Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 2
We are adding a new feature to our Sabbath School Net Blog. A suggestion came to us that list of hymns related to the Sabbath School Lesson may be helpful, particularly for those of you who have to run the Sabbath School program. The reader who made this suggestion turned out to be my neighbor, Corinne Knopper, who had no idea that I was involved with Sabbath School Net. I had the advantage that I knew that she was a fine musician and I surprised her by asking her if she would supply a list herself.
So here is her list of suggestions for this week:
578 So Send I You: Peter was sent by the Lord Jesus. (Sunday)
367 Rescue The Perishing: 2 Peter 3:9 on Monday none should perish. (Monday)
462 Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine: What kind of assurance are we given? (Monday)
268 Holy Spirit, Light Divine: 1 Peter 1:10-12 the Holy Spirit is prominent. (Tuesday)
214 We Have This Hope: The resurrection of Jesus gives Christian the hope and reason to rejoice despite our sufferings. (Tuesday)