Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 11
he Memory Text for this week, 1 Peter 2:19, speaks of the master we wish to follow. As a Christian, I wish to have Jesus as my Master and so Hymn 574, “O Master Let Me Walk With Thee” has us singing this with purpose. To follow on from this hymn, I do wish to go where my Master asks me to go and this is reflected in Hymn 573, “I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go”.
Rather than following the False Prophets and Teachers, I would rather Hymn 567, ”Have Thine Own Way, Lord” as my motto so that I am not lead astray. Therefore I would rather “Father, Lead Me Day by Day” in Hymn 482. With this in mind, I believe none of us will be influenced by the false prophets and teachers depicted in Sunday’s study, nor will we return to our former lifestyles.
In Thursday’s lesson 2 Peter 2:7-9 shows that the Lord knows how to rescue the righteous from trial: Hymn 367, “Rescue the Perishing”.
Friday’s lesson is a quote from Ellen G White stating we have assurance of salvation with Hymn 462, “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine” being a good choice of hymn. Following on from that thought, Martin Luther suffered before he understood grace, but now 500 years later we have Hymn 109, “Marvellous Grace of our Loving Lord”.
I do hope these hymns selections will be a blessing for your worship time this coming Sabbath morning when you meet for your Sabbath School time.