Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 10: The Two Covenants
Hymn 109, “Marvelous Grace of our Loving Lord” comes directly from the introduction to the weeks’ lesson study and threads its way through the lesson study for the whole week.
Sunday’s lesson states that “God dealt with humanity by means of a series of covenant promises that centered on a coming Redeemer” with these hymns enhancing this thought:
Hymn 657, “O God, From Whom Mankind”, Hymn 347, “Built on the Rock”, Hymn 522, “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less”.
The prominent topic for Monday’s study is faith, which gives us many hymns:
Hymn 100, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”, Hymn 132, “O Come, All Ye Faithful”, Hymn 304, “Faith of Our Fathers”, Hymn 517, “My Faith Looks Up to Thee”, Hymn 523 “May Faith has found a Resting Place”, Hymn 533, “O for a Faith”, Hymn 602, “O Brother, bE Faithful” and Hymn 608, “Faith is the Victory”.
The final hymn that completes the weeks’ study on Thursday is Hymn 594, “Heir of the Kingdom”. As Isaac was heir to Abraham, we are heir’s to God’s Kingdom above.
May we all meet in Heaven very soon where “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain” Revelation 21:4.
Ahhh, to be an “Heir of the Kingdom”.