving them from sin and the bondage of sin is expressed in the beautiful Hymn 337 or 338; “Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It”.
Being redeemed we can sing meaningfully Hymn 237; “The Cross of Christ I Glory”.
Having grown in Christ, we are called to action in Hymn 378; “Go, Preach My Gospel”
Thursday’s lesson reminds us we are a distinct and “holy” nation; a thought reflected in Hymn 73; “Holy, Holy, Holy”.