Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 7
The lesson title immediately brought to mind Hymn 537, “He Leadeth Me”.
The Memory Text in 1 Peter 5:7 gives us instructions just as much as does Hymn 181 “Does Jesus Care?” which first questions us, then answers our questions of the Saviour’s love and care for us.
1 Tim 5:17 speaks of leadership in Sunday’s lesson encouraging our elders to rule well with their wonderful leadership skills, with the flock then being fed well by their shepherd in 1 Peter 5:2: Hymn 192 “O Shepherd Divine” or in Hymn 545 “Savior Like a Shepherd”.
There are many beautiful hymns in our hymnal that reflect on the work and care of The Shepherd:
Hymn 55 “Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me”
Hymn 104 “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need”
Hymn 361 “Hark! ;Tis the Shepherd’s Voice I Hear”
Hymn 552 “The Lord’s My Shepherd” and Hymn 546 with an alternative melody
1 Peter 5:5-7 instructs us to be humble (Wednesday’s lesson) in our service for The Lord as does Hymn 363 “Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service”.
1 Peter 5:8-10 talks of the devil going about as a roaring lion and causing grief for those who love and obey The Lord, so may I leave you with the encouragement of the wonderful Hymn 99, “God Will Take Care of You”.