Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 11: Debt–A Daily Decision
Our continuing debt is to “Love one another” says our memory text for this week:
Hymn 76, “O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go”,
Hymn 77, “O Love of God Most Full” and Hymn 79,
“O Love of God, How Strong and True!”.
The “old hymnal” (pre 1985) has the perfect hymn for Monday’s study:
Number 498, Yield Not To Temptation.
Romans 8:17 then inspires us to be heirs:
Hymn 594, “Heir of the Kingdom”,
Hymn 311, “I Would Be Like Jesus” and
Hymn 492, “Like Jesus”.
In Hymn 637, “Son of God, Eternal Savior”, verse 3 urges us to be stewards of the bounty we are given. Stewardship is also presented in
Hymn 639, “A Diligent and Grateful Heart”.
The other two hymns in our hymnal that present Stewardship are:
Hymn 640, “For Beauty of Meadows” and
Hymn 641, “God in His Love for Us”.
“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”. – Romans 1:7